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Everything posted by rwill

  1. Boy what a haul. They must have got at least .0000000000026% of them.
  2. Have you tried searching for a service manual?
  3. There are already many driving with no license.
  4. It must have been the pink raincoat that set them off.
  5. I guess if they don't have actual photos pertaining to the article they feel compelled to stick some random photo in.
  6. Not the brightest guy. You would think being in the country illegally you would keep a lower profile. It would have been smarter to just find another place to rent.
  7. Why don't they spend more time getting rid of the chinese mafia instead of their own citizens
  8. where I live the 30baht noodle places have gone up to 50 baht
  9. put the hoses back on backwards
  10. I thought they were just ok. It seems they tried too hard on these. Would have been better just making a more ordinary burger.
  11. A lot of Mang Mao the last few days. The first day was super heavy. Haven't seen that many in a long time.
  12. Do you have a valid drivers license from your home country? If so no reason to attend a driving school.
  13. He was a retiree. The arguing story is completely fictitious. How could they be arguing with each other when they were approaching from opposite directions. And an eyewitness statement from a person that didn't look up until he saw the motorbike sliding down the road.
  14. Why would they need to introduce themselves to the public when the public does not vote for them? It's crazy that the applicants are the ones voting for each other.
  15. Shipping has to be paid no matter what. If they are not charging you for shipping separately they must have added it to the price already, just like VAT. As someone else mentioned some of the 'free shipping' ones are just a discount on the shipping fee which most likely has already been jacked up to account for the discount.
  16. The video I saw on the irish sun site it looked like they were going in opposite directions. Brit, 57, killed in horror moped crash in Thailand after smashing into post while 'arguing with another driver' | The Irish Sun (thesun.ie)
  17. They didn't try and talk you into doing the lottery shares instead of normal interest account?
  18. Sounds like they were lucky to make it back to the ground with one article saying there was external damage on one of the wings.
  19. coming to a restaurant near you soon...
  20. Doesn't a shootout imply both were firing at each other? That does not seem the case here.
  21. So his wife says his sister should ask for an autopsy after he has already been cremated... 🤔
  22. The title should have a question mark. It is all speculation at this point.
  23. It's ok to pick your nose in the open, double barreling is ok too. But if you are using a toothpick use your other hand to hide it.
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