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Everything posted by patman30

  1. if you are not in Thailand, it may be better just to bring with you along with purchase receipt and also online price references to show customs in the red lane what i would personally prefer to avoid is them being sent here and having an issue and you or wife not here to resolve said issue which may be as small as a signature and some ID but needed this end my wife has had to provide ID and sign forms for DHL to act as her agent
  2. Yes it makes drivers drive very slow and overly cautious making journey 2-3 times longer excessive use of cannabis make most drivers think duck it will go tomorrow
  3. They did not propose a ban they want to introduce "a fine" that they can charge outlets to remain in business, just like craft brewers pay a fine every month
  4. ignore the original price the current price of that laptop is 17-18k you are not getting a duper discount deal, that is a normal fair deal if that laptop suits your needs then go for it Acer are as decent a brand as any other really i assume you are not playing games, as just integrated graphics and if what you want is a lightweight laptop then sure 1.25kg is good if you think you may need more RAM or storage check if extra slots available, i think the RAM on these cannot be upgraded, but 16GB should be fine
  5. This is likely to only affect newer high capacity drives with new tech ones that most people will have no desire for you can get 8TB NVME drives, which are fine for most people and you can get board with 5x M2 slots, allowing up to 40TB NVME SSD today what will always matter is price per TB, and mostly only businesses will justify paying a premium per TB One of my rigs
  6. have you ever been in a working food plant/factory? you may be surprised how much of the sludge is produced and how many solvents and chemicals are used, you should not need a factory to be able to produce food. Bet you cannot wait for Tuesdays.
  7. i am not a fan of any chemically fertilized monocrop farm.
  8. do you not understand how many animals must die? so corporations can clear heavily vegetated land with a thriving ecosystem and lots of wildlife so corporations can grow GMO monocrops like soy with chemical fertilizers destroying the soil and the once thriving environment but as long as people get their tofu and soy milk, then all is fine and forgotten.......
  9. yeh i been seeing those bacteria wearing rolex watches and colourful swatches, counting down the seconds to start, Bacteria in food will significantly grow whenever temp is between 4-60C bacteria does not wait 2 hours to start in optimal conditions of 37C some bacteria can double through binary fission every 10-20 minutes
  10. Bacillus cereus: 30 minutes to 15 hours Campylobacter: 2 to 5 days Clostridium botulinum: 18 to 36 hours Clostridium perfringens: 6 to 24 hours Escherichia coli (E. coli): Usually 3 to 4 days, possibly 1 to 10 days Listeria: 9 to 48 hours for digestive disease, 1 to 4 weeks for body-wide disease Salmonella: 6 hours to 6 days Shellfish poisoning: Usually 30 to 60 minutes, up to 24 hours Staphylococcus aureus: 30 minutes to 8 hours Vibrio: 2 to 48 hours But i do agree, unless there is a common denominator, it can be difficult to pin point the source.
  11. you might want to remove "properly" from the title, as you just mean refrigerated. if things were done "properly" from start to finish you would get 3 months for beef and 1 month for others usually but things are not done properly here best thing you can do is put meat straight in the freezer, put in fridge to thaw 24 hours before you want to eat it can also turn fridge right down as for how long i keep it, it all depends if from supermarket, then 3 days max here if i get the animal soon after slaughter then would be much longer in the fridge (if not frozen) if storing it properly by removing one of the following: air, moisture, energy, heat, time. they it would be as above without one of the 5 the bacteria cannot grow so vac packing meat when you buy it will stop it going off so quick, and/or you could coat in oil or tallow i don't usually buy from supermarket but when there i have noticed quite a few new brands that vac pack their beef be worth eyeing the use by dates they state and remember it is very common to dry age beef for 3 months, which is commonly just refrigerated with a fan
  12. Tech already available today they do not need cameras or microphones inside your house just a window will do they can hear any sounds by VIDEOING the window, no microphone needed (they can detect the vibrations on any object in the room) as for movements they already have thermal imaging and doppler ultrasound add these to face/body recognition mapper and you can literally record data points and then reproduce many closed door events with visual detail
  13. @Crossy Another option i have *i have space for 7 x 150w panels and could fit 1 more 600w panel so 4 total (area is only 75% in light right now at 3:30pm) and connect the 1050w (7x150) to 1 inverter (or 900w maybe 6 x 150, or possibly 1200w with 1 panel on a south facing wall) and connect 1200w (2x600) to the other 2 inverters would this be a more sensible approach do you think?
