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Everything posted by Freddy42OZ

  1. And yet guys come here and get involved with girls (and their families) who are so far below them socially and economically that it makes me wonder if the guys might have come from a trailer park themselves.
  2. How do you know the wheels went over him? Maybe he went between the wheels and she really didn't feel any bump so why would she stop.
  3. Refusing the breath test has nothing to do with being rich. Anyone can request a blood test instead. A blood test is more accurate, but also far more inconvenient as it has to be done at the police hospital. Breathalyzers are notoriously inaccurate. As for having a driver, some people enjoy driving. He most likely has a driver for when he isn't driving for the pure fun of it.
  4. Do you have difficulty reading? It clearly states "In other reports the tycoon has offered to pay everyone's expenses in the smash" He also volunteered to go for a blood test at the Police hospital, which would be a far more accurate test.
  5. Congratulations. Please don't start acting like an old man. Just because you are 50 doesn't mean you have to forgo fashion, wearing shorts and sandals might be comfortable but have some self respect please and don't dress like that. Try to keep your abdomen flat, there is not excuse for giving up on looking good and letting yourself get fat. Please, pluck your eyebrows, ears and nose. There is no excuse for wild unkempt eyebrow hairs etc Also remember that waxing is your friend and unslightly body hair is gross.
  6. So kick them out. But can we keep the blonde? She looks hot.
  7. There used to be restrictions on men with long hair being allowed entry to Thailand.
  8. I have a number of Thai friends who speak English fluently. A few even have British accents from going to public schools in the UK. There are plenty of Thais who speak better English than most of the working class blokes who come to Thailand.
  9. Nice to see someone else you went to a good school.
  10. I have posted an appeal for donors to Twitter Post on Twitter & Facebook. This is why it's a good idea to be active and have as many followers as possible.
  11. You really should get out from under your rock. You'd learn a lot more.
  12. JJ Glass in Chatuchak They have a website in English - http://www.jjglass.com/index.php?route=common/home
  13. Sometimes watch this one about a young family and their little farm https://www.youtube.com/@LifeInBamboo
  14. Congratulations on your retirement. That pension sounds like a lot, but I guess it depends whether you are single, have kids, what sort of lifestyle you are used to and what other assets and savings you've accrued while working. I don't need to tell you that 200K+ THB per month should be more than enough to live in Bangkok and have a very good standard of living. As for being bored, I barely have enough time in the day to keep up with all the things I am interested in.
  15. Had he not specified I would have thought he was playing cricket.
  16. Are you unable to search Lazada on your own?
  17. Yes, arrest everyone at the post office! Arrest the pilot of the plane that flew the package here and all the passengers! All drugs are bad because some people abuse them. Ban them all!!! Ban all cars because people have accidents Ban alcohol Ban having fun in case someone hurts themselves!! In case you can't guess I think adults should be able to choose if they want to take a recreational drug like E.
  18. He fell from the first floor. Saying the second floor makes people think it was 2 storeys up, but 2nd floor here is really the first floor up from the ground floor.
  19. I just flew back to the UK last Wednesday, and now back in Bangkok. I bought my single re-entry permit at Suvarnabhumi just before going through passport control. 1200 baht, easy as pie.
  20. They are representatives of nothing. There is no god, no afterlife and no great power lurking out there watching over you.
  21. I'd much rather be paid compensation and my medical costs covered than get nothing and have the guy go to prison.
  22. Don't be daft. Of course they do otherwise no one would ever be able to cross the road. As terrible as this incident is, these types of incident are not that common. I cross roads all the time and even when there isn't an actual crossing drivers stop for me.
  23. This might help - https://www.specsavers.com/
  24. If it was a Playstation 5, someone is going to be really annoyed they have to find another one for sale. Those things are like hen's teeth!
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