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Everything posted by rumak

  1. Its strange......... I don't listen to anything the government "experts" say or recommend. If i do need to find some information I look on some hard to find sites (because , as twitter and facebook have revealed, the govt is active in censoring alternative views ) for facts that i believe in. As a result, in my 70's now, weight is perfect, and I am not on any pills to control blood pressure, heartburn, diabetes, stress, depression, prostate problems, cholesterol levels etc etc. Nothing like an overweight person on medications telling me what to follow if i want to live. Crazy
  2. cutting out the exercise was easy, hmmm, but having a bit of trouble cutting out the fatty food
  3. do you have "heart issues' ? High blood pressure ? clogged arteries ? Or are you just taking drugs because you have been told that you have high cholesterol ?
  4. I was wondering if there would be ONE other person that might have a different thought than all the others here (and in all other mainstreet doctors offices) . Because , like anything , there are SOME experts, Drs. that see things different than the majority. I am in excellent health, low blood pressure, high cholesterol levels. I did my research, and choose to believe this : Many studies have shown that old people with high cholesterol are healthier and live longer than people with low cholesterol. In fact it is dangerous to reduce cholesterol in old people. And yet that is exactly what our doctors are doing. "The older the person is the more their low blood cholesterol poses a risk of stroke, while it has been clearly demonstrated that high blood cholesterol protects older people from strokes, heart disease, infections, cancer and many other health problems." https://www.faim.org/do-fats-and-cholesterol-really-cause-heart-disease-or-have-we-got-it-wrong Also a book The Great Cholesterol Con . This post will give everyone else posting great joy in using their "rumak is crazy" remarks. Not necessary, since of course they can do as they want. My doctor just last week saw me and said, "for a person your age you are exceptional" .
  5. free speech . hahahhahahahahahahhahah shhhhhhh there is a always someone listening
  6. when you start with that assumption........ you lose all credibility because you then try to assign "truth" to all that your brain thinks is so. but thanks for sharing. a good example of what turns others off .......
  7. After going there I left a completely new man. Sometimes I can not even remember who I am. I spend countless hours, even days, when I relax in peace as i recite the lovely mantra that was especially picked for me by the american monk : I start with a simple OM OM OMMMMMMMMMMM as one progresses through the hours and hours of learning the true meaning of life emerges.... Sing along brother !
  8. i am not sure......but think he HAS NOT had any luck. My daughter who lives in canada said she kept calling and calling.... and calling till she finally got through (months ago) that's only info i have........ sorry
  9. I am asking for Canadian friend ...... who can not get through to Can embassy in Ottawa ( totally useless) i don't know if he is a member here so i recommended he just come without a visa and sort out what he needs (if long term) once he is here. thanks for replies.
  10. Is the visa on arrival available to Canadians ? For how long ? And, no covid papers or extras required, correct ?
  11. I really wonder how a mask can keep out a virus........... when even when i wear three i can still smell the garlic and peppers on our fellow denizons
  12. saying you know things about a place you have not spent time is a "big problem" . do you have any idea how much land 60 talangwa is ? that is about the size of land you will get with the SMALL 3bd 2 bath cheaply built house , they look cute, until you have 50 other "neighbors" crammed into similar lots around yours
  13. a topic from 2 years ago.... i also had gutters put on my house 8 months ago by a company in San Sai ..... not a large company. for me i am satisfied, and liked them ( but your experience might vary) thai speaking 089 6378876 i had normal 6 inch gutters not vinyl no leaks so far
  14. they are "strongly suggested" to wear them ????
  15. I think people still wear them because they are really embarrassed that they wore them for so long . Now they all have a "mask tan " on their faces
  16. its all because of the unvaccinated !! you see, we never got covid so therefore we are a great danger of being carriers (when we get it from the vaccinated )
  17. Yes, cities are much more conducive for your type . The funny thing is how many members fell for your click bait post . oh well......... being slick is a city thing thanks for the entertainment
  18. My experience almost exactly the same ( and mrs rumak ) . All my "vaccinated" friends have gotten covid , though they often say "might have been worse" . On the other hand, MAYbE if they had followed a healthy regimen like rattlesnake, myself, and a few other non vaxxed friends...... they would not have been sick at all .
  19. Jeezus said " love your fellow poster as you love yourself" well....... they just sharing the love , brother ????????????
  20. The CM office had people lining up at 5 am just to get in ..... and treating people pretty bad . Big Joke made a visit and voila ............. all of a sudden everything was cleaned up ! Now, its slipped a bit, but not so bad . And still a lot less people (covid) than that time before
  21. Amen. Hopefully the participants also take some time off to go outside for a walk , smell the roses and look at the trees . Or not ..............
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