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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Nah, it only happens on this website. I'll just spend less time here.
  2. "Asinine" would be to sleep with minors and try to make the defense, "I didn't know the age of consent in Thailand and not everyone has an ID card" Wouldn't hold up in court, buddy
  3. You are from the UK, right? You are aware that people need to show ID to get into a nightclub, right? Or to buy cigarettes or alcohol. Why are you playing stupid?
  4. So, if someone sold you cocaine in a bar, you'd expect cocaine to be legal in Thailand? It's you who doesnt make sense, buddy.
  5. While I agree with it being difficult to know their age, he could have used common sense. If in doubt, don't put your dick into it. That's a pretty sensible rule of thumb. Aside from that, Thailand is known to be dodgy. Its world famous for that. It isn't beyond comprehension that underage prostitution may occur. Unless, the person is totally retarded. Why can't you expect a foreigner to know Thai law? They don't need to pass the bar or anything, but basic laws like age of consent, prostitution, drugs, speed limits and such should be known, if you are getting involved with that stuff.
  6. It's you who is complicating things. The guy broke the law. And if they were under 18, it's not a complicated law to understand. Maybe they lied about their age. Maybe they were close to 18. In any case, he saw young pussy and he did it. He must have known he was taking a risk. You are doing a lot of mental gymnastics here, lol. Why? A bit sus. 🤨 Didn't the article say they were under 18 anyway? And even at that, I think this "profession" is for 20 and older, right? Pretty sure Thailand's human trafficking laws protect them up to 20 regarding prostitution. I mean, they aren't old enough to drink, never mind sell their body.
  7. In my old village, there was a 13 year old who used to go around sleeping with guys. Her dad would show up at the guy's house the next day to extort 30,000 baht. He was clearly just pimping her out.
  8. Fair point, he may have searched out a Thai karaoke bar for underage girls.
  9. On what planet does that make sense? So, if an adult has sex with a minor, which is statutory rape, the minor should be held liable if they lied about their age? The point is they aren't old enough to know what they are doing. That's why the law protects them.
  10. I've never seen an underage hooker in a bar in Hua Hin, have you? Or any other tourist area in Thailand, for that matter I'd say it's rare.
  11. To be fair, you wouldn't expect underage prostitution to occur openly in a busy, developed tourist town, like Hua Hin, would you? I don't think I've ever seem this. However, Thai karaoke bars, different story.
  12. Liable for what? Drinking in a bar?? They were trafficked for sex, according to Thai law. Lemme guess, you think they should be charged for trafficking themselves? Lol
  13. They are the victims in this case. What planet are you on?? Did it say that in the article? I'd bet they knew the bar owners/staff and sent them to work at the bar. We can't know for sure, obviously.
  14. I bet if he asked their age they would have said 20, since that's the age you need to be to go to a bar in Thailand.
  15. Parents should be prosecuted, too, if they sent them to do this work.
  16. I dunno how you could pinpoint the age down to 2 year intervals. I've seen 26 year olds that could pass for 16. My EX looked 25 when she was 35. I saw a picture of her at 15 on her first day of work and I thought she was 9, lol. Seriously. But she didn't have her period til 18, apparently, so maybe she was an unusual case.
  17. Thanks for finding the link to prove what I said "Whoever, imputes anything to the other person before a third person in a manner likely to impair the reputation of such other person or to expose such other person to be hated or scorned, is said to commit defamation, and shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one year or fined not exceeding twenty thousand Baht, or both." Even if what he said is true, it's still defamation.
  18. Can understand and speak Thai well enough to get by in most situations. Can read a little too. But have zero motivation to learn more. Probably haven't learned a new word in a decade
  19. Even if the defamation is true, it's still defamation according to Thai law
  20. There is no evidence he can show to disprove the defamation. Even if they trashed their place and he had evidence, it would still be defamation according to Thai law
  21. I see you haven't read the Bible. Well, lurking isn't a movement. I suppose they can lurk, if they are mentally capable of it.
  22. This is probably the first time in Biden's term I have been pleasantly surprised.
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