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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. Ha, so I guess some of you if a taxi was 120 b would still take the bus? Sounds so silly and stupid just admit it is all about the money. It´s like trying to convince yourself that economy is better then business class. Comfort, control and convenience come at a cost. If a person is unable or unwilling to pay for it, then I guess they need to choose the lesser alternative.
  2. Many online delivery services popping up some strong weed being offered and not inexpensive. I truly think Auntin wants full recreational, but did not want the backlash. Will be interesting to see what they do with people who are caught with it now.
  3. It is down 70% from its high. The problem some point out is people do not understand it. Very true, and most do not want to understand it or care. It will bounce around, but I bet it will never be widely invested or used globally.
  4. I never take the bus again. Sometimes waiting up to an hour for your bus, the air conditioning cannot be adjusted or closed on many of the buses you have to stuff a piece of paper in the vent to stop it, the toilets are not well kept and the smell can permeate throughout the bus, people on their phones the constant ding ding of Line apps, they are usually full so to say they are not crowded is false, the stability of them seems poor get a seat toward the back and you can feel the sway back in forth, they are slower and can take 15 to 20 minutes more. Makes so much more sense to pay 30 bucks for a taxi. Can stop at the big food/rest area about half way for a coffee and toilet. But, people seem very cheap here. Maybe the cheapest people I have every met are in Pattaya but hey as they say, to each their own.
  5. Most outside seem to no have them on or on their chin. They should allow no masks outside. But, keep one with you for inside 7-11 staff seem the most concerned place they will openly yell at you for not wearing one.
  6. I support this for more serious failures to appear; DUI, hit and run, reckless driving, but many western countries don't waste their resources and cost of processing on minor traffic warrants any longer. Some have a cut off if their are numerous violations or, use it as a tool if they want to question the violator about another matter.
  7. Weed causes increased paranoia and heart rate increase that mix, may be the reason for some of these cases.
  8. I tip, but I think some Thais depends on the circumstances may think it is degrading or cheap. Especially, leaving 10 or 20 b usually get no acknowledgement back. Funny though, got gas in my motorbike yesterday some young kid pumps it and I give him 20 b tip. He was so excited, smiling he ran yelling and waved the 20 b in the air showing all his coworkers. Made his day I guess.
  9. Do people in Europe not plan for a summer vacation and save 1500 bucks for a flight? Add, many probably have not been out of the country for over 2 years they have money in the bank. From the IMF: In ordinary times, Europeans save around 12 percent of their income. But as families stayed at home and furlough schemes supported income during the pandemic, this savings rate increased sharply to almost 19 percent in 2020 and 2021. As shown in this Chart of the Week, we estimate that households in the euro area saved nearly 1 trillion euros more in those two years than they would have done if the pandemic never happened. In other words, people saved a record sum. People in many western countries have more money then ever they want to travel and demand is high now. And Thailand is still a fairly reasonably priced place to visit. But, maybe wait until September then when they go down to around $600.
  10. Sounds like part of a field sobriety test I doubt many in Pattaya can perform it.
  11. Ridiculous. This is a very good food producing country available for people here there will not be a shortage of food.
  12. Jeez, how odd much more annoying are the loud phone conversations.
  13. Very sad seems such a disregard for doing the right thing, obeying the rules and being respectful and careful on the roadways. Just wait until the craziness and stupidity of the weed kicks in. Very sad..
  14. Agree with everything, but the people. I have found Filipino´s to be generally friendlier and helpful. Could be the English, you can ask a question joke with them and have fun and they don´t frown or give you a strange look like here.
  15. Also, Landlord phone number. They actually called my Landlord one time in Pattaya. And of course, copies of rental contract if renting and copies of pages from your passport. All copies need to be signed and dated.
  16. Went last month no requirements and most everywhere no masks. Never been before it is a very nice place.
  17. Could go to zero. Better buy a bunch of Pizzas with it before it does.
  18. They are about the same for me. The girls are very similar in their GFE which are both very good. I like the English in Phils. But, prices are way up there now if you look at hotels, etc. more then Thailand. I never understood the food complaint seems so stupid there are probably more western foods available in the Phils then here. Some people can find a place to eat? Dumb.
  19. ? CM and Pai are some of the biggest backpacker weed head spots in Asia. All that luscious land outside the city to grow in places like Mae Rim. Of course it will come very soon and big I bet.
  20. There are several shops in town selling it I can smell it pretty strong just walking past the places. Definitely not 0.2% only and I was told quite expensive. Why would this help tourism? Readily accessible in most western countries and totally recreation legal in places like the U.S. And from the prices I am hearing, probably less expensive.
  21. Sounds like the same argument people make about Covid deaths. In this case, if he would not have been on weed which causes increased heart rate, he would probably still be alive. Written by Natalie Saunders, B.A., LicAc: marijuana is not completely free of adverse effects. It can cause dry mouth and eyes, drowsiness, dizziness, and increased anxiety and paranoia in susceptible people. Cannabis can also cause your heart to race, a distressing side effect if it catches you by surprise. Furthermore, some people even claim that weed can increase your risk of heart attacks.
  22. I would never buy here, but I disagree when the Chinese are released. Anyone keeping up on what is happening in Singapore? Prices, demand, rents are way up all due to Chinese. Thailand is the next best option for them. It is still very inexpensive here for condominiums compared to other countries, I see by the end of this year that market doing much better.
  23. Sure yes. No regulations maybe full of pesticides, Paraguat, who knows. Good luck to people buying and ingesting this stuff could cause some real sickness or health issues.
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