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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. That decay or possible infection can get into your brain. Do you have any of these symptoms? Symptoms of Tooth Infection Spreading to Brain The bacteria from your dental infection can travel and reach your brain. This spread is called a brain abscess. It is a life-threatening condition. It is rare, but it brings the worst imaginable health results if it happens. A tooth infection spreads via the bloodstream. Some signs include: Constant and severe headaches painkillers are unable to relieve. Chills and sweating with high body temperature. Extreme amount of stiffness in your neck muscles. Nausea accompanied by vomiting. Elevated sensitivity to light. Feeling dizzy, confused, or irritated. Depending upon where the abscess is situated. There can be particular neurological symptoms like numbness, fatigue, or trouble speaking.
  2. Yes, the Black man around Nana very annoying. They say, " hey bro, you need something ". I am not your bro loser. Many everywhere cannot understand why the police seem to not care.
  3. EVś are a dead industry. People who wanted them have purchased them already. And, many want to go back to gas cars. A big waste of WOKE Starbuck/Apple want a bee nothingness. According to McKinsey, 46 percent of EV drivers in the U.S. said they're likely to go back to a traditional engine in their next vehicle. Across the globe, the biggest concern for the consumers was not the cars themselves, but the inadequate public charging infrastructure where they live, which could leave them stranded on the road, especially on long trips. The cost of upkeep and maintenance is also an obstacle that many EV owners struggle to overcome.
  4. A shot of Vodka or Tequila works.
  5. Everyone reacts differently. I have taken Ultracet (just one pill around noon) on and off for several years for low back pain. It does work and for me creates a slight euphoria, but much less then Vicodin. But, even the one pill after about 2 weeks when I stop I have withdrawals. Irritable and some confusion usually for 2 or 3 days. So, for me is I would say it has addictive tendency even at low doses.
  6. Just another reason taxation, probably worldwide taxation is coming.
  7. Old loser Tank top with a big fat disgusting gut. Maybe he should try to get in shape he probably would not need Vit C.
  8. Involving his children they should send him back to Thailand for prison. Australia prisoners watch TV and play cards. So liberal and weak. Send him back to sleep on concrete jammed in a room with hundreds of others. Teach this loser a lesson.
  9. He checked 5 bags how long was he here? And, checking a bag in child's name is unusual. Whatever, he remains in custody throw the book at him and find the kids a better Dad then this loser.
  10. Find yourself a bargirl you will have this in common.
  11. It actually is a good idea and should create less corruption as a hospital will now be in the loop. Unless, people think hospitals can/will be corrupted.
  12. 100% agrre on that in a car. More dangerous on a motorbike, so I bought a bigger bike now to take out small obstacles if necessary. Stopping or swerving away is a possble death call.
  13. Seems ridiculous not to have credit cards. I guess a person who has none probably does absolutely nothing. They are needed for travel, hotels, etc. Just pay them off.
  14. Just search hotels or fan rooms in and around Soi buakhao. Many for 500 b or less
  15. How do they know she was abandoned by her "parents". And, the article said the baby was fair skinned. That could create several possible scenarios and reasons.
  16. Coolaid drinking status seekers. Probably all want an electric car. Those phones are a big rip off in my opinion. Never understood the hype.
  17. It certainly seems to be an inticement to get people in the door when they try to hide it. A 499 buffet with a small asterisk near it. Then, read another place the ++. Not a scam per say, just seems to be a thing here.
  18. A reputable broker told me if taking statins for cholesterol any heart related issue will not be covered.
  19. https://www.forbes.com/sites/joanneshurvell/2024/09/17/50-best-announces-worlds-top-hotels-for-2024/ Didn't even make the top 50 on this list.
  20. Yeah, I guess it is a crap shoot. Had mine cleaned recently one of them now makes a click click noise for about 15 mintues when I turn it on. I called the cleaning company and they said it would eventually stop. That was 2 months ago.
  21. ? Korat and Khon Kaen are some of the better places in the country to find a GF. Not tainted and sick in the head like Pattaya. And, not want-a-be in debt hiso like Bangkok.
  22. WOuld not be surprised at some point she will want to give them to all females black or white. Just because of the crazy opinion that women have been repressed and they all deserve it.
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