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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. I can't agree with you on your first paragraph, not only because I have relatives and friends who are in the medical profession, but because I also am a keen reader of medical journals and also follow Med Page which features some of the latest work/research/trials with regard to diseases and medicines, and some of the work which is being done is amazing and gives one hope for the future. The link below doesn't seem to work but if you copy and paste it, the site shows up. www.medpagetoday.com
  2. I am a keen fan of most documentaries, especially relating to past history, so I downloaded "Shackleton. The Greatest Story of Survival" and thought it was great. There have been other documentaries, and this one was an amalgam of original footage, recreated scenes and input from Tim Jarvis who recreated Shackleton's footsteps, and commented on the adventure from a large ship on which he sailed to the Antarctic. This doco really stood out for me and grabbed my attention from start to finish and quite how those hardy folks managed to survive is barely believable, but surely the leadership of Shackleton was a key factor. Available on 1337x.to
  3. Well LiK you have not missed much by staying away from Patong, other than traffic jams and crazy drivers! I think I know the place you mean, but it's not the one which has the "dark skinned young French guys" hanging out, I believe the place you mean is a little bit further north on the brow of the hill, almost near the spa place? If you were to go south about a hundred metres or so, past the massage place on the right and then a bar of some description, then you have the restaurant "Le Bistrot", and it is just about opposite the entrance to Patong Bay Hill resort. Before that, over the past couple of years it has been a bar, then a small restaurant/café bar and then a bar with a massage place attached, all of which folded after a short period of time – – along with some poor suspecting farangs and their dreams! Haven't heard from you in a while, so I hope you are well.
  4. YES, you keep me and others amused as it is not often one comes across someone like you who totally believes the cult leader, convicted crook and compulsive liar. Funny is as funny does and believes.
  5. More than your GOP misinformation and lies.........obviously following the Kool Aid cult leader! Not a good idea as he is as dumb as a bag of rocks......thinking that his "deal" with the Taliban would work; he is just as foolish and naive as his cult followers.
  6. Sheet it back to humpty trumpty........he was responsible for starting the withdrawal debacle by signing an agreement with the TALIBAN; and how did that turn out??
  7. Was this because trump signed an order/agreement to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan....... In February 2020, the Trump administration and the Taliban signed the United States–Taliban deal in Doha, Qatar,[7] which stipulated fighting restrictions for both the US and the Taliban, and provided for the withdrawal of all NATO forces from Afghanistan in return for the Taliban's counter-terrorism commitments. trump signed off on the US withdrawal, so sheet it back to him. It did not help that the US military made a hash of it, the same military which served both trump and Biden.
  8. Your jealousy is showing again you poor tortured soul. Probably because your job as a garbage collector wasn't that fulfilling!!!
  9. Yes, Patong certainly is congested now, and it's been like it for at least a couple of months, with no end in sight by the looks of things! Along with the congestion come the idiots on motorbikes weaving in and out of the almost stationary traffic, at speed, shirtless and helmet-less, just looking for trouble, and I hope they find it without damaging another party. There are more people here at the moment, especially in Bangla, although not always sitting in the bars, although Blue Beach Café and Restaurant is almost packed on most nights, however not the case in many bars in Nanai Road, which are struggling – – a recently opened bar called "Bang Bar" has only two motorbike taxi drivers sitting in it at any one time, and then not drinking so the bar won't be making a profit that's for sure. Another large bar in Nanai called (I think) "Chang Bar" which has changed hands a few times over the past many months, is also devoid of customers on the times I have been past it. The same situation at the recently opened "Hurricane Rock Bar" doesn't bode well for the future of that place, although I did spy a table of younger Russian guys in there a while back, so perhaps they'll change the decor from black to red?? A couple of other shops in Nanai have closed and are being remodelled into who knows what, and sad to say that the restaurant in Soi Banzaan which opened a few years ago and which had a good but limited menu and a good bar area, which sported a sign of what looked like a moustachioed English gentleman with a monocle, on it (and I can't remember it's name) which has been empty now for a long time is now being worked on/demolished to make way for something else? I hope it is not another restaurant because the location is poor, with no foot traffic or parking area. A little further down Banzaan, the guesthouse "The House" is also having some alterations done to it and it would appear to be in order to accommodate a restaurant in it (a Middle East restaurant?). Jumping back to Nanai, the steakhouse/restaurant at the southern end of it called, "Le Bistrot " doesn't seem to be doing much business, but as I recall, it had a good reputation from its previous location, so as the property folk will tell you, it's all about "Location, Location, Location", so perhaps that's the case with this restaurant as well.......being tucked away off the main drag? Not much else to report, however an old friend is coming back to Patong, after visiting Nepal, so I expect we will catch up for a night out over the coming days and I will be able to get a better look at things.
  10. More likely that there is a breakdown inside one of the elements, whereby when the insulation around the element core gets hot, it fails and leaks voltage.
  11. He's a long-time good friend here, and he did say that I should be careful of the traffic, but I didn't think that a traffic light controlled pedestrian crossing would present a problem!
