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Everything posted by Stevemercer

  1. No, it will not. Certainly not for those on marriage extensions because of the complexity. In my opinion, it is not something to worry about or otherwise expend angst.
  2. Go back to live in your home country. Most women won't even look at you and paid sex is too expensive. Easy solution!
  3. Are you going to meet her at the airport? Obviously she will have your number and can give this to the immigration office if they ask, Does she have a booked return flight? If her English is poor, you might write her a note to give to immigration (if she is stopped) explaining all the circumstances and with your contact details.
  4. The only peace possible is for Ukraine to cede the annexed territories to Russia and for Ukraine to join NATO. Neither side wants this. Russia, with a population of about 144 million, can sustain the casualty rates. However, the birth rate is in free fall and the natural population decline per year is much higher than any casualty rate from the war. in 50 years the population will halve. It's hard to see how countries like Russia and China can increase their populations through immigration. Nobody seems to wants to go and live in these countries despite them being a worker's paradise. I guess one way Russia can increase its population is by absorbing its neighbours (Ukraine has about 38 million).
  5. We had the service at 500 Baht per month for about a year when there were druggies living near us. For us, the main thing was that, in the event of a problem, we could call on the police and they would (hopefully) help, Once, after the druggies had intruded on our property to fish in a dam, my wife complained to the police. They sent around 10 police officers that day to talk to the druggies and prowl around. Admittedly, it cost us an extra 1000 Baht. After that we didn't have any problems and the druggies were 'moved on' a few months later.
  6. I ride 3 or 4 times a week, in the morning, about 40 - 60km each ride. No, I don't use any lights. Around my way the roads are flat and visibility is usually good.
  7. Or a 'hydroponics farmer' has tapped into the line. Maybe, in future, you should turn off the power at the breaker. Your wife can turn it back on when she stays for a few days.
  8. I used to get (mild) diarrhea when I first came to Thiland, but rarely get it now. By mild I mean a vomit or two, followed to 2 or 3 days of diarrhea, and then easing back into full eating. I start off with porridge, toasted ham, cheese and tomatos andwiches,and electrolitic drinks. Most times I would continue with my regular cycling and working outside after a day resting. For me, it was an opportunity to loose a bit of weight while my appetite was suppressed. Ialways found the biggest danger was going to Thai wedding and other home celebrations where it was hard to not eat dubious food without causing offense.I'm more wary now.
  9. Hydrogen is definitely the fuel of the future, like fusion energy, but common usage is probably 25 - 50 years off. In an ideal world, clean hydrogen could be produced from electolysis of water using electricity from nuclear power plants, The same plants, if strategically located, can produce fresh water from desalination of salt water, as well as steam and heat for industry. Science fiction tells us of unlimited hydrogen being scooped from the sun and gas giants if space industries ever become profitable.
  10. Didn't the former Prime Minister (Prayut) appoint a convicted heroin dealer to his Cabinet, but the same Constitutional Court let him off? Apparently it only matters if the conviction was in Thailand, not in another country (Australia in this case). The actual issue of moral misconduct (e.g. was it responsible to for Prayut to appoint such a disreputable character) seems irrelevant.
  11. Change the oil every 4,000 km and oil the chain once a fortnight. Keep tyre pressures at the recommended levels.
  12. I think you should take them to a coin shop in the UK. You will get a better price and they may be worth more to collectors than just the gold content. For example, I recently sold a number of $200 Australian gold coins. I sent an email to 4 or 5 coin shops in Australia and got quotes. The gold value of the coins was about $600, but I got $950 for each from a coin shop when I next returned to Australia. They didn't even check/assay the coins and the only ID they asked for was my drivers licence.
  13. I guess there will be answers when/if police check his backgound. For example, is he a frequent visitor to Thailand, what did he talk to his girlfriend about, does he have Thai connections, what is his social media history etc. etc.
  14. You can buy a house in Australia for $30,000 if you are prepared to live in a small, remote town.
  15. Other stories said the lady owner went out, but forgot to lock the driveway gate. The gate is one of those light swinging types and easy to knock open if not locked. The old guy rode by on his bicycle as he often does. The dogs would rush out to bark at any passing bicycle, but the gate is normally locked. This time when the dogs rushed the gate it bumped open and the old man was defenceless. An accident waiting to happen, in my view.
  16. Good comment. It will be impossible to contain a fish that can spread to different rivers through estuaries and along the coastlines. At a buyback of 15 Baht per kilo, people will be actively farming the fish to cash in. The priority must be to protect inland catchment, particularly watersheds feeding into the Mekong
  17. If Michelle Obama was nominated, and she accepted, she would be a shoe-in.
  18. Yes. I am doing that now. I renewed my marriage extension at the start of July and have an under consideration stamp up to 14 August (6 weeks). I had to get a new single entry return as my existing multiple entry will expire 14 July 2024 (when my marriage extension expires). I am flying to Australia on 10 July 2024 and must return to Thailand before 14 August. I will then go to immigration to get my 12 month extension stamped into my passport. I'll also have to buy a new multi-entry.
  19. Yes, decent Thai women need certainty and marriage gives that commitment. Family, relatives and friends will be happy she is married. If you are not prepared to give that certainty.many Thai women will be uncertain about your commitment which may make them anxious at times. While they may try to be faithful, there will always be that question mark in their mind that maybr you will abandon them and they need to think about themselves and their future.
  20. People who are (generally) relaxed, happy, smile a lot and go with the flow People with enough money to live comfortably and who are generous when they do have money People who try to look after their physical and mental health People who are still curious about life People who don't keep banging on and on about negatives in Thailand and Thai people
  21. I have only lived in Thailand for 10 years. To my mind, everything/people are much the same. I live in a small rural town - no tourists, but a dozen or so foreigners live locally. People still smile and are generally helpful. I've never encountered 'farang pricing' locally and most peple go out of their way to show hospitality. On the bigger picture, I think Thailand is doomed to keep repeating history because people don't learn from past mistakes. They keep trying the same old things, electing the same old people, and hoping things will get better. I think Thailand is the lucky country, despite shooting themselves in the foot all the time, the country will continue to do ok, but it will never get anywhere near its full potential without allowing innovation and change. From an outsider's perspectiveit is hard to see why the military is held in such high esteem. To my knowledge, they have never won a war. Wasn't it the military who forced the monarchy to give up executive power and for the country to become a constitutional monarchy earlier last century?
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