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Everything posted by geisha

  1. I hope now they are going to give up using “ de facto Pheu Thai boss cum convict on parole” its absolutely ridiculous.
  2. Well, there’s not a lot of the original members left . Burma Bill, and the one who left for Siem Reap , jingthing, Simon 43 who I think I remember from Phuket, any more ?? And where have you been grumpyoldman ? It was friendlier years back , less hate . Maybe start a thread on the original members.
  3. Unfortunately it’s a customer service problem that is rife all over Thailand in every domaine. These people have no proper schooling/ education. From the top level down. They don’t realize what tourists think when they stand in one or 2 hour long queues after traveling 12/ 20 hours to get there, they don’t care if someone buys that phone or jacket or shoes, or that face in their phone attitude is really annoying. The airport has been a source of tourist agony and anger for years and none gives a damn. Just see the screw ups all over the country which make the country laughable abroad. For heavens sake, get the kids and young educated , Thailands staff problem is very embarrassing !
  4. Yes, as in many countries , home nursing is a choice. a nurse or two comes by every day , checks blood, tension etc, and as Thaksin is very well off he will have his own doctor come every day too. Lots of day dreamers on here.
  5. Yes, I saw that on one of those British Border control series on TV, and wondered why if the max is 10 000. I know there are still people who keep cash and large amounts too, and not dirty money. Then you wouldn’t have bank proof if you had a control ?? A friend of mine saves his tips over the years which he uses for travel.
  6. I think it’s 10 000 €/£$ in Eu , please correct me if I’m wrong.
  7. I’ll never forget a passenger who didn’t put his phone off immediately after the announcement, a stewardess turned round in the alley and screamed at him ! A real soi 6 voice . Yes, passenger was wrong, but the fish wife look wasn’t very becoming.
  8. I had new glasses in Jan 2023 and didn’t wear them as I didn’t feel comfortable , also made me a bit dizzy.Went back when home from Thailand, saw someone capable who fitted the branches properly and got them properly balanced , sorry can’t think of another word. Been great ever since. You could see an ophthalmologist and take your old and new glasses with you. Have you had a proper full eye test lately ?, after 60 you need once a year check.
  9. Well Thaksin is an expert in telecom so he’s the man the government needs ( He who last laughs ……..) But seriously, we have had this warning system in France especially for bad weather situations. Very handy, especially for coastal homes/ villages or isolated and mountains regions. We also have a new government warning system , which we all received in action to let us know how it sounds etc. I suppose it will concern earthquakes, tsunamis ( yes had one late 1970s in Antibes where I live) or any sort of imminent danger.
  10. Yes, they will probably ask him for advice as he has great knowledge in Telecommunications.
  11. Loved the Fantasy Bar! Great staff, good cocktails, and the statues around the bar were Fantastic. Those glass shelves and the hundreds of different alcohols, amazing. Was sad when it closed, I often wonder why it wasn’t taken over as it did good trade.
  12. In my infants school we were taught all the popular Aussie songs for some reason ( UK)
  13. I called it the whoop whooping bird, bloody annoying. I be seen one or two( I think) very dark reddish color.
  14. Having had a very good travel insurance for years ( never claimed) , and a totally unforeseen illness which was covered by this insurance, I can promise you that most will find every way possible to delay or not pay out . Luckily I had the money but it’s taking ages to get reimbursed, although they have sent an acceptance letter. Reading the reviews of this big company a huge amount of customers were very disappointed/ angry at the rip offs, because that’s what most are, rip offs.
  15. I don’t live in Bangkok but often visit for a long weekend and Christmas and New year week. I’ve had problems while in Phuket , but not Bangkok, only once over charged at the airport. I use taxis often from my hotel, and they’re always meter taxis , working. Evenings too when I go out for a meal , and I’ll arrange a pick up, or one called by the restaurant staff. Am I lucky, don’t know. Bangkok Pattaya taxis I reserve asking for good driver, not using phone while driving, and I’ll tip ok when I’m happy . They work hard, I appreciate it.
  16. The truth is, expats, travelers, always complain about the country they’ve chosen to live, and most forget about the advantages and good points of their own birth country. From scam artists, builders, governments, expensive health care, taxis , even the costs at a gogo, there they go again, complaining!
  17. I spent 2 months in Phuket after Covid to see my good friends after having lived there from early 80s for a bit more than 20 yrs. Loved it at the time , the 80s and 90s were fantastic, and Phuket wasn’t crowded and never saw a traffic jam. It was my little paradise in Kata , everyone friends. So Had the shock of my life when I went back , I couldn’t believe the traffic, the noise from a million motorcycles, the still pot holed roads and lack of pavements, stressed out Thai businesses, Thai smile long disappeared. And no wonder with the place being overrun by surly rude Russians, buildings , all the gorgeous hillsides turned into pool Villa ghettos. I was happy to leave again and I will go back to see my old friends but will stay a week.
  18. I think you’ll need to see a solicitor specializing in such area to make sure your partner is comfortable after your death. But be careful of protecting yourself too.
  19. They normally put them through the machine, but in their job you know a fake euro if you look properly, there’s always something.
  20. Quite common in lots of African countries and in the Arab and all Muslim countries , parents marry off their 12/14 years olds to old men .
  21. This happened to me once in Pattaya years back. I took my tickets, passport , photo , the condo address etc to immigration in Jomtien and declared myself, had no problem. Don’t know if I was just lucky I think they’re probably used to owners not wanting to declare.
  22. With this happening a bit too often, I rather think they should have a hefty steward standing next to the doors who would be able to hold off an attack such as this. I myself had an awful experience on a Lufthansa flight about 12 yrs back when a drunk nasty character created havoc after take off ! After 10 minutes of terror he was handcuffed to the back of his seat and his seat neighbor and myself were moved to the pilots rest area due to a very full flight. Needless to say he was arrested on arrival . Frightening .
  23. I was in Bali last April. It was awful ! A beautiful island with beautiful people once, now ruined. The abuse of land/ buildings etc is horrendous. The one big supermarket overrun with pushy Russian ladies and their Balinese staff. Nearly every Russian family I saw there had a Balinese nanny night and day. In one five star hotel there were numerous long stay families with their Balinese staff. They’re not all draft dodgers, a lot are very rich Russians planning a new future and getaway in countries that still accept them. Same is happening in Thailand. Once your kids are in school you’re Visa happy , no matter what your age, which is why we’re seeing more younger families than before.
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