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Everything posted by rumak

  1. US " So, did y'all get the swift transfer yet " Thai " krap pom" US " ok, we'll let you know when we need your WEF vote " US " try that restaurant we told y'all about" Thai " krap pom" "PHOTOS !!"
  2. nothing ever <deleted> people off as much as me trying to help them . I have learnt my lesson !
  3. heaps whiskey ? never tried that one. I like Johnny Red . note: i reply explaining what you meant will not be necessary ????
  4. at least move up to some good whiskey ......... that beer is just full of chemicals . i did the google search for the lazy ones here : What are the chemicals in beer? A quick search on the web shows that substances like urea, potassium sulfate, sodium benzoate, antifoaming agents, flavor enhancers, sodium citrate, tartaric acid, corn syrup, genetically modified malt and hops, amyloglucosidase enzyme, propylene glycol alginate, chemically modified hop extracts, carbon dioxide, papain ..
  5. Right on. But don't worry..... soon you will own NOTHING and you will be HAPPY . All brought to you by the WEF .
  6. you have been around a long time. you even left to go to Laos which you said was better . Now you are in Pattaya , of all places. Probably the least desirable place if one with a long nose wants to be treated decently . Now, if its some indecent adventures you desire....... there are indeed plenty of those . Even at the beach
  7. yes, but the experience (if used wisely) will benefit you till you die
  8. If you bought MORE than about 8 years ago in Chiangmai area the prices have finally shot up to the next level . If you bought recently you will probably have another wait . Those who invest a lot on their personal residence often lose money ! (yes,yes, there are exceptions) . But empty land still is the type most looked for . Commercial on a good road is very expensive . But again, if you bought ten years ago you would be happy now i bought my CM property 17 years ago. Tripled my investment .
  9. my laugh emoji was number 14 ! The areas surrounding CM have seen a boom . Finally . Myself and a friend or two have seen appreciation in our land . after about 15 years ! The speculation going on now is mostly buying very small lots in ricefields that have been chopped up ( 50 to 80 dalang wa) . Lots of those sitting around with for sale signs. Good luck on that investment. The condos , i am not an expert but there are tons of them at crazy prices for a box with a bathroom. Like any land...... you better be good or lucky to choose the "next hot location" . if its in one of the "world's fastest growing economies' ..... please show me the way to the herb the writer is smoking
  10. haha you must have missed a post of mine on the "sick buffalo" thread . If my buffalo gets sick....... i will get another caretaker
  11. maybe a few in the "buy high and sell low" category ?
  12. I ALWAYS remembered to "invest" only as much as i could comfortably do without. Hopefully all the bitcoin millionaires AND love stricken westerners buying buffalo farms have been as thoughtful .
  13. In the metaverse? Ya can't eat bitcoin baby ........
  14. I have bought 678,000 acres of prime farmland
  15. Yes. That and a few other very disturbing things . But that would be a completely new thread AND would encompass hundreds of pages of the wisest posters telling us what is REALLY the truth . I am pretty sure the fault of all the world's greed is solely on the unvaccinated
  16. that will NEVER happen to me because i follow the charts ! i think i remember some people saying that ..........
  17. After breaking loose from the cuckoo's nest , I took off in my old van with my motorcycle and dog... and after a few years landed in Cali fornia with 25 dollars left to my name. Sold fruit from the valley on the streets of SF (one "home delivery" was quite a stop) . Next i would start a coffee shop selling cappichinos and a lttle herb on the side. my bed was in the back of the shop . Those 6 years were quite the adventure..... a hippies dream. Selling the shop gave me funds to travel.... Asia, SriLanka, India up to Katmandu . These were the days when one was forced to live and learn. No googles and internet shops and spending days swiping those stupid phones. A few entrepreneurial ventures led to some more cash. Cash can make you a slave... or it can allow you the freedom to keep those hippie values. Peace and love ...... and do your own thing and kiss the sky. Thailand was travelling around on dirt roads on a Honda 125 . Staying in 30 baht rooms. On the Road.... Asian style. Even hippies get lonely and i tried the family game..... though i moved countless times with the wife and child . That period too would pass .... My fifties were my "second youth". You only live once. All those that stick to unhappy situations out of loneliness or fear of losing material things are destined to live lives of quiet desperation. I have now moved once again . Age does not change the hippie in me..... but it does entail a scaling down . It is a good time to live and die . Hell, the world sucks. People are such a drag.. close minded and fearful of missing their Swensons ice cream . Critical thinking and discussion longggg dead. I am the Last Hippie. Pepsi called me and wanted me to do a commercial for 22 million dollars. I told them where to shove it. Peace. especially to guys like TBL . And a shout out to Sipi. To those who put sad emojis on my posts...... try the laughing one. Love
  18. It is reported that many of the caddies enjoy working with Farangs because they have longer putters.
  19. Drug makers and other healthcare companies spent almost $30 billion in a single year to influence the medical choices made by Americans and steer them toward treatments that were newer, vastly more expensive and sometimes riskier than their tried-and-true alternatives, new research shows. https://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-medical-marketing-money-20190109-story.html
  20. Yes, that idea pretty much has disappeared from the human's brain. its all about drugs . and more drugs.
  21. I can direct them to LOTS of information that is censored . I am really disgusted by all the narrow minded bullies in the world who do not have the ability to compete or think intellectually...... and prove it by just forcing others to "shut up" Head in the sand, indeed. And they really try to portray themselves as the smart ones. I can not feel sorry for them when they (as millions of others are finding out) have to face the consequences of their blind obedience
  22. THIS "vaccine" does not do what they told you . If you believe it saved you then ok. But that is not very "scientific" . I have info for you any time you ask . An open mind is best . why the name calling ? Anti-vaxxers ? Cmon, you are showing your bias. We are discussing THESE covid concoctions which are anything BUT safe and effective. well, all of you have already had your shots... and more shots..... So too late to go back.
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