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Everything posted by rwill

  1. I would describe heaven as a figment of peoples imagination.
  2. Or even better: Several animals died or disappeared at Chiang Mai Night Safari during the month of December.
  3. They say don't discuss politics and religion. Add EV's to that.
  4. I've always done it myself. There are no agents that I know of in Ratchaburi. Even if there were I would probably do it myself anyway. But I have no problem with people that do use agents if they want to.
  5. As others said they are separate from each other and you still have to do the 90 day report. You say you just extended and your 90 day report is in 3 days. If you did the extension within 14 days of the 90 day due date you could have done it at the same time.
  6. Home owners insurance and business liability insurance. Cooking on top of a septic tank, yummy!!!
  7. Most of the wasabi sold is not real wasabi. What is real wasabi and why you've probably never eaten it. From the article: A shocking number of sushi restaurants don't serve real wasabi: The Washington Post reports that as much as 99 percent of wasabi sold in the United States is fake. It's not just the U.S., either; experts estimate that 95 percent of wasabi sold in Japan is imitation, too.
  8. Somewhat unusual to have a set of 4 tickets. I don't recall ever seeing them sold as a set of 4. Mostly see, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15.
  9. Of the plastic sent to recyclers only about 16% of it gets reused. The rest goes to landfills, gets burned or gets dumped.
  10. We took all the kids at an orphanage out to a restaurant to eat. They really enjoyed it. Some of them said it was the first time they had eaten at a real restaurant. We also donated some supplies to them, like rice, small milk cartons, etc.
  11. Was she going straight in a lane marked for left hand turns?
  12. Also depends on your personal preference. Some places make the gravy pretty runny and others almost like a slime, depending on how much starch they put into it.
  13. Since he killed himself how do they know why he killed her?
  14. I have told cashiers when they have given me too much change.
  15. Sell covered calls on COIN. Or how about avoiding what you got fined for to start with.
  16. They haven't extended the lines to Ratchaburi yet.
  17. I guess they didnit look to the left or right of her. Plenty of windows with no grill.
  18. Going thru it frame by frame you can see the motorcyclist starting moving about 1 second before the light turns green. But that car sped through the intersection well after his light had turned red. Like lots of others say you can't assume a green light means all is clear. Like I've said before the only days I don't see someone running red lights are the days I stay at home all day. I see people running red lights well after they have turned red if they don't think there is anyone coming from the other directions.
  19. My wife is from Bang Khen. She says she likes Bangkok. Sometimes talks about how she would like to live there. But I think she remembers Bangkok of 50 years ago. Bangkok is good for shopping but the traffic kills it for me.
  20. Being admitted to a hospital every time we go there. My wife broke her kneecap one time they didn't admit her. If you go to a hospital with a fever they will want to admit you. Or if you are dehydrated.
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