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Everything posted by lom

  1. It was more like Trump: I'm hungry, mouth is open. Hand over your beef and stay out of my hose.
  2. Calculated using your Faber-Castell slide ruler for engineers..? 😄
  3. It is not a problem as long as there is grid power, the Deye inverter will take the additionally needed power from the grid. The inverter rating is what the inverter can produce from pv and/or battery. Yes but please open a new thread for it so we can discuss it there to the benefit of other readers who also can contribute with their knowledge.
  4. Yes so in my case it might be enough to rewire so that there is no other consumers on the hot water heater phase, the heaters rating is actually right on the same spot as the inverters max short time rating for a single phase. As I said it is not a huge nuisance and I'm a bit lazy.. Yes, I'm very satisfied with it and I checked out many other inverters by downloading their users manuals before choosing Deye.
  5. It is about tripping if a load is higher than inverter output rating on a single phase and the PEA grid is down. It is not a huge nuisance but it has happened a few times during the last year that the bathroom lamp has switched off when using hot water and then I instantly know that the grid is down. Only thing to do then is to turn off hot water, wait for inverter to reset and continue with a cold shower.. 😉
  6. I have a 12KW 3-hase Deye and sometimes regret that I didn't have the space for 3x10KW single phase inverter. 3 single phase inverters do require 3 separate battery strings and 3 separate pv strings though and that is not possible for me to have.
  7. Isn't the space program our only way to get rid of the billionaires?
  8. Thanks god the US don't and can just print some more of it.
  9. China has more goods that US wants. US has less goods that China wants.
  10. You can but you may have to wait to the next day for picking it up. Isn't there a Koh Phangan immigration office anymore where you can do the extension?
  11. Does the ABB charger allow you to set a charging limit? If it does then you can set it so it is below what your inverter can produce from PV and charge for a longer period instead to avoid import. Start charging earlier in the day if you can, charge less but charge every day if you don't do that already. Or buy a 3-phase DC charger for home....
  12. Good point! That the car may only have single phase charging was something I didn't think of. Hmm.. You have such a high power inverter that it can deliver 5.5KW on a single phase?
  13. You would at least reduce your import and pay less to PEA by wiring the charger for 3-phase and hopefully it will also correct the metering discrepancy. I still don't get how a big player like Huawei can do that kind of mistake which if true ought to be a software bug. Ask the guys from the PV installer to also confirm that you have 3 external current transformers (CT) which measures current flow to/from the grid and that all consumers are installed behind the CT's so that there is no consumption hidden from them. Your graphs of the 3 phases says that you have them but have the installer confirming it.
  14. Ok, your graphs had no time markings so I guestimated the time and missed half an hour and I did not count the short morning charge. so 21KWh it is. 18Kwh during the noon-afternoon pass of 4.5 hours is 4KW per hour which is more than your PV could deliver that day on a single phase right? So import is needed. Your blue phase import between 00-08 and 16-24 is 16 hours of an estimated average of 0.4KW ie 6.4KWh, which is not far from your stated 7KWh or the actual 7.69KWh 1st of February. Your blue phase power usage between 08-16 is 8 hours of an estimated average of 0.5KW or around 4KWh. (I have guestimated average visually by looking at the distance from the yellow phase.) So 21 + 7.7 + 4 = 32.7 which matches well the 31.8 that was metered. Now, in order to charge the EV with 4KW you use an average of 1.5KW from PV and an average of 2.5KW from grid import (unless you have batteries which you are not allowed to have when exporting to PEA) so 2.5KW for 4.5 hours is 11.3KWh import. Add to that the nightly import of 7KWh for a total of 18KWh import but your inverter says 7.69.... 🤥 I blame the discrepancy you have from the way your inverter measures power, it seems to me that it counts the import correctly during night when there is no PV (ie no export) but fails in the day when there is PV and export. It can't get it right when there is export and import at the same time?
  15. Do you know how many KWh you charged your EV with on 1st of February? My rough calculation based on your graphs is that you used around 4 hours of average 1.5KW from PV and 4 hours of average 2.5KW from PEA or in other words a total of 16KWh. Is that a sensible value?
  16. My brainfart.. Ylou have a system that can at least produce 3x2.5KW by looking at the graphs maybe more if the graphs were from a not so sunny day, and that is enough for charging an EV with 5KW as you do. Use your own produce before importing, export only your surplus!
  17. Have it connected in 3-phase mode so that you can use your own produced electricity from all 3 phases instead of buying electricity from PEA!! You are selling blue and yellow phase power to PEA at a lower price than what you pay for the import from them on the green phase.
  18. The yellow phase has the highest export it is almost unused for consumption. The blue phase follows it but slightly below because it carries almost all of your consumption. The green phase do also mainly export like the yellow phase and the curves are overlaid on each others except for when you use the green phase for EV charging. The EV charger takes so much power that the inverter generated power is not enough so you had to import from the grid. You can, by measuring the distance between yellow and green see that you charge around 5KW to the car in the beginning of the charge cycle and somewhere around 3KW in the end.. Edit: are these graphs from a not so sunny day or do you have a small solar system?
  19. To me it looks like everything below the 0 line is import and everything above it is export. You see the yellow phase has almost only daytime usage (8am shower?) and only a little of it, the blue phase used around the clock and the green phase mainly being used for EV charging (and something else? between 9am-10am). Nothing in the graphs explains the metering discrepancy.
  20. I've always been amazed of how different they look the morning after.
  21. What I can understand from the charts is that the inverter sees that the EV charger only uses 1 phase . Are maybe the other 2 phases connected on the wrong side of the current transformers that measures import/export?
  22. Thailands railway is not electrified outside Bangkok
  23. So it is the solar panels you are switching between the controllers?
  24. That is a tricky question. I have a single 3-phase 12KW Deye inverter and there are times I wish I had bought three 1-phase inverters instead but I don't have the space for 3.. I do sometimes have a high load on one phase causing the inverter to trip (reset , restart after 30 seconds) if I run it completely off-grid. So I have instead to run it with grid-assist. You will probably not be affected by that if your water heater is 3-phase. It is also better for redundancy to have three 1-phase inverters instead of one 3-phase inverter. If one of three 1-hase inverters breaks down then you still have the other two phases powered by solar..
  25. But of course! and what a find, I'm passing by there almost every day and have not noticed that pearl of a pub hidden within the compound.
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