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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Quote: "This subforum is disinformation central" So you fit in here very nicely!! And I found this great post about trump which you won't like, but it is so true. "I am sick of people pretending he isn't a felon. I'm sick of his lies, his smirk, his hideous makeup, his arrogance, his voice, and his face. I can't wait for him to be out of our lives, once and for all". I am sick of people pretending he isn't a felon. I'm sick of his lies, his smirk, his hideous makeup, his arrogance, his voice, and his face. I can't wait for him to be out of our lives, once and for all. I am sick of people pretending he isn't a felon. I'm sick of his lies, his smirk, his hideous makeup, his arrogance, his voice, and his face. I can't wait for him to be out of our lives, once and for all.am sick of people pretending he isn't a felon. I'm sick of his lies, his smirk, his hideous makeup, his arrogance, his voice, and his face. I can't wait for him to be out of our lives, once and for all.
  2. I did that a while ago......just couldn't stand any more of his lies and nonsense. But then again he is a devout trumpie and MAGA follower, so he is following the Clowns lead, but one does hope for a modicum of intelligence in the followers........but sadly no.
  3. What a load of old cobblers, hogwash and nonsense..........and you are proud to say this???? I haven't laughed so much since granny got her tits caught in the mangle!!!!!
  4. This sums up the situation well.......
  5. And you believe anything that the orange buffoon says? He is a compulsive liar as he has been throughout most of his life and he has gotten worse if that is at all possible. However the gullible will believe anything he says, unfortunately, and there's no helping those people as can be seen quite frequently on AN. And the real doozy which shows that he is mentally impaired, has him stating that Ukraine started the war – – it just gets worse. He is as dumb as a bag of rocks and Putin is playing him, the ultimate puppet master.
  6. With all of the cr@p that is going on around the world at the moment, I decided to watch a movie which was uplifting, so I looked at my "saved" movies and watched, "The Greatest Showman" starring Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams, Zac Efron and the beautiful Zendaya and was not disappointed because there were a few scenes in it which were truly uplifting, and the choreography was brilliant/amazing. So glad I watched it again.
  7. As a proud trump supporter you will be delighted that the orange clown has stated that Uraine started the war with Russia........another doozy from the compulsive liar and convicted felon that shows he REALLY is dumb. Hopefully you are able to read and understand the above!!!
  8. Not surprising........ As Russia and the US move to negotiate a peace treaty over Ukraine, all eyes are on the relationship between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. The two men have seemingly decided to settle things bilaterally. Some fear the negotiations are an opportunity for Putin to claim a great victory. In an article for the Daily Telegraph, Sir Ben Wallace, the former Defence Secretary, wrote that the talks had “echoes of Nazi appeasement”, while others have talked of a “betrayal” of Ukraine that will cede swathes of territory to Putin. The latest developments have fuelled a theory among former senior figures in US intelligence that Trump has been unwittingly cultivated by Putin. As far back as 2016, Michael J Morell, a former deputy director of the CIA, argued that Putin was bringing his experience as a spy to bear on the future American President. “President Vladimir V Putin of Russia was a career intelligence officer, trained to identify vulnerabilities in an individual and to exploit them,” Morell wrote in the New York Times. “That is exactly what he did early in the [2016 Republican] primaries. Mr Putin played upon Mr Trump’s vulnerabilities by complimenting him. He responded just as Mr Putin had calculated.” Read the full article here…… https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/us-president-donald-trump-an-unwitting-agent-of-vladimir-putin-believes-ex-intelligence-chiefs/
  9. But, but, but....I'm not a trump supporter!! So you have truly earned this description:- Just to be clear, "goobers" implies that Trump voters are drooling stupid rednecks.
  10. Just to be clear, "goobers" implies that Trump voters are drooling stupid rednecks. So I had you figured right then!!!!
  11. If you lie enough, you believe your own lies. Franz Suchomel Applies to trump and his MAGA goobers…..
  12. This article is from WND.......... (formerly WorldNetDaily) is an American far-right[1] news and opinion website. It is known for promoting fake news[2] and conspiracy theories,[3] including the false claim that former President Barack Obama was born outside the United States.[4]
  13. Yes indeed and when that time comes I shall be sitting in a celestial vineyard sampling heavenly wines! So no need for me to worry!!
  14. I will be interested on how it goes for you, so perhaps a post after the event.......please.
  15. Come back soon otherwise this thread and others will be overrun with MAGA loonies!!
  16. Unfortunately you are wasting your time with these MAGA goons, that's why I've got most of them on ignore because it's a waste of time and space trying to "communicate" with them, because they know no other route other than the MAGA route. So I post what I think and I don't bother to see their replies, because I know by their previous posts, exactly what they are, what they think, and how they are right wing MAGA nuts who worship the orange clown, and nothing else matters.
