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Everything posted by digbeth

  1. The law's a bit of a grey area at the moment, there are no cannabis law to control how it is sold, grown etc. only that the law that criminalize possession and use is no longer in effect
  2. Still, when they went to exchange the gift item, they'd know the price eventually if they ask what value they can exchange it for
  3. Daikin, Carrier and Mitsubishi latest models and especially inverter models are R32s so plenty on the market already Unless you got it for cheap and have your usual somchai install it, why not have the authorized dealer install it?
  4. you'd need the sale documents as well as the Chanote to reissue the blue book
  5. I'd be weary if this is a legit offering from the Bank or the Manager's 'Special Deal' unique only to the branch, look in the news only recently in Pattaya
  6. Infrastructure project like underground trains and big building seem to have access to historical flooding data, and they build to the once in 50/80/1-200 years event with margin of +0.9-1.5meters, so there must be topographical map at the Amphur/Local Government, how up to date that is, and how much land has sink since the map was made is probably wise to check for sure. they probably use gps in their total station for the big projects.
  7. it doesn't matter if your house is above sea level but is in a basin that normally requires water to be pumped out, on a heavy downpour, failed pumps and incompetence could lead to the area being flooded with nowhere for water to go, the Surburb of Ransit in north of Bangkok is experiencing this right now, there's a levy around the village but once the canal in the levy overflows, the water is trapped in
  8. alcohol will do that to coatings, since the pandemic and availability of alcohol spray and hand sanitizers everywhere means I see the coatings flaking off earlier than the typical life of the lens too. You can take them all off, use Isopropyl Alcohol (ISA) and soak the lens in it then start scraping, but it's almost not worth it when you could scratch the lens for real when scraping off the coatings
  9. งวงช้าง elephan'ts tusk is also used colloquially
  10. บ่อ is nope in Isaan/Lao good pun about the inlaws coming over, the father in law driving in on his toyota pickup, ask the son in law to get out and look at the back while he backs over, is it there yet? the father in law ask.... บ่อ came the reply from the Bangkok son in law.... บ่อ in Thai is a well or a hole, the father in law ended backing the truck into the well
  11. Boystown and start drinking straight from the source, I'd bend over for the injection if the efficacy when taken orally is not your thing
  12. The Thai fertilizer numbering isn't just a ratio between NPK, it's also indicative of each elements in kilogram per 100kg, So a 46 0 0 fertilizer should have 46kg of nitrogen in 100kg bag
  13. if he hadn't signed the blue book, the signature on the power of attorney could easily 'match', or in case if he already signed on the book, be made to match. along with on any of the photo copy and the LTO will process the transfer, best to have supporting document like a receipt of the 'sale' it's best if they only know that he left the country and sent the letters from abroad, if he'd died they'd insist to see appointment of estate executor via the court....
  14. so they picked him up from the arrival card info or his TM30?
  15. It's not just toll roads that bikes can't be on, highway with controlled entry/service roads like Bangna highway and Vibhavadi Paholyothin heading north from Bangkok, bikes aren't allowed in the middle part, and supposed to be on the service road only, but enforcement varies, I guess the Hwy 9 on the west sections count as there's service roads on the side
  16. that intersection you technically can't stop there on red as most traffic heading towards suk has to turn left and go up the expressway, only bus is allowed to continue straight there, so the red light is only for bus
  17. Aircon from big box retailer or even aircon specialist with company and brick and mortar office/warehouse, they'd have fine print specifying how much in length copper pipes, electrical wiring switches and breakers is included with the 'free' installation, anything above their included 'free' you'd have to negotiate the extra cost incurred and for other niceties like conduit boxes if they'd already taken a look at the installation and didn't ask for extra, the included installation fee should cover what you ask of them, a written quotation with details and drawings may be too much for them for a small project but can't hurt to go over the detail with them that you're on the same page
  18. Anyone tried rockwool cubes? once the roots take hold just plant the whole cube in coco coir/peet moss mix should be good right?
  19. illegal or not, unapproved for recreation or whatever, the fact right now is that the police will not prosecute anyone for possession or even selling, walking on Sukhumvit from Soi 3 to 19 right now I counted no less than 3-4 trucks offering flower and paraphernalia from rolling papers to bongs, some brick and mortar shops are starring to spring up too, and looking at the map there seems to be more 'artisanal' dealers in side sois too This being Thailand, you probably can't just roll up in a truck and start selling without being well connected and have the blessings of the local boys in brown
  20. unlimited volume at what speed? at around 1500 a year it'll be limited in speed, anything between 4-10-15mbps, usable but can be infuriating if you're used to 'unlimited' all available speed these sim used to be available at from stalls and online sellers only and not at official true/ais/dtac shops as they cam bundled with a phone, where the shops would separate the package and sell the phones and sim cards with these special data plan separately, but since becoming popular the official channel are starting to offer it as well but many are starting to come with volume cap too go over 100-150gb and they throttle you down to snails pace, tempting you to buy the upgrade for the rest of the month. So if you're really after these kind of sim with unlimited data plan for a year, the mom and pops stalls/lazada/shopee resellers might have a better deal or more selection of these kind of sim than the official shops
  21. also it's a wholesale cash&carry place cashier could be making mistake ringing 1 case vs 1item, or not knowing how many items are in a carton It used to be for members only, hence the member's card, so it might even be a condition of membership that you allow receipt checking but they have been lax in not requiring membership for a long time
  22. for a piece on Catholic in Thailand this long and yet fail to mention the massacre of the Thai Matyrs in 1940, later beatified and a very recent dark past about how accepting the Thai public really are to 'western' ideals is negligent
  23. It's more malleable? many botched install job means bending or smashing the corners in, I know many screw holes don't line up properly from the cavity being not to size and the box was bent to fit in
  24. Even more luxurious hotel, the one on island off the east coast that fly you in and out on private plane was just burned down last year, no functioning sprinkler or fire alarm ever, and this is 40,000-half million baht a night
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