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Everything posted by rumak

  1. you seem to have the right idea . of course we (you and me) have to say these are just conspiracy theories so that we are not sent to Sighberia. Something about the 2030 number ...hmmmm.... dreampt up in some batcave in Klausmania . That's next to Tasmania. Or maybe Jabmania. Kinda weird that many of these "crazy" theories bear some semblance to reality. NOPE ! disinformation ! Don't even dare to THINK about it ! OK... just kidding Rooster asked me where i've been hiding . Could be i will be sent there again. Its just humor guys. Everything is great ! mask up. mask down. Peace
  2. actually i do not stay in big hotels , can't stand them. I stay in smaller places and almost always find a bungalo type place. I drive down there, and when there go out scouting around , not sitting by the pool ???? Those thousands of smaller places (and restaurants) are what i was really referring to. But in Hua Hin i did go in to take a look at a few hotels (not the high priced ones) .... And the few decent ones that were open hardly had any guests at all i definitely agree that the whole economy down there is now "severely damaged"
  3. my recent two week vacation to the south of Hua Hin ( ban krut area) and then a few days staying just about 6 km south of center of Hua Hin showed : Those areas which once had many tourists and accommadations and restaurants were DEAD . many hotels closed ...... others looking very very lonely . that is the Truth
  4. i find that with those kind of mussels the best position is knees on the floor and head over the toilet ... hopefully your core stomach muscles are in good shape
  5. We have all missed your terrific insightful posts questions : such as " how much time do you spend quietly looking into the spiritual wonders of being human" guess you are pretty held back by the reality of having to keep little hands out of your pockets.
  6. Thailand's version of Build Back Better : (actually spoken as Be Bqck Later )
  7. the only people i know who have NOT got sick ...... have all refused the shot. of course if i say the useless shot It will be misinformation.
  8. i use my charm, which is absolutely disarming. On a rare occasion, as on thavisa, i might need to resort to sarcasm to destroy my adversary.
  9. Recently finished moving for the 8th time . I won't bother saying how many years i have been here, since you know how that irks the readership. maybe my last move ??
  10. I guess the mention of WOMEN woke me up . I don't know much about religions... only thought of some times when i heard the proverbial " oh Jesus, yessssss, don't stop ! " My guess is there are good women and bad women..... same as men . But men and women in govt and power ..... ........ well, my comment would just be deleted Good to see you are now commenting on some comments .
  11. You were doing OK until you got to that ridiculous statement . There are now plenty of women in high if not top positions in the world . If anything, they are more power hungry and crazy than the men. Or, maybe just EQUALLY corrupt and arrogant . here here ! Clinton, Merkel, Ardern, Freeland, .......... and many many more.........
  12. good sensible post . as you say, i have found that the standard of building is pretty decent. Here in CM area most of the labor is from burma (thai yai generally) and they are good workers and better to deal with than the thais that i had do work many years ago (mostly attitude wise) As sanuk does, so do I . Get quote for LABOR only , and for the same reason. It is a bit more work for me but I know what materials i am getting. Otherwise "problems" develop when the builder uses stuff that you think are not good. Of course it seems that OMF will have quite a time figuring out what he wants LOL
  13. very very ...very ... difficult to advise "how to protect from a bad experience" . Not faulting your looking at youtube videos but that can only give you a basic understanding of tiling or whatever. (good for a start). Now.... this is THAILAND . And construction and workers are not perfect. In fact, all over the world there are problems with building and builders. There is nothing like experience ! Nothing. If you have not been through a previous build or renovation it is not much different than a relationship with a thai girl.... or any thai situation. Hopefully you have some experience dealing with Thais as everything here GREATLY depends on how you can interact with the people you are dealing with. The SWEET talk and smiles from a contractor are similar to those of a lady . One soon finds out that things somehow do not go as planned. Unless you have some people behind you that are more influential then the builder than doing anything is a bit stressfull . you must try to keep an eye on things, not be too much of a PITA, in other words.... learn as you go. Not being experienced in how tiles or plumbing or whatever is definitely a handicap . I learned by doing. That means there were mistakes, and how i handled them was sometimes a mistake (more so at the beginning of course) DO the best you can. Yes, pay in installments ( though usually for BIG jobs ) . Try to stay calm haha but firm . You know, like with your girlfriends ( i hope) good luck btw: use only Grade A tiles as others are not uniform
  14. Warning : excessive shots of unknown substances may cause some people to add new numbers to their vocabulary
  15. You and a few others on this forum have been repeating similar stuff for years (actually before, you were much more adament on how stupid those who do not believe as you do are) Thankfully many many more members and people in general have seen with their own eyes that all the narrative over those years JUST AIN"T TRUE. Keep believing if you want. And jab away . But sensible people are not buying what you are selling ( please, no repeats of the cnn, nbc, yahoo paid for "experts" ). Go out and enjoy life like normal people do . My advice to the masses: eat well, exercise , get some fresh air and stop putting chemicals in your bodies.
  16. i'm with Connda and all others ( few ?) that continue to USE their bodies . I have certain issues that old age brings on..... but i can walk, bike, and swim ( depending on what hurts that day haha). If i am sedentary i feel like sheeeet . I am a mid day napper , so to each his own. Almost every problem can be dealt with naturally , but that would be a discussion for another thread.
  17. I think their mantra is ........ uhhhhh, it may not work but the covid i keep getting would be much worse if i did not wear the mask.
  18. yes, respect. i hear ya. Let it be known that i wear my mask at exactly the same level on my CHIN as do all the residents around my village. Seems to work ! No covid yet
  19. He is the ONLY one she has ever done it with .................????
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