  17. Sheryl will be better placed to answer that question....as one has to be careful in giving medical advice on a forum.
  18. Following on from Sheryl's comment as regards the self treating of UTIs, I had an unfortunate experience where the urologist at the hospital here kept on giving me different antibiotics, when the previous ones didn't work, and so on. Eventually I changed urologists and asked for my specimen to be cultured to find out which bacteria it was, and it was a bacteria which was (by now) resistant to most of the common antibiotics, so I had to have an intravenous Carbapenem antibiotic to cure it, which it did, and it was not cheap.
  19. I like your post because even though I have always voted to the right in the two countries of which I am a citizen, I still get called a "lefty" by these MAGA goons because they have no answer to anyone who questions their cult! And as for enjoying life, well, when I settle down to my evening meal with a glass or two of a fine wine, from Italy, France or possibly California, followed by a nice glass of Portuguese Port, on my balcony, then I don't have a care in the world and certainly the MAGA nut jobs never enter my head. So yes, I do enjoy life despite what these goons think. And by the way, I totally agree with your comment regarding Trump, and of course that hurts them even more!!
  20. Having said that there have been many incidences of viruses crossing species (humans included) so it can't be ruled out that the virus came from an animal in the wet market...... Virus(es) Original host New host Measles virus Possibly cattle Humans Smallpox virus Other primates or camels(?) Humans Influenza virus Water birds Humans, pigs, horses CPV Cats or similar carnivores Dogs HIV-1 Old World primates, chimpanzees Humans SARS CoV Bats Himalayan palm civets or related carnivores; humans Dengue virus Old World primates Humans Nipah virus Fruit bats Humans (via pigs, or direct bat-to-human contact) Marburg virus and Ebola viruses Reservoir host not proven (bats?) Chimpanzees and humans Myxoma virus Brush rabbits and Brazilian rabbits European rabbits Hendra virus Fruit bats Horses and humans Canine influenza virus Horses Dogs
  21. Well, the lab leak theory has not been proven, however it has been established that coronavirus-susceptible wildlife (raccoon dogs) and the SARS CoV-2 virus were mingling, along with human beings in the wet market and this intro is interesting and it may help some to read the full article so I have included the link...... Read the full article (link provided) Researchers had found genetic evidence that raccoon dogs, an exotic species known to be susceptible to the virus, were among the animals for sale at the wet market in Wuhan, China, where the outbreak was first identified. Now that research has been updated and published in the peer-reviewed journal Cell. The authors, a team of scientists that includes prominent names such as Michael Worobey and Angela Rasmussen, say the analysis shows with unprecedented granularity — down to the individual market stall — that coronavirus-susceptible wildlife and the SARS CoV-2 virus were mingling, along with human beings, in a very specific part of the Wuhan market. https://www.npr.org/2024/09/19/g-s1-23605/covid-pandemic-origins-wet-market-wuhan-lab-leak-raccoon-dogs#:~:text=Researchers had
  22. Some good replies here and as someone has said, we all have different tastes, so one suggestion may not fit all!! However I concur with @neilrobabout going to Vinum Lector because they have a good selection of reasonably priced wines, up to the expensive, and they are one of my two main suppliers of wine. You may wish to try a southern Italian Appassimento, for that full-bodied and raisony taste, or going to one of my other favourites is a wine from California called "Authentic Black" made from the Petite Sirah grape (called Durif in France and Australia) which has some good bottle age and for me is an excellent buy – – both of these wines retail for about 650 baht plus VAT, and can be delivered. Many years ago I was an avid buyer and collector of top shelf French wines, but became disappointed with the quality of some of them, although I kept them in an air-conditioned "cellar", so I don't buy them now, but perhaps I should go back and try a few of the Cru wines by way of a change these days.
  23. I saw the movie, "Blue Velvet" mentioned somewhere on my Internet travels, so thought I'd download it and watch it, expecting great things as I hadn't seen it before. I did sit through the first 25 minutes of it and then became thoroughly bored so switched it off. It did look terribly dated so that contributed to my boredom I think. I also downloaded a movie which was mentioned on here, called, "The Firm" starring Tom Cruise, Jeanne Tripplehorn and Gene Hackman, amongst others, and it was nowhere near as good as I thought it would be, seeming to get a little convoluted towards the end (for me anyway).
  24. ???? trump said he "liked the poorly educated" and the OP's description of the professor falls into that category!!!!
  25. You have to remember with whom you are dealing here......one of trump's "favourite people" no less!
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