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Everything posted by lom

  1. They are doing everything they can to inconvenience us and instead use the visa tech company outside for which I'm sure there is not a limit of 10 applications per day. You can ask the staff working there for the price which depends on if they or you do the footwork (queuing).
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 14/100 My Time 47 seconds  
  3. I'd guess none of them, they are likely to be government-to-government procurement's
  4. One of his friends lives in Germany
  5. The smaller ones 3.6/4.2/6.2 KWh can not be paralleled, there is no mentioning of it in the owners manual and there is no jack for a parallel master/slave communication cable. Edit: I can not find any 5KWh inverter today in Anerns product listing and neither can I find an inverter there looking like 5KWh one that they show in their promo picture for 2 x 5KWh in parallel.
  6. A picture tells more than thousand words. Especially the first one..
  7. I thought you said it was a friend of yours that had been asked for the loan..
  8. 18x320 = 5760 x 90% (DC to AC conversion efficiency) = ~ 5200W going into the grid. Or thereabout. Doesn't the display on your inverter show how power flows?
  9. Nothing unusual with that, I have 55KWh of UPS battery in my solar setup here in Chaweng, Koh Samui and there are a few members here at AN who have even more than that. The UK system has more panels but that's because of location, the sun shines much better here..
  10. electrocute: to kill or severely injure someone with electricity. A minor cut in a finger by sharp metal is something else
  11. A cheap NAS like Zyxel NAS540 or similar which can take 4 HDD. Connects via ethernet to your computer or LAN
  12. It cant be estimated, too many variables involved: USB 3.0 is 5Gbps and you can probably use max 70% of that. USB 3.0 to SATA converter loss? HDD data transfer speed? 6Gbps if SATA III Filesystem delay/efficiency? Yes, USB 3.0 can deliver 1A at 5V and that is just enough to power 1 HDD
  13. Doesn't really matter if you have a gap or the panels together on one side. I would definitely had added 4 more panels in order to get most sun exposure all the time. Contrary to common belief, you can have more KWp than inverter KWh, the panels do not push power into the inverter , it is the inverter pulling and it should know its limits and not take more than it can handle. You only have to make sure that the string voltage does not exceed inverter limit.
  14. The box in your photo is not a common one, it is actually a 2 to 2. From left to right: 2 fuses for a string (+ and -), a dual pole breaker for output, and 2 surge protectors for a string (+ and -) , then followed by an identical set for the second string.
  15. There are two common types of combiner boxes, 2 to 1 and 4 to 2. If you want 2 strings out then it is the 4 to 2 box and you don't need 4 input strings for it, he can use it as 2 to 2. Now you may ask why the need for a combiner box if 2 to 2, that is because the box contains input string fuses, output string breakers, and surge protectors. You can't run the 2 strings from the panels directly to your inverter, you need a combiner box in between.
  16. Yes of course I can, now that I have come to realize that the email reminder is random. Got one in February, didn't get one in May and now didn't get one for August.. Is it only me not getting them or is it a general system flaw? I'll go to immi office tomorrow afternoon and file the TM47 but it wouldn't surprise me at all if the biggie demands to get a TM30 or a bank statement..
  17. Am I the only one not getting an email reminding you to do the 90 day online application within two weeks? Missed the date by one day and got the application rejected, obviously there isn't a 7 day of leeway when applying online..
  18. Android EFax app
  19. Any decent grid connected inverter will output up to its specified limit (~ 6KW in you case) and whatever else is needed by consumers will be taken from the grid.
  20. Don't be shy, with 18KWp of solar you should be able to get over 80KWh on a good day. Today is the first really sunny day with all blue sky here in Samui and I could have got 70++ KWh out of my 14.5KWp panels if I just had consumers for it, the max I have ever logged was 64KWh. This is todays curves until 12:00, starting with a SoC of 38% at 7:00 when production took on and ending at 87% so I still have almost an hour until batteries are full. The blue production curve would look the same but in the falling direction until 17:00 if only I had something to load the panels with. 😀
  21. That explains it but why don't you let the BMS manage the battery? It does that so much better than an inverter.
  22. ^ Yes, any supported battery that doesn't have BMS communication but I guess you have BMS comms. ^^ BMS continuously tells inverter about the SOC so the inverter will know when it is at 100%. If BMS wants to balance batteries then it can request a lower voltage from the inverter.
  23. To decide when battery is full is a task for your BMS and not the inverter, the BMS should request the charge voltage it needs and the inverter should comply. Batt voltage setting in the inverter should only be done for batteries which don't have a BMS (Lead-Acid, AGM).
  24. Something must be wrong in your description, you don't get charged for true or ghost export. Export is separately metered by PEA and you either get paid for it if you have an export contract with them or you will get nothing without a contract. It never affects your imported units. Edit: Where do you see those 4 units of daily export?
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