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Everything posted by rwill

  1. Get a large property and try to keep it weed free.
  2. They must have affected several government computers.
  3. I've got too many pigeons hanging around my house already.
  4. Anyway this seems more like a court matter than a police matter.
  5. Surrounded by feces might explain the foul odor.
  6. American breakfast with hot dogs instread of breakfast sausage.
  7. I retired at 55. Never looked back. Get up what time I want to. Don't have to ask for permission to take trips. Etc...
  8. One thing I noticed helping a friend recently is that they charge a higher fee for transfering in Thai baht. It first came up as a pound to euro transaction with a fee of 4 pounds. When I switched it to Thai baht the fee was a little over 7 pounds.
  9. rwill

    Small chickens

  10. rwill

    Small chickens

    plants are living creatures too.
  11. I like the Pranburi area. Nice clean beaches. Quiet, slower area. Lot's of resorts right on the beach where you don't have to cross a road to get to the beach.
  12. I don't know of a department store in Ratchburi next to a jungle. It must be BigC though because it is close to the Mae Klong river.
  13. I had a Ford Focus but no one would steal it...
  14. I feel much safer here. Until I get in my car...
  15. About 10 years ago I saved a young girl that was drowning in a local reservoir. The guy that had brought the kids there never said thanks or anything to us. He just yelled at the girl. Probably felt like she had made him lose face.
  16. Did you order the breasts?
  17. "Excuse me class. I have to go kill someone next door. I will be back in a few minutes."
  18. There are restrictions on who can donate blood in Thailand. Like those 55 and over can not if they are not already regular blood donors.
  19. Very dangerous thing to do. Throwing a 100 baht note at someone could slice them wide open.
  20. I get annual flu shots at Bangkok Hospital in Ratchaburi. I have gone to a government hospital and a clinic in my small town to ask about it before. They would both do it but had to order it in advance, not in stock. I think the larger government hospitals should stock it. Should be cheaper than a private hospital but can be a madhouse in a government hospital compared to a private one.
  21. Not an EV per se but a hybrid. I don't think BYD is selling any hybrids in Thailand.
  22. Where's the tank of piranha when you need it? That would have made for a good video.
  23. Perhaps they should have offered some to the arresting officers to enlighten them.
  24. Boy what a haul. They must have got at least .0000000000026% of them.
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