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AgMech Cowboy

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Everything posted by AgMech Cowboy

  1. Yes, Bill Maher, has started using his brain and is mocking the idiots. Many good points. Thank You for sharing!!
  2. Some very good points. I think Musk has done more than enough for Ukraine free. As you've pointed out, the primary goal was for the civilians. The MSM goes out and starts trashing someone and many people without a clue join in. I for one am glad that he freed the bird and exposed the 'narratives'.
  3. Go Woke!! Go Broke, or in this case they will lose more than they will gain. God is Mighty and Omnipotent. He loved the people of the world, which He created in "His" image (does not mean all the same genitals), so much that He impregnated a young virgin who bore and birthed His Son. He then let Him be persecuted, tempted and then hung on a cross. Have you never seen the 'color' of jewish people? Or observed from history books the dress that people wore at that time. His skin was most likely similar to that of the Greeks or Iraqis, which is really neither 'white', 'brown' or 'yellow'. He was originally a carpenter so He would have worked outdoors and indoors. When He got too much sun He burnt and turned mostly red. The people of the time did not wear pants. nor did they wear dresses. The Roman soldiers wore a linen undergarment. Over this they wore a short-sleeved, knee-length woollen tunic. Romans originally believed that it was effeminate to wear trousers. However, as their empire expanded into territories with colder climates, soldiers were allowed to wear leather, skin-tight trousers. If you don't believe in God that's is your right. I hope you'll have an experience that will change your mind before you die. God Bless
  4. Nice house. Good luck.
  5. I don't own a pool and never have, but it looks like mold to me. Can mold grow underwater and in the presence of pool chemicals? I don't have an answer for that. Just a stupid comment, maybe.
  6. She should never have been on the Foreign Affairs Committee. Nothing racist about kicking her off either. Good riddance.
  7. I agree with Mr. Heinecke. The vaccines are not free to Thailand. The 'pandemic' is over. If you want additional shots and vaccines, it's time to pay.
  8. Yes, Ramkhamheang is an especially good private hospital IMHO. I had my first hip replacement done there in 2009. They cater more toward Thais and are not after the "international" market. They'll take it, but it's not their focus like Bumrungrad or Piyawate. Their prices are very reasonable.
  9. Versus England, the land of "Roundabouts". That'll be a good game.
  10. Actually, @BritManToo, you are definitely a wrong, but both might be wrong. However the areas west of the Great Lakes are well known to receive some of the heaviest snows in the US yearly. NO! It's not global warming, it's climate change and weather. You should look back in history. And not rely on and his life time. Unless he was living in the 1700, 1800 or 1900 hundreds or maybe even the 20th century.
  11. I took Lipitor 10 mg daily for about a year. Now I take one tablet of 10 mg every 3 days for maintenance. (My numbers were very similar to yours originally). My wife swears by a product produced locally called dPlus. It's sold in bottles.
  12. You may obtain and pay for the multiple enter or do as the Dr. suggested and obtain a reentry permit before each trip. How often you travel may be your deciding factor.
  13. I'm not surprised. Thanks for the link.
  14. I recommend AIS, too.
  15. Maybe because it would have shown through the pink t-shirt and added to the identifying description. (note: they didn't tell the colour of her other underwear).
  16. I'll bet that hit piece by Thai PBS World’s Regional Desk made the Thai government jump to attention. Not!
  17. Yeah... Three years. (That's a life time for some and end of life for others)
  18. There is a saying, "Keep your friends close and you enemies closer" or something to that effect. Myanmar may not be Thailand's enemy, they have the high potential to be one. I'd say Prayut is being very smart by maintaining a relationship with Myanmar. I suspect he and the government are constantly working to help resolve the situation there and return Myanmar to a better situation.
  19. @placeholder the nasty environment will come from all the iron ore, cobalt, lithium, Silica, Alumina, Magnesia, Calcium Sulfate and Lime that needs to be mined. Plus the ton of plastics that will be required for the wind turbines and solar farms.
  20. @ballpoint That was a pretty good explanation and analogy. Sadly so many just see the 'current' big numbers and feel they've been gouged not realizing the years of zero and lost profits. It's the same with the workers. During the down years they leave for other work or don't have any work and live on savings. So when there is work, they make a lot of money. As in any life some make a killing (Joe Biden, Vlad Putin, Xe Jinping, Scott Sheffield, Roman Abramovich, Elon Musk, Li Keqiang, Zhang Dejiang or Justin Trudeau), doesn't matter which Government or style. What matters is the free market which enables more than just the elites to 'profit'. Wow, I went on a tangent, @Andrew65 Khun ballpoint, answered you question very well.
  21. I saw a tweet from Andrew Tate this morning about Megan (and Harry). He was spot on. "I’m just going to come out and say the truth because everyone else is afraid." I'm not a regular on Tweeter, but I think if you search that statement it'll take you to his video about Me-gain. My brother screamed at me all the time. We had arguments. They're always important, because they're meant to open eyes.
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