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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. A message for the OP, @steph83.......this poster and a few others I know actually suffer from a hiatial hernia and if that is the main cause of your GERD then perhaps the only cure will be surgery to repair the hernia. However please peruse the links I have posted below, because I cannot speak highly enough of the supplement d-limonene and how it worked for me........ Few studies that have tested if d-limonene reduces GERD symptoms in humans. Many of the existing research involves animals rather than human participants. For example, a 2019 animal study demonstrated the protective effects of d-limonene on the gastrointestinal system in rats. The authors suggested that d-limonene produces its beneficial effect by increasing mucus production and regulating the inflammatory and immune responses. A 2022 studyTrusted Source also mentions two human clinical trials in which participants with GERD “significantly benefitted” from taking d-limonene. These trials took place under a United States patent in 2002. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/d-limonene-for-gerd#does-it-help Does D-limonene work for GERD? Being a solvent of cholesterol, d-limonene has been used clinically to dissolve cholesterol-containing gallstones. Because of its gastric acid neutralizing effect and its support of normal peristalsis, it has also been used for relief of heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). D-Limonene: safety and clinical applications - PubMed https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18072821/#:~:text=Being a solvent of cholesterol,and gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). Millions of Americans suffer from heartburn and gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), which can increase the risk of certain cancers. A novel, inexpensive, all-natural extract derived from orange peel oil provides significant relief from heartburn symptoms for up to six months at a time! Scientifically reviewed by: Dr. Gary Gonzalez, MD, in August 2023. Written by: Russell Martin.
  2. I had a TURP in Epworth Hospital (Melbourne) around 13/14 years ago and it didn't go quite as smoothly as I wanted because I had to wear a catheter (plus the bag) for a couple of weeks after the operation in order to drain the urine. When that was all done and working, I flew back to Phuket and got on with my life, and I had no other after-effects/side effects and the ejaculation was good. The problem came a few years later when I was diagnosed with scar tissue on the bladder neck, so was told that a bladder neck incision was needed, and I was also told that it would have no side effects whatsoever – – but that was not true, because the semen flow stopped almost completely after that, although nowadays I do get some sort of ejaculatory fluid, but not enough to rejoice over! As my Dr/surgeon friend in NZ said, if you're going to have that operation done, make sure the surgeon who does it has done plenty of them.
  3. I have to agree with your assessment Mavideol, as unfortunately Utd have wasted money over the past couple of year buying average players and hanging on to the likes of Martial and others...........will be lucky to finish in the top 6 this year.
  4. I had reflux (GERD) for a number of years, and the more stressful my job became as I climbed up the corporate ladder, the worse the reflux became. I was on omeprazole for a while which seemed to help, until it didn't, and after a gastroscopy, my doctor/surgeon said that I had Barrett's oesophagus and that I needed to do something about it because in some cases it can turn cancerous. I tried just about every proton pump inhibitor, along with Gaviscon and others, but to no avail. Eventually I quit my job and got out of the rat race and came here to relax and heal, stressfree. It didn't happen immediately, and the one thing that did really help was a supplement called d-limonene, and although it gave me a sensation of an orange burp, I took it every other day for a month and my reflux stopped. I went back to NZ to see friends and the same doctor/surgeon did a gastroscopy as well as a general "once over" and he was amazed because all traces of Barrett's oesophagus (scarring in the oesophagus) had gone completely. He was so amazed that he got on the Internet, found the pills and ordered some for a friend of his whose reflux he had been treating for some time, but without much success. My particular brand was readily available on the Internet, however now one has to search for d-limonene. It was almost literally a "lifesaver" for me and I've never had to take any other form of medication for reflux for around 10 years now.
  5. As above, I thought Elanga looked pretty sharp for Notts Forest, so did he fall out with ETH as well??
  6. Many thanks for the "heads up" as downloaded it and started watching it last night and I am enjoying it!! Loads of episodes to download................!
  7. I will watch the highlights on Match of the Day tonight, however it appears they gave two goals away in extra time added?? I watched Nottingham Forest play yesterday and Anthony Elanga certainly showed some touches of class, yet United let him go?