  12. There was another thread which was dealing with various VPNs, but I can't find it at the moment so I will post on here because SmartDNS is mentioned in this post and I have been lauding the praises of this for quite some time because I've never had a problem with it – – until last night when I tried to watch BBC iPlayer using it (yet again) but I got a message saying that it wasn't available in my location! First time this has ever happened. So I reset it and tried again, but to no avail, however luckily I have kept Nord VPN on file because that did work most of the time (not all of the time I will admit) and I was able to use this to watch football on BBC iPlayer. Today SmartDNS is working so I will revert to this as my main "VPN" and investigate further. Has anybody else had any problems with SmartDNS?
  13. Been proven in court AND admitted by Fox themselves..........evidence and proof, but not good enough for simple minded cult followers, sadly.
  14. You just ooze jealousy and it comes through in all your posts. Sad man.
  15. That so many loser, poorly educated, "keep govt out of my Medicare" morons think the self-serving, pathological liar, convicted sex offender, convicted charity fraudster, convicted bank fraudster, convicted insurance fraudster, begging grifter trump is their messiah, good luck to them and you. I was going to write something similar, but you beat me to it! And to quote one particularly dumb Maganut, "this says everything about you" and I apply this to that particular poster, because if someone is stupid enough to support a compulsive liar and a convicted sex offender and crook, and wants them to be POTUS, then that truly does say everything about them.....sad but on par for the poorly educated losers in the US.
  16. It is pointless trying to quote facts (as in the fact that Fox News own lawyers stated that Tucker Carlson and Fox news were not to be believed/taken as fact and people should to be aware of this) because the Maga/trumpies do not want to see/hear this because it shows how gullible and naive they are. Trying to reason with the cult believers is a pointless task, so just let them be happy in their ignorance and stupidity....best that way!
  17. I do feel sorry for you, because Fox has never been considered "an acceptable form of news" anywhere, let alone on this forum, because it's well known that they wouldn't know "real news" if their life depended on it. But of course you knew this because of the court case which found them guilty of spreading misinformation/lies, and in the words of their own lawyers, "you really can't believe what you see/hear on Fox News". Then there was the fine of US$787.5m for spreading misinformation about Dominion Voting Machines. Here you go................ You-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawyer ~Now comes the claim that you can't expect to literally believe the words that come out of Carlson's mouth. And that assertion is not coming from Carlson's critics. It's being made by a federal judge in the Southern District of New York and by Fox News's own lawyers in defending Carlson against accusations of slander. It worked, by the way. Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' " She wrote: "Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes." https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawyer
  18. I have to agree with you on this BangkokHank, as I have seen so many "nearly accidents" due to both pedestrian and driver ignorance as to how these things work. Indeed I was paying a visit to a hospital in Bangkok and a friend of mine warned me about the traffic on one of the main roads and suggested I use the pedestrian crossing which was controlled by traffic lights; so I did, and whilst all of the traffic chose to stop, one idiot in a truck came barrelling down the road and missed me by a whisker, and then only because I had seen him out of the corner of my eye past the other stationary traffic. Unfortunately Thai folk do not know how to use roundabouts, pedestrian crossings, or have any "road sense" whatsoever and I don't think that will ever change given the current status/nature of the training given to 1st time drivers – – i.e. just about zilch.
  19. Ah, were it that easy Transam!!!! After I had reported to Lazada that my previous orders didn't seem to be readily available on their site, they decided to do something about it, and now my orders are all over the place.....with notations next to the wrong item and vice versa, so it's almost impossible to find out what I previously ordered. I should go back to them and asked them to look at it again, however they made such a huge stuff up of it before, I'm reluctant to do that. Having said that, I still use them and find them very useful for everyday items.
  20. I had to do a little bit of research on that sentence @Danderman123 as I was not aware that trump had called his wife "Mercedes" and I think it probably went over the heads of a few other posters. Maybe his mind (tiny though it is) was on other things like trying to see if he could purchase Greenland?
  21. Trawling through offerings on BBC iPlayer I came across the movie "Doctor Zhivago", and I had often heard about this but had never seen it, so decided to watch it after all these years. I thought it was a good movie, if a little lengthy, but some great performances by Julie Christie, Omar Sharif, Tom Courtenay and Rob Steiger, with Alec Guinness playing a part in the movie and also contributing to the dialogue to hold it together. So pleased that I watched it in the end, after all these years, and the ending was not what I thought it would be – – I will leave it at that.
  22. Chilli con carne using this recipe and adding a teaspoon or two of cocoa powder. Used it before and it "hits the spot". https://www.recipetineats.com/chilli-con-carne/
  23. On the subject of protein, and meat, we have all been led to believe that eating too much meat is not good for one (I exclude processed meats from this) and that's why so many people are advocating a vegetarian diet, which is supposed to be very good for one. I was going through a library of documentaries the other night and came across one about the South American gauchos, who live their lives basically looking after cattle and sheep on grasslands, and their diet consists almost entirely of meat, and that ranges from testicles through to intestines through to muscle fibre and so on, in fact none of the beast is wasted. So I got to thinking that they must have a short lifespan eating all of that meat, so I did a little research and discovered that the average lifespan of the gaucho is 76 years which is about the same as the average Western male!! Not that I eat much meat at all, but when I do dive into a lovely steak, I won't have second thoughts about it, or think about switching to a vegetarian diet.......not that a vegetarian diet would sit well with a nice glass of red wine! Maybe we overthink these sort of things???
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