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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. I went to the Philippines recently with an unknown return date. At BKK Airport prior to check in, I booked a 24 hour cancel ticket which gives you intinerary and confirmation number. I showed it at check in, and later that day upon arrival at Manila Airport. When I got to my hotel I canceled it no fee. Also, some of the online sites for flights have " cancel for any reason" insurance for a nominal fee.
  2. Bangkok seems to be mostly Arabs walking the malls and going for medical tourism. Big influx of Indian males in Pattaya walking around, getting massages hitting on girls on Beach Road. That is the majority of tourists I have seen can't remember the last time I saw a western family here on holiday. School has started now they won't be coming anyway. The Chinese will change the numbers significantly when they start coming, but a world wide recession could kill any large recovery until 2024.
  3. For any Prostatitis symtoms, I suggest to not sit so much and get plenty of exercise, eat a recommened diet. Also, ejaculate as much as possible. Maybe train your suspected STI lady to do a prostate massage for you. Masturbation is okay, just keep continuing to clean it out.
  4. Marry a Thai girl buy mak mak land before the Chinese come.
  5. I would totally avoid all the places you suggested. I would take her to Vietnam and very diverse place and probably half the cost of the others.
  6. ? Actually buying and trying to eat all the foods you suggest is much more expensive and time consuming then buying a multi vitamin.
  7. They should be able to if they can. But if they can´t, then they won´t.
  8. 2 plus 3 equals 5 last time I checked.
  9. Hey, sorry folks 99.9% of these Thai women who go to these places know what their job will be. Same with Korea, Sri Lanka, etc. They are not paying 130,000 b just to do massage on what is normally a 3 month contract. She is 41 not a kid, I am sure she had talked to others who went and had a clue.
  10. Please beware. A used car could have ghosts.
  11. They are just getting over all the restrictions and some economic issues. I bet next high season or around the first of 2023, they will come like never before many want to leave China for good just tired of the purgatory living environment.
  12. Plenty of landlords will go 6 months. But, if you really like the place, I would try to go longer. I see rents rising, maybe even significantly over the next couple of years. Places like Rawai in Phuket rents are rising even doubling. And, they will go up when the next high season comes. I would actually try to lock in maybe a 2 year contract with one month deposit. Convince the landlord for better deal with the longer commitment.
  13. Sounds like a definition and preference thing. I like a good girl who can be bad also. Tattoos don't bother me at all.
  14. I just left the Philippines. I think it is the worst country in Asia now just a mess of inflation, garbage, stench, beggars, and rats. I will never go back total 3rd world S hole. Also, on previous trips the people seemed pretty friendly. I felt a big change in this regard not nearly as friendly or at best, fake friendly. Thailand is 100 times better in my opinion.
  15. Did you search medical clinics? Several off Sukhumvit. I just had some taken out in Pattaya for 600 b. The hospital wanted 2,500.
  16. So, I guess the no card folks never travel? Book flights and hotels and activities. Never order supplies, maintenace items, gifts, etc. online? Credit is a good thing to have if a person has a full active life. Certainly not needed I guess if one sits around doing nothing.
  17. How many times? Sounds like in 10 years you have not learned how to properly evaluate a Thai female prior to living with them. Complain, complain, complain maybe take a look at yourself and your relationship choices/decisions.
  18. I just visited the Philippines. What a huge disappointment the same garbage that was there before Covid, is still there. Garbage, filth, rats, urine smell, beggars everywhere much worse then before. Dirtiest country I have ever visited by far. And, prices are way up in Manila and several of the beach communities. Glad I went because I will never go again it is a huge downgrade from Thailand in my opinion, a big zero the quality of life is probably better even in Cambodia.
  19. I always go to the larger Pharmacy on Pattaya Tai not far from 2nd road across from the temple. The sign is in Thai, but I think it is Fascino good selection of medications or they will order it if not have.
  20. I have met several girls from these various websites here. Some work in Gogoś or even walking on Beach Road. I certainly have enjoyed my conversation with all of them.
  21. Really fat and obese people may find it difficult to find something that fits here.
  22. I think they wear it, just because if has become habit. But, after wearing one on a motorbike due to the situation, I will continue to do so. Bad air from belching buses and cars breathing in that garbage is not good to ingest. Occasionally, the ingestion and bad smell of that exhaust smoke stench lasts the whole day.
  23. ? Used car prices are way up all over the world. In some cases a used car may be worth more then what was paid new. Prices for such things as car parts are up big time and not always easy to obtain. And, anyone keep up on the vehicle accident and death rates here? Some of the highest in the world so of course, they are going to raise the rates your chances of crashing are increased here.
  24. My father had Prostate cancer so I try to ejaculate everyday. It is very good for you. https://www.healthwavetx.com/blog/the-health-benefits-of-ejaculation/
  25. I have had a few pills on me in and out never had a problem. It may have happened but, I have never heard of anyone getting busted for having few.
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