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Everything posted by rumak

  1. I think their mantra is ........ uhhhhh, it may not work but the covid i keep getting would be much worse if i did not wear the mask.
  2. yes, respect. i hear ya. Let it be known that i wear my mask at exactly the same level on my CHIN as do all the residents around my village. Seems to work ! No covid yet
  3. He is the ONLY one she has ever done it with .................????
  4. Simon, c'mon , really ? If with all your "experience" that is what you choose then OK . Advice to a newbie (or troll) could be along the lines of : " oh boy, another one blinded by the thai smile" . They never listen to the guys who have experience on here.... so i do not bother with serious suggestions. BUT, for those few on here who have managed to get through the maze , learned Thai (as you have) , and hopefully are wiser from the experience .... I WOULD HOPE THAT : as i finally did, just enjoy life, avoid the real red flags, but there are many ladies ( not usually massage or bar girls) who are teachers or shop workers etc etc who are over 30, look nice, often horny, and NOT a lot of stress UNLESS the spellbound farang falls head over heals and starts trying to "Save them from the world " . enjoy it . be wise. and then go with the flow . Only use the lube when THEY need it ????
  5. wow . it was hard for me to believe when CM immigration pulled it on me after about 10 years of using it as the reason. but, the change was no big deal and my 800 k still sits there (thai bank) 12 years later ... based on retirement still the easier and quickest IMO for the renewal
  6. once the child reaches age of 20 the parent can no longer use that type of extension..... if rules are the same as when I was doing child based extensions. I then changed to retirement as reason for extension
  7. and also the ones who want a booster every month and for everyone else to be locked down
  8. well, of course there are LOTS of places. Depending on what quality/price you are looking for.... Start with Siam TV (in Chiangmai Gate vicinity) Big big store ..... decent prices and good variety stove top burners range from 800 baht ( otto brand for example) to ones like Lucky Flame ( heavier and more expensive) . etc etc Lotus and Big C ( and the HomePro next to some big C ) have plenty of Stainless Pots .... as well as S T burners Rimping ( ruam choke plazq) and YOK have some higher end stuff as do the Central Dept stores
  9. i hear there are some deals still available. Many agents are offering a free AK47 with any house purchase .
  10. or as a few old sex pats might call it : the short time meter maybe you only get half the time for the price .... but the thighs are twice the size
  11. thank you for getting the ball rolling ........ i do hope she did not misplace that jar
  12. Fun forum or even just a mention that it might rain today will be skillfully handled by the species farang known to nest in certain areas of Thailand , turning a good morning Sir into the bigoted slur "that anyone with half a brain " knows was the intended meaning. Now, let's sit back and see the half a brain crowd get going !
  13. 2022 Doi Saket (H) 2015=2020 Lamphun (Farm) 2005 - 2021 Chiangmai (H) 2002 =2005 Doi Saket (H) between 1986 through 2004 : more than a year each place San Antonio, TX Kerrville, TX (H) Chiangrai, Thailand (H) Fang , Thailand (H) 1984,85 Sonoma County , CA 1973 = 1983 SF, CA circa 1970 Austin, TX 1969 Yonkers, NY Late 60's NYC troubled childhood ???? NJ list of live-ins more than a year available for $19.95
  14. is this another way of saying " Take my wife ........... please ! " ?
  15. Well, one does have to TRY to find the best doctor ..... and it is NOT always one hundred percent for sure even then, I recently went to a CM hospital, VERY well respected eye doctor who is often highly recommended. I had pain in my eye. I was given a somewhat expensive scan.... then saw this doctor. Told them my eye hurt when i pushed on it . They ignored that at first, talked about something else, then i told again what my problem was. The "remedy" did nothing to solve the problem. A week later i visited a different hospital and the elderly doctor said i had DRY EYE ! A little tube of gel which sells for 120 baht solved the problem in a few days.
  16. Which area do you live in ? Chiangmai or another ? i am in CM and there are many options.
  17. borrowed this comment from someone else : All of us Allman Brothers fans have a,ways know what a great guitar player Mr Betts is. This song written for his daughter is absolutely beautiful. seems like he is not mentioned yet.... but something nice about his sound i always liked . he gets into the solo around the 4:35 mark
  18. oh yes , those were the days ! love the electric guitar, and the many "true artists/musicians" that played music from their souls. That word really should be taken from the dictionaries in the world we live in . SOUL . no longer. not in music or in business or in relationships. Free bird may not be the greatest technical guitar work, but when i was cleaning up my coffee shop in the 70's and that song came on... i had time to take a few tokes before getting my broom out to sweep the floor. The build up was great . Slow and easy . My anticipation would have to wait a bit, but when that solo started I WAS the lead guitar blasting into the hearts of the screaming females. I had extra room keys made to throw out to the free spirits . Those days..... long gone. But my heart still races and arms instincltively get frenzied with my air guitar solo when i happen to hear Free bird come on. How much of the Free has anyone held onto ?
  19. two things have been going on for a long long time: 1. The idea that all men are brothers (and sisters? ) and we all should love each other 2. Wars ....... with all men (and LGB ?? ) intent on killing each other just as a casual observer, i would say that number two has an edge
  20. love threads like this, to see how long it takes for the angry men to get going . defending their honor as usual LOL
  21. slow down , you're getting all worked up. i think you mean "doesn't concern me" . see. some things you can fix . BTW: how does one know who is stupid when two guys are claiming it's the other one ?
  22. i think you left out "misinformation" , or to define it better : anything that doesn't agree with your point of view ???? . Of course, this is just my opinion....... which I am sure that you, being so tolerant, would fight for my right to express .
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