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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. He has the concepts of a plan........actually he's had that for quite a while:-
  2. I downloaded and watched a movie from way back, called "The Sting" and I did remember some aspects of it, so thought I'd give it a try and was pleased by the fact that there was so much of it I had forgotten, and it became like a new movie! A very pleasant evening's viewing and they certainly don't make movies like that anymore, with the exception of a few in recent years. Just to add that I did watch a movie which starred Val Kilmer, mentioned by a poster here, called, "Twixt" and it was directed by Francis Ford Coppola, who must have been on drugs when he directed this mishmash of a movie. Interesting in parts, confusing in others and that's probably why it got a low IMDb rating.
  3. Because they can spell her name??
  4. There are links aplenty all over the Internet from all sorts of networks, newspapers and other sources of news and information, and if you haven't seen them before, then it truly says so much about you and why we are even having this discussion. I don't believe propaganda and I research any sources which it would appear that you don't do. It is extremely sad in this day and age that you refuse to believe that which is widely reported by all and sundry, and which can be widely viewed. In fact it goes to show that what many others have said about trumpies, in as much as they refuse to believe that which doesn't fit their narrative. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid because you need to stay in that fantasy world that you inhabit at the moment. FYI.............. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX9reO3QnUA Donald Trump mocks reporter with disability – video https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2015/nov/26/donald-trump-appears-to-mock-disabled-reporter-video https://www.politico.com/video/2017/01/donald-trump-mocks-disabled-reporter-061897 Donald Trump's Worst Offense? Mocking Disabled Reporter, Poll Finds https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/trump-s-worst-offense-mocking-disabled-reporter-poll-finds-n627736 Republican presidential contender Donald Trump has been criticised for mocking a disabled New York Times reporter. Mr Trump performed an impression of Serge Kovaleski, who suffers from a congenital joint condition, at a rally. He has used a 2001 article by Mr Kovaleski to back up widely disputed claims that "thousands" of Muslims in New Jersey celebrated the 9/11 attacks. The New York Times called Mr Trump's actions "outrageous". https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-34930042
  5. Ah, "the old trump has many lies told about him" nonsense. Still down the rabbit hole sucking up the MAGA propaganda I see. It is there on record and video for all to see......"lies from the left" you say. In which case you need to leave the Cult for your own sanity and wellbeing.
  6. I discovered a good movie on iPlayer when I was searching through their list of movies and it was called, "Harriet", based on a true story about a black slave who escaped and helped many others to freedom. I won't give it all away although there is much more to it than that and the credits at the end give a much more detailed background of this particular person and their bravery and exploits – – well worth a watch IMO.
  7. Strange that you don't get the "bottom line", because it is simply that, good, honest and intelligent Americans do not want this poor excuse for a human being elected as their president, and the reason is that it says so much about them if he is. There is nasty rhetoric on both sides, but if you want to look at the root cause, look no further than trump's lies and rants against the Democrats and Harris – – truly despicable and not worthy of a presidential candidate but more worthy of a poorly educated (yes, he was not a good/intelligent student) grifter. And I'm not sitting here in a state of angst, more in a state of total disbelief that any normal, educated person would cast a vote for this compulsive liar and despicable human being.......maybe he has cornered the "poorly educated" market, but they will soon find out that he is not their saviour, mainly because he has no idea on how to run an economy and the poorly educated and lower class will be hit hardest by his ignorance, inability and desire to please his rich buddies.
  8. Well he has mentioned Hitler in his ramblings, but I left that part out so that it wouldn't upset the MAGA crowd, but it seems they are very touchy about trump and his misdemeanors and really don't want to face up to them! Convicted by the American judicial system and process.........nothing wrong with that, but you seem to think so.. Why not, he cheated on her just as she gave birth and it would seem that she has never truly forgiven him.
