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Everything posted by rumak

  1. not a subject they want brought up here ..... you will have to ask him ahhhh the good ole days ........
  2. It'll still be the same when you return. Used to be exciting when my friend Yinn was around .
  3. I broke my hip playing basketball .... at 70 ! Next life : play with people smaller and older than me
  4. I just reread yours.... and you are ONLY 6 months post op ! Patience, young man . If you do not push it i believe you will get back to "normal" , little by little . It actually took me almost 2 years before i was getting around without ever thinking of my injury . ( i think being in a wheelchair for 3 months did slow you down a bit .) Try to stand straight and move slow . I do eat meat and lots of avocados .... protein is good. BUT, i also read an opinion that TOO MUCH protein can not be good ( try to read about that . I will go back myself to try to find it) . Keep going. Six months is nothing with these major injuries ..... but healthy people get through it. edit : I also eat 2 good sized fresh eggs every morning ....with a bit of beef or homemade bacon . Plenty of protein ????
  5. After breaking my hip ( i was 70 ) I could hardly move after the surgery (metal rod ) . But, the first week or two was the hardest . I could manage to get to the bathroom using a walker. Very slowly and tediously . Then slowly the pain subsided to where i could get around the house. But, very limited and it was about a month before i ventured out for short and very slow "walks" with the walker . Did not even attempt using just a cane for about 6 weeks. The key for me, i think, was that I DID NOT PUSH THINGS . It is tempting, and some people advocate that, but i do not recommend it. Doing exercise often..... for short intervals.... and not strenuous worked for me. After 3 months when the xrays showed i was 85% healed , or so, then i did longer walks .... without the cane , After 5 months i was able to walk fairly well and up to 4 km, still a slow pace . And i still felt a bit sore but not PAIN ...... for over a year . my advice : just walk, walk, walk ( or stationary bike) . I now have a treadmill as the even pace and level position puts less strain on my body . My back does hurt sometimes but has on and off for a long time. Even doctors will say : everyone is different . meaning, every body is different. IMO .....after 70 , even those of us who were "FIT" .. eventually start to listen to what hurts and compensate . And we should know what works and what doesn't . i take supplements ( magnesium and c and d ..etc) ..... but personally not interested in peptides .
  6. Can i have your permission to use those words of yours ? It will be very useful for me to use on this forum , and by adapting it to fit many scenarios , especially "debates" from members here professing to know the exact truth ...... it will come in handy . Oh, btw..... please put the permission in writing, 2 copies of each page, your mother-in-laws maiden name..... and zodiac sign. Thank you (in advance) Rumak
  7. And.... the informative videos by some Dr's , regarding Apple Cider Vinegar make it very clear that the problem is not too much acid in the stomach. Also there are explanations as to why the "acid refux" is most likely happenning . ( food not digesting properly) . Glad that someone else mentioned the "not too much acid" misconception.
  8. first part absolutely agree with ( do not take omeprazole) .......... I take Apple Cider vinegar every day and it has eradicated all "gas problems" ....( which as you say is really not enough acid ) . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EIHwsL4tKQ NOTE: most folks on this forum are not believers of "alternatives" to the mainstreet pharmaceuticals given as "the science" . Personally I have been on the alternative path and done very well, but this is just my experience. Actually FIXING a medical condition does take more time and effort than just popping a pill every day .
  9. i have some new advice ( i used to go to baking soda as well .... before :::) i saw some videos about Apple Cider vinegar AND .......gerd, etc...... . My links probably not welcome here , but i can pm anyone interested. A google search for ACV ...you tube....Dr Berg ..... and others.... if one wants to check by themself
  10. ha ha . You think giving the analogy of "Let me rent your ricefield........ and i will share the profit with you " would work better ?
  11. Speaking of cars ........ hey, why not offer a reasonable downpayment. Then , after an agreed upon time..let's say 3 months , if the couple are running smoothly, an installment plan can begun . Maybe the standard 15 k a month . It would be wise if there is also an understanding that if the "car" is not performing well the buyer can then stop payments . Payments already made are non-refundable . And........... parents can come pick up their property . note: outraged readers can be assured that this is just..................................................... a joke
  12. is the indica sold in oil form ? long ago i smoked, don't want to do it now
  13. Some places the girls will be different . But the guy hoping to attract one will still be the same ????
  14. My gf can speak both Thai and English . The problem is ............. her sentences contain an equal amount of each language .
