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Everything posted by lom

  1. I immediately checked Shakespears menu since I had it there moons ago but looks like they don't do it anymore. Gow Badger in Lamai seems to be the only one that google knows of now..
  2. In this case I assume that "their" means US mfgrs..
  3. Indeed it did, in home showing videos they have stopped using the name Master bedroom and started calling it the Primary suite. Can't say Master anymore. Nowadays when having two or more cpu's on a computer board it is said that they work in tandem but I think the original old description was much better - we said they worked in Master-Slave mode but that is not kosher anymore..
  4. Use an adapter to raise one of the sockets https://shopee.co.th/product/95826623/8816170290
  5. I have had my external CT's disconnected for a few days while moving them one notch closer to the incoming grid, they were placed after an incoming grid electronic voltage/current/frequency/phase fault detector which must draw something even if very little. I have therefore, without external CT's also changed my setting from "no export to ct" to "no export to load". The ghost import is still the same 1KWh/day according to PEA, 0.3KWh according to Deye. I have looked at the "purchasing power" graph in SolarMan and have disabled display of other graphs in order to get a good resolution. There is according to SolarMan a constant import between 0-20W but also a couple of quick but higher peaks (100-300W) during the day and they all seem to be related to Deye power tracking. Example: 1. A high peak in consumption causes a high peak in import even though there is enough panel or battery power available to handle that consumption peak without importing from the grid. 2. A quick drop of panel power (a cloud arrives) causes a high peak in import even though consumption is low (1.5 - 2.5KW) and there is enough battery power available. 3. Rapid variations on the incoming grid causes a high peak in the import, slow variations in grid voltage doesn't do that but may be what is responsible for the up to 20W consumption. The PEA meter did not move at all when I for weeks ran the inverter in off-grid mode and the inverter did then of course not record any import either. So my conclusion is that the inverter resorts to import if it can (has grid connection) when it sees sudden changes in incoming grid, in consumption, and in production. My OCD still want's to know where the other 0.7KWh is going though...
  6. less copper more rubber = same size as ISO.
  7. I have adjusted mine and tried different values between 0 and 100 without any noticeable difference in the consumption according to the PEA digital meter. The meter itself does draw a minimum amount from the grid but that is not metered, does not show on your bill - I was running a couple of weeks completely off-grid and the PEA meter did not show any increase at all. We got a new tenant for one of our houses, a Thai guy who makes ice-cream using a 2Hp electric motor running a water pump for cooling the cream. His motors surge current trips my Deye inverter so I have been forced to run in grid-assist mode for the last few months but now is the season when I'd had to do that anyway because of the weather.
  8. The Deye inverters uses grid power themselves and that is not included in reported grid import, I guess they have their internal CT's in the wrong place..😉 I have 0.3 KWh grid import a day according to Deye but PEA's smart meter says 1KWh a day. I can get rid of the ghost import if I run off-grid but it comes back as soon as I switch to on-grid mode which activates the grid relay in the inverter and I guess that is what is responsible for the ghost import.
  9. You can measure resistance between the wires and the oven chassis with a multimeter and confirm which one is safety ground. The color combination in your cable is unusual and if you check the site I linked to then you can see that also. Please also observe where in the world brown colored wire is used.. If the oven is made in Europe and the cable is original then brown is live and blue is neutral, but black as safety ground is a no-no. Black is a phase color in Europe..
  10. Are you sure that is the correct connection? Brown for live is standard but blue is usually reserved for neutral. The color usage you suggest is not part of any known standard.. https://www.electricaltechnology.org/2020/07/electrical-wiring-color-codes-nec-iec.html Do you have a schematic diagram for the oven? If not google may have one for you.
  11. She sued only for $35,000, she can't be American.
  12. Still one of them will become president so which one is less bad?
  13. Mechanical meters are being phased out all over Thailand, consumers with solar are their first priority but eventually all consumers will have their meters replaced. We got our meter replaced one year after our solar installation and the same has happened to others who I know, PEA will change the meter as soon as they find out that you have solar. They did not tell us about the meter change beforehand and we didn't notice the change until after a few days.
  14. So where is the property developer getting the electricity from? So if 15 houses are back-feeding electricity then where does that electricity ends up? Who is using it?
  15. Why would we give the nuclear missile launch buttons to someone who is not willing to prove that he has all horses in the stable?
  16. The only thing you should have connected when there is under-voltage is lamps and appliances with universal voltage rating (marked 110-220V). Anything else is at risk of getting destroyed.
  17. I'd like to know where Ms. Henderson bought it..
  18. How rare! Has this ever happened before in Thailand? 😂
  19. Longi or Jinko panels, Deye inverter.
  20. He wouldn't got that high up if he hadn't learnt that money in hand can't be traced, I strongly doubt that he got bribe money through bank transfer.
  21. Electricity is periodically very expensive in mainland Europe and it has become popular in Germany to install "balcony solar" which typically is a micro inverter with the capacity of 800-1500W and 2-4 solar panels. The inverter outputs 230V AC and can be plugged in directly to a wall socket, it will offset the owners electricity bill a bit at daytime during sunny days.
  22. That will surely help..🥲
  23. Breakers are intended to switch on or off a load and the only thing you have to worry about is that the load is not greater than what the switch is rated for and that is especially important when it comes to the in-rush current of an inductive load. Is there something special you are thinking on?
  24. Thanks for sharing! That is a very clean and neat electric installation you have done in that cabinet, very professional. I love DIN-rail. I think we are both using the same temperature controller for external fans, I replaced the temp sensor with one looking like a cable lug that I screwed directly to the inverter.
  25. working in a protected company well known for their Myanmar visa runs, I'm sure she has a work permit for what she is doing. This is a nothing burger, a minor mistake that will be forgotten tomorrow.
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