  9. A recent post by @Mazungu was deemed unacceptable because it came from a "social media" website and according to the AN rules and regulations and was therefore closed. I for one, have no problems with that because the integrity of the AN website and posts has to be kept intact. However some of the content did raise a few questions for me and I would like to explore these in my own words, rather than it being deigned "typical standard swill from a leftist website...... so the questions I have for the trump supporters are as follows: – – Why do you throw your support behind a convicted felon, and yes they are bona fide convictions and not from "lefties" as you tend to label them? – How on earth can you support a man who helped incite the first attack on the US capital since 1812, to attempt a coup which could have possibly succeeded if it weren't for a VP who stood staunch against this attack. And before the answers take the "it was only a minor rally" route, then consider how many of the attackers have been jailed so far, found guilty by juries containing both GOP and Democrat supporters? – If you are looking for a president who is basically honest (and please don't come back at me with the standard quip; all politicians lie response), because maybe they do tell the occasional untruth, but trump has been documented as having told over 30,000 lies and mistruths during and after his presidency so how do you support a man like that? – He has cheated on his wives, paid hookers hush money to keep quiet and demeaned women in general, so has very low to non-existent morals. – Rather than take up too many pages, this will be the last; he has denigrated an American war hero and American war veterans and mocked the disabled, so how can you support a "so-called" man like this. Finally, trump is not respected by other world leaders because they have first-hand experience of speaking with him, that he is not the "sharpest knife in the drawer" and the CEOs from America's top companies have labelled him "dumb" and "he doesn't know what he's talking about"! Surely their word has to mean something in today's world??
  10. I am so pleased that I found this in a post by @Bkk Brian, because it correlates precisely with something which I viewed on BBC World News a few days ago and wondered why it had not been bought to light by others? The BBC World News was showing coverage of the Israeli/Hamas conflict and was interviewing a Palestinian woman in an area which was recently bombed and which was supposedly an area in which Palestinians could shelter safely, but what the woman said was quite an "eye-opener" in relation to a question put to her regarding the Israeli bombing (which supposedly did kill a Hamas operative or two), when she said, "I don't know why the Israelis are doing this because Hamas are only trying to protect us". IMO she has been brainwashed by Hamas into allowing them to move freely amongst the Palestinians and set up areas from which they can attack Israel, and this coincides very closely to the post I have quoted.
  11. A wonderful post with facts/truths in it........the problem being that the trump cultists just turn a blind eye to trump's Incessant lying and abhorrent behaviours and traits even though they are recorded and poven, and still support the poor excuse for a human being, and as I said in another post, if this abomination is elected president then it surely says something about the US that the rest of the world should be wary of, i.e. electing a convicted felon, a proven liar and someone who is ridiculed by many other leaders around the world speaks volumes about the state of the US now.
  12. Only in a circus or freak show by the look of that pic!!
  13. Perhaps his biggest threat, at least to the US economy, and of course its citizens apart from the billionaires, is that he replaces income tax with tariffs. Now that will probably appeal to the MAGA/poorly educated cultists, but it could spell disaster for the US. Read on..... Trump’s goal to impose tariffs on all imports into the United States could raise a lot of money for the federal Government, but it would not be nearly enough to replace income taxes. The United States imports roughly US$3 trillion worth of goods annually, while the country collected roughly US$4.2 trillion in income and payroll taxes last fiscal year. Overall, his agenda would raise taxes on low-income Americans, provide a tax break for the richest and drastically increase the deficit, according to an analysis from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. A challenge for raising revenue from tariffs is that placing a tax on imports tends to cut the amount of trade – and therefore reduce the amount of revenue collected from tariffs. Raising tariff rates high enough to try to replace income taxes could end trade with the United States, said Wendy Edelberg, a former chief economist at the Congressional Budget Office. Steep tariffs could prompt foreign trading partners to retaliate with tariffs of their own, reducing US exports and slowing economic growth. Trump has experience with this phenomenon: while President, he wound up having to bail out American farmers whose exports to China slumped during a protracted trade war. The buffoon clearly hasn't thought this through........but not surprising given his limited mental capacity.
  14. A couple of weeks ago he also said he crash landed in a helicopter, and also that he was a top student at university, whereas one of his tutors said that he was, "plain dumb". If anyone believes a narcissistic, compulsive liar and convicted felon, then they really need to get some help.
  15. Certainly I will be disappointed if trump is elected president, simply because he is unworthy of the position and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever to be in it. However there will be no "coping and seething" on my part because it will simply mean that the US poorly educated have elected a dumb, dipstick and they will have gotten what they deserve. Som nam na!