  14. will have to check manual, i was assuming it would just be a 2nd input for adding a 2nd array as inverter is already running, as for timers, yes may be tricky, timer would likely need be separate/AC powered but it would be more to connect panels only during times they get sun so then only one (or none) connected at a time, worst case for this would just be myself flicking breakers during the day (which would quickly get tiresome) but again this would only be done if needed
  15. ok will take a look only thing i thought if there was any issue with the setup would be put the panels on timers so they are disconnected during times they don't get sun, so only the 2x150w or the 600w are connected at any one time This was yesterday the red square is where i want to get a bit more power (this would be from the 600w panels) the east facing panels will just be a little bonus
  16. i have not yet purchased the panels but the ones below are what i am looking at, the ones to go on east wall are based purely due to where they will be fitted the 600w also on size as i only have enough space for 3 large panels on the west wall yes you are correct the sun does rise rapidly but these are just to get any extra where possible as i am maxing out battery use, and yes i am up in the mountains so sun can be very low morning and evening this is basically what i want to do here are the panels i am looking at and
  17. Just looking to see if anyone with experience/knowledge knows why this would be bad i have an OFF GRID solar setup 3 x 5kw growatt inverters with 4 x 15kw SOC first things first i am not looking to add to may current PV arrays, i am certainly not looking to climb up onto my roof. What i want to do is add panels on the east and west WALLS of my house to capture sun during the early morning and late evening at these times my current PV array is not getting much light and by the time it is, the newer panels will not be getting any and obviously when sun is on east wall the west is in shade and vice versa breaking it down to just 1 inverter (so this times 3) i would like to add a 600w panel on the west wall and on the east wall will be 2 x 150w panels connected in series i will then have these connected in parallel to the inverter what i read online is always about trying to maximize etc and how lowest voltage or current is used when mixing panels but these are not for that i have 2 PV inputs on the inverters so will make use of the 2nd unused input is it fine to join these 2 when connecting to inverter? only one or the other will have sun at any one time so i fail to see how any difference between voltage and current from diff panels would have any effect as only one will have sun any input is appreciated, thanks
  18. 13mm is less commonly used for ceiling, although can be better, it costs more and weighs more 9mm is commonly used for ceilings as it is cheaper and lighter this is what would be typically used for ceilings (same brand, less than half the price) https://www.thaiwatsadu.com/th/product/ยิปซัมยิปรอค-ชนิดธรรมดา-ขอบเรียบ-(SE)-9-มม-GYPROC-ขนาด-120-x-240-ซม-60191572 or an even cheaper brand at 102 baht a sheet https://www.thaiwatsadu.com/th/product/ยิปซัมชนิดธรรมดา-9-มม-ขอบลาดMAXUMขนาด-120-x-240-ซม-60375893 i doubt there would be any significant thermal difference between the different sheets if installed under that roof.
  19. "as cheaply as possible" this should rule out buying new roof panels backed with insulation, and then have a plasterboard ceiling with more insulation that leaves the hosepipe on the roof, this is your cheapest option and it is actually really effective (i plan to soon add this to my kitchen roof permanently, after feeling how effective it was in a restaurant recently, we already throw a hosepipe sprinkler on the roof when its hot) i would suggest HDPE pipe with a few sprinklers, the ones you just push into the pipe if you can run this say 10am-6pm then great but ideally you would create a loop but this would have additional costs obviously but then you could use a lower power pump and not have to pay for all that water 2nd least expensive option will be put a gypsum ceiling up (could also add some nice lighting same time) if you wanted to then you could fill the gap in ceiling with anything you can get your hands on to act as insulation bubble wrap, polystyrene etc instead of buying proper insulation
  20. as i said Thanks for making my point for me.
  21. Alcohol is a depressant Says your bias addicted opinion. the negatives from addiction are always hard to measure, just the fact of a substance being illegal makes it an issue also due to substances being illegal you would never get a clear picture of their widespread use by "normal" functioning people who are not seen as addicts and are not destructive. As for alcohol it is extremely difficult to see the damage alcohol does to a society until you are completely clean of it, and i do not mean just a few days or weeks off it.
  22. A lot of the time the crimes are only crimes because it is illegal.
  23. i paid 81k baht each for 15kw 6000 cycle* batteries from felicity solar, now in Thailand am off grid so definitely worth it i run quite a few computers 24/7 and aircons but AC i bought the most efficient i could find (the difference is huge) whether the cost is worth it to some is hard to calculate, as you mention the cost of electricity from the grid can rise steeply at any time
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