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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. They do not go with customers BF and someone would be very fortunate to get one of their phone numbers. Many of them are aspiring models, car show types they have little interest in old fat Falang as they are mostly interested in meeting someone younger with real money.
  2. That certainly says a lot.
  3. An agent can do it for you yes I have used them in the past. You have 8 vehicles they will charge per vehicle it could get expensive.
  4. bkk6060

    Hotel in Pattaya

    Well, it sure looks nice and the location is good. The only possible problem with any of the hotels near Beach Road is the noise from bands or bars. If that bothers you, ask for a quiet room.
  5. I had sex today and the lady gave me a full body check before. I thought I was at the Dermatologist office inspecting me.
  6. MRI to find the truth I have had 2 kness surgeries. It is a constant battle as you get older to keep it strong. There is no medication available that is not addictive or is bad for your organs. If you fell on your knee cap, you may have some tissue damage under your cap and it could take some time to heal. If you are doing the wrong exercises it can make it worse and cause more irritation. Anyway, I would go to a good Ortho Doctor, get an MRI and figure it out from there.
  7. These I would bet are mostly people on their phones. Very stupid.
  8. From my expereince 99% of the time here when a female says ¨take care" it means money, not washing dirty underpants.
  9. After all that prior contact, I would have dumped her in one hour after we met if she didn´t like sex. Smart move the guy moved easy to meet another girl here sounds like she only wants the dough, but no go.
  10. Some big money spent on these shops in Pattaya. Then there is the smart guy who sets up a folding table on the sidewalk with baggies for sale.
  11. http://www.pattayagym.xyz/universe-gym/
  12. Theft, vandalism, assault which resulted in injury, drunk in public. They should let this guy rot in jail for 30 days then force him to pay.
  13. Silom area guys with small tables set up on the sidewalk weed in plastic bags for sale.
  14. Walking it is possible. There were a few people trying to go past on motorbikes yesterday even though workers were trying to stop them. No way a car. 2nd road in front of the Avenue and in both directions at least a month. That would be with minimal rain, so probably several months is about right. Also, if anyone in Pattaya wants to take a nice drive to Bang Saray, good luck. I drove it the other day construction is horrific and goes on for probably 20 km or more. Took well over an hour to get back avoid if all possible. It looks like a several year project to me all dug up with minimal workers.
  15. The "self insured" seem like naive fools to me. Just because it is free in your home country you don't want to pay for it here? Good luck. I bet many have well under 1,000,000 b probably more like 100,000 b and think they are covered? For what? It provides coverage "if" an incident occurs. That is why it is called "insurance".
  16. Many Western males have been beaten down so much, they have given up. Mostly being controlled they don´t care about sex or really care much at all about being a man.
  17. Another thread talking about the good old days and complaing about a very simple Visa process follow instructions, collect paperwork and copies and pay. People complaining about this, and how much easier it is for other countries and saying why/no one will come here. Yet, like the OP they are in fact coming. Just seems kinda weird. It is what it is it won´t kill you, so tough up and deal with it.
  18. U.S. Social Security top end will be almost 4 times a lousy UK pension. Ever ask your government what they have done with all the money? What a horrific terrible disgrace.
  19. I know some good ones also. You have proof that 229,867 more are bent? If not, your post is a fat false lie.
  20. I agree I do think India and especially Chinese will be buying here much more in the future. But, I would not buy a place with ïnvestment¨ in mind I would buy it as a place you choose to live. If you are buying just for rental property good luck. Preferably, if near water find a place with some ocean view.
  21. I have done it several times always stop in Nakon Sawan. Usually get a hotel in the city near the mall because of the easy food choices. Hotels are inexpensive decent place for around 20-30 bucks a night.
  22. India then China I bet will be the largest numbers of future visitors. And, the Thai girl historically commenting "I don't go with man India" sure seems to be changing I see them together all over Pattaya now.
  23. Don't really care I bet 2032. I will probably be dead.
  24. Yes, certainly a big plus and attraction for many of us here.
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