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Everything posted by lom

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 71 seconds  
  2. Ok, so then it isn't your ABB charger that is responsible for the additional export so it must be your inverter exporting more than itself is aware of. I'd say that is very unusual, close to impossible.. I'm looking forward to hear the result in end of August.
  3. Is your ABB charger able to feed back from the cars battery to the grid (V2G, vehicle to grid) ? If it is then I think I know what is wrong.
  4. but I still don't like that the units in error are the same in both directions. There is something fishy going on..
  5. I would check your current transformers, it could be that one is faulty or disconnected which would make the inverter only measure power on 2 phases. That is the only thing that came to mind which will cause a discrepancy in both directions. I think those are reactive power which they just measure but don't charge you for. I do also have a digital meter but not an export one and therefore get a bill looking a bit different from yours but it shows a monthly slightly increasing value for reactive power. All digital meters display this, analogue meters can't measure it.
  6. I don't think it is related and I have a problem understanding the export discrepancy, that's why I suggested that the same units might be a coincidence. The inverters metered import can be wrong if there is a consumer connected between the PEA smart meter and the inverters external current transformers which measures power flow and its direction. The inverter will not see the power going to that consumer because it is on the wrong side, before the current transformers I can't understand though how you can export more than what the inverter think it has exported. Is your system a single phase or three phase system? Where/how is your ABB EV charger connected?
  7. What area do you live in? Soi?
  8. well, a 20KWh lifepo4 battery doesn't cost 300.000, it doesn't even cost half of that. Your example of battery life expectancy is also on a very low side
  9. You have a discrepancy of 94 unit in import but you do also have the same 94 unit discrepancy in your export. At a first glance that seems to indicate that the 94 units you import flows out directly and the inverter doesn't see any of that. Maybe it is just a coincidence that the error is the same in both directions..
  10. How do you know what improvements they have made to the new line except for the upgraded display? What features do you expect to get in a new generation of inverters, what are you missing in the current ones?
  11. Mister S.. Is that you finally coming out bob?
  12. Travel with both passports, get the stamps transferred next time you go to immigration for your extension of stay.
  13. This is what Smarttech show on their main page, any shop selling or has ever sold that piece of s..t in not trustworthy.. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/18650-ultrafire-li-ion-37v-6800mah-2-i979820578-s2109770369.html I know of PK Power Battery from the past and will shop by them.
  14. Found that shop on Lazada but can't see them selling 18650. Can you post a link please?
  15. That is completely irrelevant, BKK Airways does not check if the company has nominee directors, that is not their job to do and of no interest to them. If applying for their resident card as a company owner then you have to show a register extract from Ministry of Commerce showing that the business is active and that you are the company owner. Good enough for Ministry of Commerce = good enough for Bkk Airways.
  16. If you think that Putin is a communist then you are probably American. If Putin was a communist then he would have been elected by the people and there wouldn't be any oligarchs, the Russian people would together own all Russias riches.
  17. So you are German..
  18. This sub needs more grease.
  19. Bribery is the first step before a snap election
  20. Maybe if we widen the ozone hole the heat can seep out..🤣
  21. The biggest cost varies from system to system, it directly depends on how much panels or batteries you have. For a solar system to function you need only panels and the inverter, batteries are optional. The inverter is usually the cheapest component.
  22. Q: How can the DLT know if you have moved or not? A: By looking at the CofR that you provide them. OP never mentioned having a yellow book so he has to supply DLT with a CofR from immigration. It is completely irrelevant that he still lives on the same address as registered on his old DL, he can not use his old DL as a CofR as you suggested.
  23. Q: How can the DLT know if you have moved or not? A: By looking at the CofR that you provide them.
  24. It was a rhetorical question..
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