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Everything posted by rumak

  1. I remember you putting in a lot of effort ....researching , then hiring people to removate the condo . Can you give us members an honest appraisal of how it all went ? the good and the bad ....
  2. good info ........ i would just add : "a good hepatologist " . my experience with specific health matters is I try to educate myself a little ....... then seek an "expert" . or two ! blindly following a health practioner is not my way of doing things. thats just me : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › 29763131 Medical Error Reduction and Prevention - PubMed Dec 4, 2022Medical errors are a serious public health problem and a leading cause of death in the United States.
  3. This member has been trying to get the OP and others to get a simple test for HEPATITIS C . Actually everyone should add it when getting a standard blood test . If you test positive then you definitely need to read up on it. There are pills now that kill the virus.... still very expensive and I am not sure if available in Thailand . It can take years, decades even,, for symptoms to show.. but Hep C is a serious disease. Yellowtail is giving the best advice . First get a test !!
  4. i expect a lot of laugh emojis on this topic ........ right up there with the measures implementing the "quality of air" .
  5. Simon, best of luck. My comment here is not directed at you... but rather at the issue of Health Insurance companies. I followed most of your posts, so am i correct in saying that the (what you thought was good) insurance that you had was not so? And, i imagine a lot of stress dealing with the issues with them and or brokers. I chose not to deal with these crooks ( yes, sometimes it works ok) ........ but started saving money when i was 40 so that i could make decisions myself, seek different avenues myself. and yes Pay Myself. You are fortunate to have a plan B ... but it does involve a big change . My decision to self insure has worked out well for me. Not everyone will have the same results ..... insured or not
  6. Remember, pick the girls depending on their age (and yours ) . If you are an older guy might be wise to go with the girls over 30 ...... as they walk slower when taking you to the ATM .
  7. When i went to the ENT I had a very unusual problem. But thankfully I went to the best specialist available . I still have his expert report which cost me an arm and a leg. DR: Patient has what we refer to as reverse pattern psychosis : His Nose runs.... and his feet Smell
  8. Be sure you don't post in any bold letters because then he will really give you a good scolding . ????
  9. exactly............. and still using the same old lies like " the majority of experts agree" ..... There are plenty of live tapes showing major govt officials giving false information "based on the accepted experts opinion" . And the twitter posts and others show proof of the intent of government to censor opposing views . Which have now been shown as the Correct truth.
  10. I used to, like most people, trust what the governments and media said . But when I felt something was not true , and history showed how many lies governments and big companies have told ....then i started to read different opinions . When one side tries to silence other opinions....... that is a big red flag . The greatest trick someone in the wrong tries to pull is putting the blame on someone else. Ahh, and then the "misinformation" and name calling.
  11. actually..... seems like a Lot of the posters here who tried to belittle those whose "sources" were previously deemed not reliable..... are waking up. No apoligies , of course. The "facts" are still the same. Just the "misinformation spreaders" have been reversed
  12. Road rage does occur here . A farang was shot dead at an intersection in Chiangmai (many years ago now) . He was on a motorcycle and shouted at a guy driving a car . I also had a car stop , him pulling off the hiway and waiting for me (on cycle) because he thought i had given him the finger . I actually had just raised my arm , like one can do when thinking "look at that <deleted> driving like that" . i was not near him, nor could i see who was in the car.......... but he saw me and thought i gave him the finger. Luckily i stopped and headed another way as he was running towards me. Think of this post before you start something on the road.
  13. same for me . also eat and drink little at evening meal(or none , but i stick with something very light) . I am 72. Most guys our age will not want to do what it takes to stay off pills.... and then operations. period
  14. Thailand is doing everything in its power to accomodate the needs of these honored guests
  15. i just saw your post after i had posted mine . brilliant minds think alike . !
  16. pretty easy to see that your post is almost all "copy and paste". What was your source from which it was copied ? it definitely is being shown for what it is: paid for lies
  17. Nothing recently............. because the pharma bosses got smart and just paid to put all their puppets in positions in the FDA and Who and ... well, everywhere !
  18. haha thanks mr snake . Boy, the reading comprehension of some really explains why they can not be introduced to any intelligent analysis. To them, "critical thinking" means you call names and say "rubbish" to anything beyond your intellectual limits
  19. you are right ! amazing is not the right word for these people. not even surprised would fit. I guess the reality is ....... it is extremely saddening that so many can not break free to see reality. the reality that they have been led, just like livestock .
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