  15. Once in a while I gotta agree with a BM2 post . There are "exceptions", of course. But from my years on earth ( which are many) ....... seems like the above is usually the case . Children eventually go away to live their own life (my hope would have been for my loving daughter to settle in Thailand ( where she was born ) ..... but i am proud she made a life on her own. And then I have the GF . She is "different" . (laughing erupts on the forum) . Well, compared to what i see with most couples .... i got a winner . After many tries. Does she really love me ? ....... who knows. But she treats me well and doesn't make those faces we see everywhere ! Works for me. Still... old age is not so great . Nobody in history has figured out how to turn that around. Though a few billionaires might be getting close .
  16. I'm pretty happy . Well, it used to be a lot better when it was all sex, drugs and rock and roll. now, things have really changed. the music sucks !
  17. Thank you for your feedback . The links you supplied are similar to a few others.... pretty much govt. narrative and mostly with the analysis of : " some studies have shown some relief, but not enough is known and one must always be careful of the risks ....... etc. Be sure to seek "professional advice ..." OK . Yes, i am someone who does my own research , seeking different "opinions" and user reviews (which are often very helpful when they are from non=affiliated individuals with no agenda) . Then, after making an initial decision I can do the "trial and compare method" ..... which after all fits into the idea that different people will have different results. At this point i only have thc oil from the local govt hospital , and only taken 3 nights so far. It does help as i wake up less stiff and with less pain ...... but surely a few days is not enough time yet to see better results . I have a "feeling" that the quote referring to the advantages (and results) of using THC and CBD in concert are important ......... and at this time am looking for the right product . Sundara gets good reviews BUT i only see that they sell CBD oil .... not a combination . I will send them an inquiry now. I am guessing that i can just buy CBD and THC seperately to ingest ...... not needing a product that has both already. (yes?) Like any self directed research ..... the field is large and choosing correctly is a challenge . Not always a recipe for success , but , nowadays more than ever I place a lot more emphasis and trust in my brains ability to seperate the facts from the propaganda/ narrative/ establisment goals of the medical industry . ( in this type of endeavor..... everyone's success in maintaining true health will vary ) best, rumak
  18. One of the best replies on this forum for a very long time ............. since i have stopped "debating" with those who have opposite views to mine and do the usual insult , show me the facts, those sources are not their accepted sources , etd . Very well written .... Do you hire out to write similar responses , as I could probably use your services . ???? edit : btw..... i have increasing pain this year from what is usually called "osteoporosis" . Whatever, my lower back , neck, and other areas are stiff, in pain, Yesterday went to govt clinic and they gave me what they call thc oil ( ganja oil on the box) . Told me to take 5 drops before bed . Last night first time .... and i slept better and woke up with just a bit of a stiff neck , but otherwise my body was much better than previously . ( no placebo effect ???? Any link to an article you can suggest ( simpler the better) that explains what is thought to be why thc has this effect on painful joints and muscles would be greatly appreciated . When i was young i was quite a druggy haha . That was a long time ago, so i have some catching up to do. This might save my quality of life ! thanks.....rumak
  19. you don't know a shop in town that you can recommend ?
  20. BM2 ....... Where (exactly if possible) in CM area do you buy ( smoke means you are buying some form of the plant, right ?) Also, taking at night will keep the pain down during the day as well ? Is it not possible to get the THC in the oil form ...... so that i can just swallow it ? thanks...rumak
  21. Life is yin and yang . I guess you are the yin to my yang (so take comfort in that ). I spent my whole life doing and moving and being free. Having things and getting rid of things and generally just living. Tried to get as much experience , mistakes and all (learning process) .... so that now i can die and not have to rely on a reincarnation to give me a second chance.
  22. thats what made sense to me .......... but better to ask ! thanks again
  23. One more question ......... So did anyone FOLD the 2 application for renewal papers in half ? Seems like a more workable size to send...... but ??? never sure how the govt will see things
  24. my third renewal since being in Thailand ! one would hope that these things would get easier . electronic age and all ????
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