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Everything posted by rwill

  1. The best solution is to stop overbuilding. (Which you know they are going to blindly continue to build) Why would you want to lease a unit when you can buy one? Now if they were talking about 99 year leases for land that would be something else.
  2. Find a mom & pop shop...
  3. They must have been following him.
  4. The chances of this just being allowed to happen are extremely small.
  5. That is a circuit breaker switch. Normally the breakers are placed inside of a case. Even in the case on the top where the wires come in(or out) there is space for water to run in. Best to use silicone to seal around it if it is somewhere it can be exposed to water.
  6. I don't like their droppings all over the house. But I don't kill them. If I can catch them I move them outside. I tell them beforehand not to drop their tail because I'm not going to hurt them but they rarely listen to me.
  7. Since the only ones that could vote were the people running for office it seems like it should have been a tie with everyone voting for themselves.
  8. This is a decent one. But I have not found any with removable metal trays. If you buy this same toolbox with tools in it there are plastic trays that are not really meant to be removed. SATA 5 tray toolbox
  9. In the photo he is stepping down. So back to normal for the donations.
  10. You think he would have been hiding for a couple more months.
  11. Should be useful during Coup d'etats.
  12. "I want to get high." "Ok. Try this!"
  13. Obviously not a photo of the actual building as there are no balconies. Probably another case of leaning to far out over a low railing.
  14. Has anyone read the actual decision. They did not say a president is immune from prosecution for anything he does. "Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the majority, rejected Trump's broad immunity claims and said Trump has immunity only for his "official" acts as president. The high court did not determine what constitutes an official act in this case, leaving that to the lower court." Trump has some immunity in D.C. election interference case, Supreme Court rules: Highlights (nbcnews.com)
  15. How is it being returned to you?
  16. He probably came back to prove his innocence.
  17. Nexgard Spectra is really effective for tics.
  18. A few tatoos is not bad. But a lot go overboard. What I really think looks bad are those eyebrow tatoos that look so fake.
  19. If I can stay under 100K per month I'm pretty happy.
  20. Maybe she was so drunk she forgot to pay for the ride and he was just waiting for her to pay.
  21. Do a blind taste test. You will have a hard time telling them apart.
  22. I have a very nice digital Roxel.
  23. The 2 main stereotypes that Thai's have of foreigners with Thai spouses is that they are much younger than the man and they were prostitutes. I was shopping at the local Makro with my wife one time and I heard a couple of women talking, "Oh, his wife is so old." Like it surprised them. She is a little older than I am. But for some reason most people that meet my wife think she was a professor. I guess because of how she dresses. She was actually a banker. Then I have a nephew that when he was a young boy always wanted to walk around holding my hand. I kept wondering how many people seeing us walking together thought I was a sexual deviant.
  24. See it is not just Thai men that have the 'if I can't have you no one can syndrome'. Never understood why so many men have a hard time letting go. As the saying goes, there are many fish in the sea.
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