  8. I don't know who "they" are, however many of my posts have been "attacked" with laughing emojis, even when the post is about something serious. I'm not sure if they come from one particular party or another, but I just consider them to be mindless morons, and I'm sure I know who a couple of them are, but after all, as they don't have much between the ears, why should I worry?
  9. Excellent Somjot........well done and in very good English.
  10. "the left has created the monster and continues to feed it... again... WHAT IS THE LEFT AFRAID OF..." There is something very wrong in your summing up, old chap, and just so that you understand what I'm saying....... The left NEVER created the monster trump, his crookedness, deceit, lying and many other failings are all his own doing. He was born dumb and seemingly "entitled" but the so-called man that he is has failed miserably as a human being on just about every front. There, that's put things right for you. Trump is all his own creation, no one else is responsible for this POS.
  11. You may well find that even the dumbest MAGA punter is much dumber than you could ever imagine, so don't be too sure on this!!
  12. Never bitter.....................just despise all of the things that trump (and many of his supprters) stand for. That's being normal. Something that you and your kind can never be, with your warped sense of right and wrong, and I feel pity for you. Like others have done.....you are going on to ignore so I won't see any of your brainless comments.
  13. You've missed the point by a mile, but then again you always do. I'm sure that many posters on here truly like famous people, but with the fame must come characteristics and traits which are likeable and honest, none of which trump has, so in my case you could say that I hate trump because: – He is a compulsive liar and narcissist – He is a thief and steals from charities – He is a crook – He is dumb but tries to make out he is intelligent! – He is a conman and a grifter – He purports to be a Christian and plays up to the evangelicals, whilst at the same time breaking just about every commandment – He has been responsible for countless bankruptcies and insolvencies, often defrauding the everyday working American man of their monies earned – He is a cheat and philanderer (not to mention being convicted of rape), and has cheated on his wife while she was pregnant. The list goes on and on and on, and for me the above are some of the reasons why I hate this poor excuse for a human being, others might have different reasons. But at the end of the day, for me, there is nothing to like about this evil/vile/lying lump of lard.
  14. On the contrary, his inflated ego and low intellect will combine to pour complete and utter BS out of his fat lips and if the past is anything to go by, will incriminate him.
  15. Watched about 25 minutes of and then switched it off, mainly because it seemed like a lot of CGI nonsense? Perhaps I was more into Indiana Jones in the first instalment of it many years ago, but now, seeing an old, decrepit, bowlegged pensioner running around the place, just doesn't cut the mustard anymore.
  16. I did realise the sarcasm in your post LL and it was me who put the laughing emoji on it. All good old chap.
  17. This is an issue specific to an Individual. A rich person can enjoy the luxuries available without being a slave. I agree with your post ravip, and as the original post says, "Does money make YOU happy", then my take on it is that money can give one the comfort of knowing that they can buy anything they want which makes them happy. As someone once said, "money in itself doesn't make me happy, but the things I can buy with it do". As other posts have touched on, there are rich people who are mean and miserable and there are poor people who are just the opposite, so it's up to the individual concerned.
  18. This is an issue specific to an Individual. A rich person can enjoy the luxuries available without being a slave. I agree with your post ravip, and as the original post says, "Does money make YOU happy", then my take on it is that money can give one the comfort of knowing that they can buy anything they want which makes them happy. As someone once said, "money in itself doesn't make me happy, but the things I can buy with it do". As other posts have touched on, there are rich people who are mean and miserable and there are poor people who are just the opposite, so it's up to the individual concerned.
  19. Last night I watched the first two episodes of this and I can't say that I was "over enamoured" with it, mainly because, for me, it was a little "bitty" – – a bit here and a bit there, however I will persevere when the next episode drops and see how I fare.
  20. R U back in Phuket LL? As you will have noticed I have "sung the praises" of a few restaurants here in Patong and the more good ones I encounter the more will appear on AN???? I hope it will give a few visitors an idea on where to eat!!
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