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Everything posted by lom

  1. Well, they had water shortage and rationing a few month ago. Do you think that it could be that the have a slightly different climate than Samui with rains arriving in Phuket earlier in the year? 😉
  2. Last year was quite hot and there was water rationing aroun this time and the monsoon rains in the end of the year were sparse. Those are the ones which affects how soon the water shortage will arrive the next year.. This year has been even more hot so the rains of the last month has not done much to rise the water table or fill up the water magazines , they have more or less only made the soil a bit more moist. It takes lots of rains for water to seep down through a dry soil.
  3. Thaksin is unsatisfied with the outcome of the senator election..
  4. If you get disapproving stares then you are porbably not 21 years old and good looking but 62 and fat.
  5. When not exporting the inverter is still physically connected to and importing from the grid so for safety reasons the inverter must be a PEA/MEA approved one and the installation has to be inspected by them. That's just how it is for an on-grid system.
  6. The article doesn't tell why the police officer bribed the Japanese youtuber..
  7. "The court has released Thaksin on bail of 500,000 baht ($13,600) under the condition that he is prohibited from leaving the country unless granted permission," a court statement said. Less than the bail set for some of the young protesters in recent years.
  8. Flashed his hi-beam, aka "give way, here I come"
  9. Yes but the looping is not something I have experienced. My inverter is rated 12KW (and can be overloaded quite a bit for short periods) and max consumption I've seen is 7-8KW. Should the ATS start to loop then I can always set the ATS to manual mode temporarily. Or flip the unmarked breaker in my panel which provides grid power to the inverters grid port😁 but then I'm of course grid-tied, not off-grid, and will also have the 1 unit/day inverter consumption. I want to avoid that, it is not about the money it is a principle..
  10. and by describing this in a post I got to think about it a bit more and this is probably the reason for the import: Part of the inverter is the AC generating circuit which in on-grid mode follows the grid voltage and generates the same voltage itself, in my case the grid is 224V, 229V, and 230V on the three phases and that is also what I get on the backup port when grid connected. When off-grid mode the voltage on the backup port is 230V on all three phases. So I think that the AC circuit takes it power from the grid when in on-grid mode and that is my ghost import.
  11. Yes, or at least it was the simplest way of isolating the solar equipment from the grid. I have not tested but I think the grid port doesn't get any power from the inverter during grid power cuts. I basically run the whole house on a big UPS 🙂
  12. Deye inverters has what I consider to be the opposite setting, the zero-export power setting which I haven't been able to notice any difference when changing the value. From the manual: "Zero-export Power: for zero-export mode, it tells the grid output power. Recommend to set it as 20-100W to ensure the hybrid inverter won' t feed power to grid" I did have a problem with ghost import though when previously running the inverter in on-grid mode, there was a continuous import of 30-40 W with a few short daily peaks up to a few hundred watts. This import was not needed, there was enough solar and battery power to account for the AC load. These few daily import peaks always occurred at the same time as a PV current dip or AC load peak and were probably just inverter having difficulty in decision making. They were probably very short but SolarMan only has a resolution of 5 minutes so it is not possible to see their duration. Could be that it is a software bug and that I need to update my inverter.. Anyway, this ghost import added up to nearly 1 unit/day so that was also another reason for running off-grid with an ATS.
  13. old PEA list PEA Inverter list 6-2565.pdf
  14. MUST PH50-3000M and -6000M are in the list from 2022, is yours one of them?
  15. The ATS is similar to this one but from another mfgr and the wiring in the pic seem to be opposite to mine. Input A goes to the inverters backup output and the B input goes to the grid and the ATS has priority for the A input when there is power on both inputs. If battery is discharged below 12% SOC then it will stop output power on the backup output so the ATS will switch over to grid. Inverter is not shut down so as soon as the sun appears amnd has charged the batteries to 15% the backup output is turned on and the ATS switches over.
  16. They are changing to digital meters in all Thailand egardless if you have a solar system or not. Then your old meter was faulty, they tended to run slower after years in hot climate or being overloaded/overheated.
  17. Did they mention any fee for the registration? I've heard different amounts but suspect that the solar install companies pocket it all when doing the registration.
  18. My in-laws are worried about our solar system not being registered with PEA and they tell me that a relative in their extended family has been fined (10.000 baht) for not registering theirs. I've tried to find out what the requirements are but can only find that you need a structural engineering inspection and approval for modification of building (Tessaban) and you have to notify the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) that you are exempt from the need of license to operate an electric power plant. The approval of modifying building most likely only applies for roof mounted solar panels but the notification to ERC is mandatory. If you operate your inverter in off-grid mode then I can't see that you need to register with PEA, I use an Automatic Transfer Switch in a way so that the inverter has no direct grid connection, it is not grid-tied.
  19. Why not? I can remotely change the setting using Solarman Smart from the computer app or from the android app
  20. Based on mfgr date they most likely also have the latest firmware in them already but if you need to update them it can be done remotely by Deye. Send a request email to service(at)deye.com.cn and give them the Inverter serial numbers and the logger serial numbers and keep your inverters on-grid until they have done the update. Congrats to a good purchase, I'm sure you will not regret it!
  21. Domestic transfer or international transfer?
  22. The will being inside a sealed envelope, registered and stored at the Tessaban.
  23. No, it is worth 10 years as long as you travel to countries which doesn't have the 6 month rule or while staying in such a country having arrived with more than 6 month left on the passports validity.
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