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Everything posted by rumak

  1. Just curious , and not sarcastically so............ if your post was written "freestyle", so to speak. I think it was. this from one : "adults tend towards an unhealthy approach of deathly seriousness and if one dares to attempt to tumble their constructions they will defend them to the death. I read two of your posts from today and found them to be quite above the norm . thanks
  2. The google idiots are scouring the paid for ads as we sit here. Expect soon the usual comments: " Round up all those endangering our lives and let's give them what they deserve ! "
  3. Not everything is black and white . Hmmm but some cows are LIKE MOTHER LIKE SON !
  4. Anyone who reads this forum knows without a doubt ......... White men are number 1 when it comes to jumping , to conclusions
  5. I hope he is not saluting the the females in an improper way ...........
  6. Normally a normal person will recognize other normal persons . However abnormal people might need to read lots of internet stories which normally have no relation at all to normal life, unless normal is the "new normal" where most things are disinformation , fact checked according to who pays for it, and so normal becomes something very different to those using the argument . Normally catch phrases such as "everybody knows" and " the majority of experts agree" are indicators of abnormal people trying to pass themselves off as normal topic: to insure or not to insure . oh, for sure: up to you
  7. yep, thought it was a gym equipment company ...... thanks K
  8. Thanks for that !! the two exclamation marks really helped. See the store often, but its set back a ways and I wondered what it was. no place like TV ..... where even our adversaries lend us a hand when needed
  9. Does Decathlon have a walk in store or distributor in CHIANGMAI ? i will not buy shoes online . no way BTW, went walking today with the shoes i bought from NorthFace. Fit the bill for what my feet want. Sturdy, comfortable, and my feet did not hurt ... Not what most people would like..... as they are not lightweight. ( But also not that heavy )
  10. How i look forward to the future............... when the reckoning comes.
  11. I kept telling my wallet that......... and it finally listened i liked the one pair sketchers i tried on......... hopefully there will be a more enthusiastic salesperson around when i go back
  12. continued : they are definitely not for running (too stiff and heavy) ..... but i am hoping that for walking they will be good support and also wear well (seem like good quality and good thick soles) Before buying i checked out the Hoka shop (not for me) .... then went down to SuperSports. Was running short on time, and finding a "sales person" who wanted to help was not to be. And prices not on many of the sneakers. They do have many brands, and a few look promising ( some of the mentioned ones like Sketchers and NewBalance among others. I only saw a few Merrell, which look good but did not see a large selection . I will go back and maybe get a "soft, lighter" pair as a second pair. But on another day when not rushed. Bought the North Face price after discount 4,095 baht . Hopefully they break in well and soften up a bit ....... should last quite a while Keep walking guys.......... its good for ya ????
  13. SO........ walking down second floor of Central Festival (CM) and the NorthFace shop caught my eye. Was not expecting a lot, and their in store selection indeed has only a few styles Tried on a pair and they felt good. Sounds simple, right ? But for me that is not the case 99% of the time . Sneakers just usually do not feel "right" when i try them on. Too tight or too loose or too thin or i do not like the soles. These ones i tried on look like old style sneakers, are a bit heavy, but feel solid and comfortable. A pic :
  14. And won't it be fun, when you are near 80 and unfortunately have some "serious event" that might occur. There you are, sitting with tubes in your body and trying to fight with the insurance company when they present you with the "sorry . not covered for that" list . Oh, and don't forget those deductables .
  15. those merrell hiking boots look interesting for my wants. its all in how they feel once i try them on ( i have been to Central but did not go into SS last time ). I;ll go have a look ! Thanks for posting
  16. i thought of that.... then forgot 55 you put them in your sneakers ? I might just have a look tomorrow . thanks I should add that even the top of my feet feel a little sore nowadays. I am wearing FILA which are cushioned more than some others i tried on . But these darn feet are getting pretty tender, not keeping up with my heart ! thats why i am even considering a soft work boot like i used to have when i was young . Once broken in they were very comfortable and supportive
  17. "Just bought".... have you been wearing them for a while now , and find they are better than what you had before? Actually, had a look at Central last week and was kind of interested in trying on the Hoka. But every time my mind kept saying damn, they are expensive ! my main fear being that i will get them and then my feet will not like them ???? thanks for posting..
  18. My feet just do not want to wear thin sneakers anymore ! Period. No advice needed as to "gentle exercise" as i basically have no choice at this age. Walking, bicycle, some swimming ........ all done at very moderate level . ANYONE who knows where to get great walking shoes or even boots ( like the old leather Red Wing hiking boots) that will cushion the impact on my feet , would love to hear about it. I do not order from Amazon, etc. Would have to be able to buy here (in Chiangmai) and try them on. Note: i am not overweight and do not need physical fitness advice, But if you know where i can get feet transplants then go ahead and get off topic. GREAT WALKING SHOES
  19. " Rumak's solution : I told them where they can put their "ratcheting up " Note: there are quite a few "good ideas" IMO ............... that in actual practice, and when distorted and corrupted by bureaucracy and self interest , have completely done the opposite of what they were "intended to do" . That subject is for another day/time. For today, i will end my comments on this subject by saying : " wouldn't it be nice if health care and ALL the health agencies and insurance conglomerates were really trying to heal the populace . " Try discussing the subject of altruism with insurance claims people . That should be a real laugh
  20. I am now fantastically wealthy ....... as i have invested in insurance companies since i was a ltlle boy. I proudly tell everyone that I am "one of the owners" of Berkshire Hathaway ! Thanks, Warren ! Berkshire Hathaway owns 100% of its insurance operations, with a massive float value of US$147 billion. “The insurance business is made to order for Berkshire,” the company said in its 2021 annual report. disclosure: this statement may or not be true. it will be evaluated again by ME after a time that i designate
  21. I await the pro insurance advocates answers to this AMAZING post . thank you sir. What would have been the cost of this very generous contract offered to you by the wonderful and caring insurer ?
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