  16. Then of course you have the garbled nonsense delivered by trump at his Republican get together and it makes the "word salad" (your words) by Kamala Harris look absolutely magnificent! Trump is brain-dead, if indeed there was ever anything in there to die, and it's not getting any better as he slips into dementia – – pity the poor USA if the "poorly educated" vote him in. At least one can say that they got what they deserved if he does succeed!
  17. A surprise chuckle at the end........ VIDEO-2024-07-01-20-00-07.mp4
  18. I think this protester has a very good point and there is certainly a ring of truth about it, don't you think? LOL.
  19. Many thanks to the poster who mentioned/recommended the series "Black Bird" as I'm three quarters of the way through the series and found it to be enjoyable – – not brilliant but worth a watch. Apparently based on a true story.
  20. You are just proving that you fit into the category that trump likes his supporters to be in. Oh well, nothing I can do about that, so rest easy in your ignorance.
  21. So sue the man and win in court. Take him down! Said @Talon But this poster is not being honest because if anyone were to sue trump in a court of law, with trump's lawyers and his "heavyweights", they would get nowhere, or indeed they would have to settle for a few cents in the dollar, as has often been the situation in cases like this. In fact it more often than not it costs the plaintiff more than they've actually invested or can reclaim, so this poster is playing games and is not being honest, so best ignore him, mainly because he doesn't live in the real world, just the trumpie Maga one, best ignored. Here is an example of one investor who believed trump's promises and lost big time, and there are many others. Trump is a grifter, conman and thief...... Flint is a retired financial planner who wanted to buy a vacation home for his family. In 2007, after seeing a new development planned for a location in Baja, Mexico, he put down a deposit so he could have a beachfront getaway just one hour from San Diego. Trump plugged the property in a promotional video as if he were the builder. "I'm very, very proud of the fact that when I build, I have investors that follow me all over. They invest in me, they invest in what I build, and that's why I'm so excited about Trump Ocean Resort," Trump said in the video. Flint said although he received a settlement payment, he still lost six figures. "The settlement was for nowhere near the amount of money that we had invested in the project," Flint said. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/gop-candidate-donald-trump-licenses-his-name-real-estate-lawsuits-over-failed-developments/
  22. So sue the man and win in court. Take him down! Now you are going from "they are all lies" to "so sue him and and take him down" which is not easy with the trump entourage of lawyers AND YOU KNOW IT! Thanks Danderman 123, and this as well.......the millions he grifted. https://www.borderreport.com/regions/mexico/years-later-investors-in-never-built-trump-baja-property-still-hurting-yet-to-see-money-back/ According to the Los Angeles Times, Sapol is one of 250 investors, mostly from Southern California, who collectively lost $32.5 million. Lawyers were willing to represent Sapol in a class-action lawsuit against Trump and other developers, but they wanted $5,000 up front. “And my husband is like, ‘We’re not spending another dime on this property, we’re going to cut our losses,'” Sapol said. Donald Trump’s Last (We Hope) Grift…. Trump Baja is a classic Trumpian swindle: grandiose promises that shatter like cheap glass against the hard, unyielding edges of reality. For a man who became famous for his forays into the brick-and-mortar business of real estate, Trump has thrived and survived by jumping from one lily pad of fantasy to another, saved at critical moments during his career by bankruptcies and loans, not to mention ordinary Americans willing to hand him their money and their trust. Angry Investors and a Big Hole Are All That Remain from Donald Trump’s Baja Condo Project https://timesofsandiego.com/business/2023/04/18/angry-investors-and-a-big-hole-are-all-that-remain-from-donald-trumps-baja-condo-project/ The planned 26-story building overlooking the Pacific Ocean never got off the ground. Trump would at first claim he simply licensed his name for the deal but later agreed to a confidential settlement with some investors. Apparently his role was more than he claimed. In a 2006 article, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported that Trump had told one of the reporters in an interview that he was a “significant” equity investor in the project. The investors who sued only got back $7.25 million from a co-developer of the project with Trump. There was also a confidential settlement with Trump covering about 100 investors.
  23. An oldie but a goodie!!
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