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Everything posted by rumak

  1. Hi Amy , Outside of the small substack world there is a much wider one , with generally a much lower intelligence and/or feeling for compassion and all those nice things some people "hope for" . Hence the comments on msm sites are very indicative of the mindset of "normal" people. ???? Of course, me telling it like it is would just get me some snarky labels ( cynic, pessimist, etd) from a good percentage of the substack gang . (the AN pundits are wide and varied ..... literally 55) Being as Ninja likes idioms .... how's this one : "can't win for losing"
  2. I would file that under the "better safe than sorry" category . Many times not doing something results in getting a nasty surprise later on .... and hearing the customary " i thought nothing like that would happen" . (applicable to soooo many situations involving relationships)
  3. "accumulated, while together" . If you can show proof that you had the money that you brought over in a bank account (in your name only) BEFORE you were together , and could provide that proof (bank records ) ..... AND when you brought it over it went into an account only in your name and stayed that way .... As a fair and honest judge I would say that remains yours alone. Once anything gets comingled with your "partner" in any way then it gets more complicated and then the "opinion" of the judge who is deciding .....well, its up to him/her. Not just in Thailand, but everywhere.... people (judges are people) will not all interpret the law the same. Note: if you have a pension or other income that was going into the overseas account while you were with your partner ...... that could well be seen as "accumulated while together" . Probably would be even though of course I (and you) would think that is ridiculous) .
  4. Making your own bread is best of all .......... and I have mrs rumak to do just that ! note: bread was hard at first when using whole wheat in the mixture (along with white) . Just plain white easiest . but ......... Now we do mostly 40% wheat 40% rye 20 white flour . aroi . Also sour dough..... but getting the sour dough starter done correctly takes practice ! We just use a small electric oven . works fine even can make bread in the shape of a chicken !!
  5. "BUT... IF someone is in their 30’s... is not married etc and travels in and out very regularly (visa exempt or tourist visa), OR, IF they just want to stay here permanently." ............ that does narrow the "demand" down quite a bit . it is a lot of money to put down when future life at that age is anything but a surety . Like investing in a house ; easily bought , but not always easily sold when one wants to get out . supply and demand is very applicable here . ( only takes one..... but it ain't me regarding the visa deal )
  6. i don't understand .... Sarchasm : The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.
  7. A few years ago I posted here about the doctors ( only a very few) who contradicted the traditional thinking about cholesterol. My blood screening was nearly perfect .... except for the "dangerously high" cholesterol. Now even the usual google first page health experts are changing their tune ( a bit ) . There are now many videos that can be found from other "experts" who present a very different picture about cholesterol and heart disease. I believe the studies that show that my high levels will probably insure I live longer than those with lower levels. BTW: my blood pressure is consistently around 100/ 65 . Resting pulse 60 ! My age : over 70 Note: there are factors and tests that can help evaluate the condition of ones heart. Try to find out the possibilities..... before blindly seeing an "expert" who might not have to up to date facts
  8. That is exactly true (not that it will change anybodys mind on this forum) . Another major factor in the stupidity of the Google quoters is that they do not know... and of course do not want to know that Google is part of the whole propaganda group ( blackrock, microsoft, mainstreet media) that control just about everything. When one "googles" to find information....they are given a few pages from "selected" sources . I only wrote this for the very few people here who already know it ????
  9. oh jesus..... i thought for a second i was filling out a questionaire ..... and checked: all of the above
  10. ???? yeah, so true. it used to be so much nicer when there were only a few of us ! ????
  11. rumak

    Isaan Woman

    In return did they explain to you how easy it was for Isaan women to get rich from snaring rich farangs ?
  12. I think that might be illegal? Yep, I've heard of people that can get stuck in such relationships ............
  13. Well, sir ........ that certainly goes to prove that the old saying is definitely true . "Finding long lasting love is like playing darts : Hit or Miss ! Ahhhh, but hitting the bullseye is another matter .
  14. Well, probably some of those . IMO better than the " we had great sex for the first year... then I lost everything when she changed " Even though some here claim to know of "some" relationships that lasted ............. from the ones i see I do not get a great feeling of warmth when observing most that i know. I think the odd ones that "last forever" are the vast minority .
  15. remember..... probably an equal number of farangs that have been left with little , after the girl (thai or farang) decides to take them to the cleaners . how many guys build a house and give access to assets that they accumulated over many many years.............. to someone they know for a very short time? Of course...... they should know better. And often they repeat it again ! Kind of like playing the roulette wheel and losing. They double down
  16. Actually i was just thinking........ of offering consulting services regarding "how to be the middle human. " (not the perfect human) . The procedure would be to evaluate the physical/ mental/ and emotional status of an individual and then I ..RUMAK... would suggest ways to improve what exists. Disclaimer: this procedure requires a lot of listening and little talking. (as both can not be done at the same time) . Periodic follow ups would be advised as Rumak himself is always evolving (less slowly now .. in my golden years :-)............. . I do not do "serious reading" , but i enjoy hearing others opinions if presented in a 25 words or less format . Keeps me balanced : rolling eyes, laughs, and neck stretching . Yours truly..... Rumak
  17. Oh boy, BigStar...... we're giving the old goats some real fodder to throw at us ! 55 Obviously everyone has different physical (and mental) conditions to work with . That said, the body has an incredible ability to correct and improve ..... and of course takes time and effort . Any discussion of what to do and what to eat to achieve better health always ends up in arguments. haha Your wife is in great shape.... and I certainly envy her flexibility ! My gf is also impressed !
  18. my gf was a bit "pudgy" when i met her (9 years ago) ..... She's coming along pretty well (now 50) and Rumak ? same petit size as when 20 (now 72)
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