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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. In reality , they all wish they were western women. I prefer a pig nosed Issan farm girl myself. Those big noses look fake anyway.
  2. A sign of insecurity and probably mental illness in my opinion. I think many males get them to look macho possibly due to small penis.
  3. If online does not work 100 b for agent. I never go to Immigration for anything anymore.
  4. Any of it sounds terrible.
  5. Death penalty for this filthy POS.
  6. Oh, you will hear the stories how much money people claim to make off Thai RE. Mostly BS I think. And the old ¨another one sold in the building for...¨ Thai RE is not really much of an investment. It is a place to live and that is about it. So much more flexibility and less hassle in renting if one wants a place to live. I bet a stock like Apple or Tesla will at least double over the next 5 years. No way your condo will.
  7. I never said I did. But, maybe you can tell us.
  8. 50 bucks a day is very cheap. How much does a westeren woman cost?
  9. I bet these type of assaults are more common then people think. Good for the girl for reporting it.
  10. Went thru a couple weeks ago they had the system up for Thai air international departures. It did not work, I had to go thru the officer queue. Good luck.
  11. One of the biggest expat lies is: I always glove up. They want to save face with their beer buddies. This survey is a little closer to the truth , but in my opinion it is closer to 80% who never use.
  12. Probably will write a book and be a host on ¨The View". The Dems will push Gavin Newsome as their next savior.
  13. A friends daughter just graduated and got a job for a whooping 10k a month. Would probably be better working at 7-11.
  14. Sounds like such naive stupidity. Some think Thai people will have more kids for 18 bucks a month? They must think they are total clueless idiots.
  15. Wrong from my experience they drive slowly all over the roadway honking at people walking to solicit rides. Then suddenly stop to let people get on. Many times fat and slow can barely pull up themselves into the back. Then, the delays of people getting out and paying often times with incorrect coin needing change. They are a major hazard especially on Soi Buakhao suddenly stopping in the middle of the road backing up traffic. In my opinion under the current usage they showed be banned.
  16. Bidens´ comments certainly screwed over Harris. Now, he is trying to screw over Trump. Biden is a bitter deranged old man who should have been replaced months ago. I bet he does more damage before January. Sad and sick.
  17. Good, I much prefer alone in the lift then hearing these girls on their phones or looking at themselves in their camera..
  18. So drunk he cannot even tell the cops what Happened? What a total tool fool.
  19. If you marry a Pattaya bargirl, you will probably be screwed. That is my experience from The guys I know who have done this. Maybe good for a few months then they want to meet thier friends, party, drink, meeting old cutsomers and possibly go back to work in massage because they convince the guy it is not a bar.
  20. She would have lost by even more as her incompetence would have been more exposed.
  21. No, some of us are educated enough to figure it out.
  22. Frustrating and very stupid. What about the drivers? It is all about educating people when they are in the 6th grade. Then, continuing until they reach driving age. Add, the engineering of the roadways. The Cops could do more, but can only do so much the Thai drivers are totally uneducated about safe driving. I bet many of thee accidents are follwing too closely and running red lights. Following someone at 1 metere while driving 120 is a death trap they are so clueless. Sadly, I doubt it will ever change I just stay to the left and driver very cautiously.
  23. I get it, but it can create a first impression of a place you are visiitng. Ever been to the gulag of a an unorganized/old place like LAX? And all the transportation issues there it is really depressing. I was just at Incheon airport what a beautiful place and so easy to navigate.
  24. Germany is in recession with many problems and people dont want a VW or BMW. Brazil? who cares. The U.S. is the only game for the future 27 is a little high but with lower interest rates, Trump, tax cuts, Billions sitting in fixed income lots of money will be pouring in the he markets in the coming months. If PE is your deal look at the small caps PE is good now.
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