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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. For me this place is so much better then the current west environment there is no comparison. When I go back after about 2 weeks, I can't wait to leave. Too many issues there to even talk about.
  2. Very surprising..
  3. Anyone that uses the excuse of actually wanting to leave this place due to the VIsa/extension process, is very weak in my opinion. What kind of job/education have these people had in their life, if any at all? If a person cannot qualify or deal with what amounts to maybe 8 to 10 hours of your time one time a year, then good luck finding another place that suits you.
  4. This has been one of the biggest tests ever for gold as itś number one attraction has always been it is a great hedge against inflation. It has failed and is down more then 10% from itś high while inflation is raging. Some predictions showing it going much lower by the end of the decade. I would dump it now and buy Apple stock, but up to you. The World Bank predicts the price of gold to decrease to $1,740/oz in 2021 from an average of $1,775/oz in 2020. In the next 10 years, the gold price is expected to decrease to $1,400/oz by 2030.
  5. Not sure about here, but some countries have a quota for doing things like searches and swabs. Could be just a random thing.
  6. Landmark or JW Marriott on Suk are nice.
  7. Pretty normal for a bar. Same with a bottle of water. Interesting I know a bar/restaurant owner off Soi Buakhao. He told me they make more profit off a cup of coffee then a full breakfast. So, the cheap charlies who just order a drink can actually be helping the bottom line.
  8. Disgusting truly. They need to give these corrupt thieves very long prison sentences.
  9. God bless those that can on 50 k. A proper plan would be to save and invest during your life so that you have little financial concerns and don´t have to count your pennies when older. Not many mention things like insurance costs. 100 k seems about right for a very fulfilling lifestyle here.
  10. Of course, most youth will be buying it from classmates and getting high. Been going on for more then 50 years around the world this place will be no different. In fact, it will probably be much worse the decision making abilities of youth here seems to be at the high end of bad.
  11. Bangkok AIr will probably try to stop it since they own the airport. In any event, sounds like a 10 year project probably full of many construction issues and potential corruption.
  12. What is worse porn, or thinking about the person who sits next to you in class? I am just saying, young males and females are curious and have developing hormones what are they expected to do?
  13. If you book something or have business here seems they always ask: you have paper? Even if you have emails or photos they ask for paper. Same with immigration extensions hey; it's the same as last year you want 20 pieces of paper again? All seems a big waste.
  14. So many bad mouthing the Saudiś yet Biden is over there begging them to increase their oil supplies. Stenson will probably get 50 million. What would you do? Too many hypocrites on this issue who bad mouth golfers that they are all about the money. And, you and your country are not? Give me a break.
  15. For reasons of noise, annoyance, and poor parenting I avoid kids whenever possible. I always pick a spot as far away from them as possible and avoid any interaction whatsoever. If they come around me I tell them to take off, or I will do so myself.
  16. Looking for the beast value or a cheap test seems dumb. How important is it to know about your full health status? Any full check up needs to include an EST (exercise stress test) which with all the other tests, will run approx. 15,000 b and up. It is currently 19,500 b including EST at Bangkok Hospital CM.
  17. Yes me too have been told I should get a reduction. Fat chance. ????
  18. Sure. Being old it is more difficult to control thus gives me a right to fart.
  19. My biggest concern is the lack of experience the new pilots will have. Anyone else notice some of the very young looking pilots flying domestic airlines here? Just saying, I hope there is not some speeding up the the training process to get these new pilots on board.
  20. Park the money some place else and use an agent for your extensions.
  21. You want to just call and change the access nunber for the account while out of the country on the phone? Your wants and requests are not and should not be available outside the country as it would be easy for scammers and fraud.
  22. Yes, I was just in Bangkok people are wearing masks. But, what is the point everyone takes them off in crowded restaurants, coffee shops, ice cream shops etc. 1000ś of people in the major malls Siam and Central World especially crowded. Talking, coughing, sneezing, etc. I am not anti mask and I wear one, but it all seems kind of dumb and almost hypocritical to keep pushing the issue.
  23. If you are here and don't speak fluent Thai how will you know? It is difficult even if they speak some English to have a "meaningful" conversation with a female here. Serious talking about general life issues, financial matters, etc. seems pretty rare.
  24. Very few actually need it for medical purposes. It is a non productive brain dead producing drug. Rich folks aren't successful being in this state of high, unless you were one of the Beatles. Low money Backpackers, digital nomads and skate boarder types love it.
  25. Yes, sadly that seems to describe the U.S. government.
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