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Everything posted by rumak

  1. some guy thinks the situation hasn't changed that much in one year . hahaha well, No way Reuters would have written this article , nor Yayoo printed the COMMENTS . Ahhh, but seems even mainstreet Yahoo can no longer ignore what those " anti vax idiots" are seeing. Maybe becuase the numbers are growing ?! https://news.yahoo.com/zealand-covid-19-death-rate-064447359.html very sad to see this all happening ....... but i for one am not surprised .
  2. Truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. – Arthur Schopenhauer well, i have to laugh at the third stage ......... which is definitely not a stage that will ever be considered by many who are sooooo adament in repeating what they read from THEIR selected sources. i think the word is : hopeless
  3. the problem with the vehement vaxxers and maskers and distancers and lockdowners is that they are not KEEPING UP with all the "new" admissions about what works and what doesn't. It is almost as if they have a very thick mask over the critical thinking part of the brain.... which needs a lot of fresh air and something to UNLOCK a closed mind.
  4. i think you have proven that point over and over . masks hahahahaha
  5. by CM place you mean Expat motors ? If so, they have a good reputation and been here a long time .
  6. plus computer screen cleaners have gone way up in cost ...............
  7. pretty obvious to me that many of the unvaxxed i know are "immune" , as you call it. the only ones i know that got it have all taken the "safe and effective" jabs. of course, that is all a very small sample and can not be used to assume anything. does make me wonder though................
  8. thanks to all ...... i went with another Samsung 55" for 17,500 baht good enough !
  9. you could have a good point there . does the US really do such things ? I never heard anything about that on CNN . or NBC . Nah........ Putin is the bad guy . papa al : whisper ( sarcasm)
  10. All the usual political experts having a go at each other. Always amazes me how steadfast and sure peoples views are ....... all based on which propaganda news outlet they are dead set on believing. When there are so many bragging of their IQ .............. I can tell they are as deluded about that as they are about the TRUTH they are being fed daily over the airwaves. They also think Google is their friend . hahahahaha yeah, right oh well, forums will be forums .
  11. Not so much that I like em "thick" and cute ....... just it was a better option than the other one : thick and NOT cute . Thai visa ? Well, there's thick and arrogant . And then there's a combination of other intelligence levels , but still I would NOT choose to interact with the arrogant ones , no matter how intelligent they think they are. Friendly and easy to feel comfortable with . Now that i can live with .
  12. Yep, 7 year old Samsung "smart tv" just went blank . I think they install a chip that just explodes at the designated termination date. Might as well buy a new one . Anyone buy within the last year or two and have a report on how they like their "new" smart TV ? I want a 45" to 50" model . (will probably check out old one but the cost of repair usually not worth the disappointment when it fails again within a year or so)
  13. I would never have thought that i would write this... because i have sometimes taken exception to a few opinions Rooster expresses. On the other hand i have given my opinion that all in all its not a bad diversion from the MUCH more trite and self-congratulatory postings that comprise so much of these forums. And, IMO , from reading his somewhat autobiographical musings, he has indeed experienced a hell of a lot more than the keyboard warriors that can only utter nonsense like " yeah, tell us once again how long you've been here" . (well, i think i once said that too hahaha).No matter, he puts out something that nobody else here seems to be able to do . And personally i see a little bit of progress in some areas ...... that come with a perspective that evolves somewhat as one crosses that 60 year old threshold . On the other hand..... those who might be evolving in a more negative direction will always have their place here to throw darts.
  14. Replace "Sri Lanka" in that sentence with 90% of the countries in the world and it will still be true. The other 10% I would list ........ but , these are dangerous times to offend anyone .
  15. well, just to get the ball rolling .................
  16. Well, maybe another factor as well : almost everyone (including westerners) is pretty unhealthy, ranging to very unfit . Also not very attractive and so many have bad breath . Masks have been a blessing . And social distancing : well, hell, all i ever witnessed was people sitting at the table absorbed with the little screen they were looking at . Who wants to interact ? Off go the masks..... and the nuts dig into the nuts . Then on go the masks, probably hoping for the next lockdown
  17. those hansum young men just ain't as cheery as they used to be. dat da truth
  18. Just out of curiosity........... how can US passport holders renew expiring passports ?
  19. Build Back Better !! anyone who believes that one is ........oh, wait a second: Already most everyone believes the repetative narrative (by those "trusted sources ") on what is happening over the last few years.
  20. you seem to have the right idea . of course we (you and me) have to say these are just conspiracy theories so that we are not sent to Sighberia. Something about the 2030 number ...hmmmm.... dreampt up in some batcave in Klausmania . That's next to Tasmania. Or maybe Jabmania. Kinda weird that many of these "crazy" theories bear some semblance to reality. NOPE ! disinformation ! Don't even dare to THINK about it ! OK... just kidding Rooster asked me where i've been hiding . Could be i will be sent there again. Its just humor guys. Everything is great ! mask up. mask down. Peace
  21. actually i do not stay in big hotels , can't stand them. I stay in smaller places and almost always find a bungalo type place. I drive down there, and when there go out scouting around , not sitting by the pool ???? Those thousands of smaller places (and restaurants) are what i was really referring to. But in Hua Hin i did go in to take a look at a few hotels (not the high priced ones) .... And the few decent ones that were open hardly had any guests at all i definitely agree that the whole economy down there is now "severely damaged"
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