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Everything posted by patman30

  1. not all EV owners but most the difference with myself is i am not a greeny and DGAF about what my car produces i don't pretend to be fixing a problem. pollution and envorimental damage is a lot worse from monocrop farming etc. which is where the pollution is from in that video, you can view it in realtime every year.????‍♂️ plants breath Co2, Co2 is not the problem. 3KW sets are being sold, if nobody used them the inverters would not be sold here????‍♂️ and obviously i was saying the 3KW part tongue in cheek aimed at virtue signallers if you took that comment personally i cannot help that????‍♂️ i already know you got panels going all around your house
  2. if using 400K, you just need 400k in the bank for 2 months prior to applying.
  3. the requirement is 400k in the bank (sent from overseas is not pert of that requirement), which was shown to them. when explained, i have other accounts, was when she wanted a copy every page was more like her reasserting her authority giving me an order the requirement is to ensure you have funds to survive here, which i do
  4. sounds like you passed with flying colours, ????‍♂️ 75C is what you are suppsoed to reheat core to Surely you should remember from you BFH course how bateria grows and at what rates etc. they don't get food poisoning because the bacteria has not had enough time to grow to dangerous levels most foods especially once cooked will be fine for 1 day out in the open BFH courses are aimed at professionals, in the UK a chef is personally liable, with hefty fines and even imprisonment upto 1 year and of course the company they work for is liable, hence BFH is based on what is always safe especially when working with other people who have also handled the food you may now be liable for when serving in practice you do not need be so strict, which is why many many restuarants that do not follow BFH standards are not killing people by the dozen daily reheating a few times is fine if food is fresh, same goes for refreezing, but this is not advised/permitted in commercial kitchens to avoid any confusion. One great thing about Thailand, is the turnover the food on street carts for example is usually turned over quickly as they dont prepare more than they can sell (of course not everyone, always) advice for eating out do not eat in very quiet places that have few customers order the popular dish, never the dish that is rarely ordered if really worried have something deep fried, as even spores die at ~140C you can also increase your tolerance to bacteria in foods, i know people who do this with raw chicken
  5. slightly different, but when getting my marriage extension the IO really didnt like the fact that my 400k (about 460K) just sat in my account and the account was not used at all, as i ahev other accounts and i used cash mostly she then wanted a copy of every page in my bank book even though the balance had not changed for few years
  6. Thanks for being honest. others here on AN claiming righteousness for having EV and solar, do not take other stuff into account and they like to conveniently forget they are still dependant on those dirty fossil fuels even if they did install a 3KW on grid solar setup for myself, i dont use my car enough to care about performance, my Pajero is pratical and does what i need, not old had since new hardly used and well cared for i have been in Teslas are they nice? yes like many cars are, are they jaw dropping to make me want an EV? no i would never consider buying an EC simply due to battery life, and expense replacing and i dont think any EV's here have the space i want although i have considered buying an electric scooter maybe but right now we dont have much need for one, and i recently switched to riding my mountain bike around my farm so even my motorbikes are sat idle i am totally Off grid with 15KW PV and 60KW storage but i will eventually be replacing the lithium with NiFe
  7. Just curious do you charge your car in daylight hours when the solar is producing electricity or do you charge your car at evening/night time like most EV owners do and then use your solar to spin back your meter in the daytime? how do you charge it if on a trip? not many with solar here are off-grid. most people have jobs etc and would be using their car during the day.
  8. when you say fossil fuels, you mean fossil fuels right? "natural gas, which in 2018 generated 65% of Thailand's electricity. Coal-fired plants produce an additional 20%"-wiki ????
  9. 13000 baht...... how would he know how much is inside before removing what is inside to count it?
  10. exactly what i mean, people watching videos of people watching videos and reacting to them and when i say react i mean pull stupid over expressed faces ????
  11. The one i like now is people watching videos of people watching videos.????
  12. it only becomes permanent when you die here. Until then you only have permission to be here for as long as the date stamped in your passport says.
  13. The quote you posted does not state or imply duration of stay but simply they must be "continuing to do something he was doing before he came to Thailand" running a dropship biz can be done from anywhere. so this would be fine, as you are continuing your work, nothing changes however afaict the OP is looking to ship orders from here, which is not the same as managing a dropship biz
  14. would likely depend on where money is being accepted and how much work is done this end ID is now required for sending small items so there will always be a record of how active a person is but whether anyone is actively looking is another story the biggest issue in past for myself was rising cost of registration for small packets, which iirc is now at 75 baht if you are simply sending a large parcel of stock to US weekly then i would not see that as working here (and this could easily be done for you by whoever you purchase from) but if sending 50 small packets daily then regardless of any specific wording of laws this could likely be seen as working here, by any officer looking to make an arrest or receive a brown envelope The digital nomad visa statement above, implies you would be doing the same work you would be doing if not in Thailand, if you come here and start packing and sending orders from here, then you would not be "just continuing to do something he was doing before he came to Thailand" getting a digital nomad visa is another question, as last i looked the requirements were not really setup for actual digital nomads.
  15. First Stop Honda Safety Training Centre Chiang Mai i would also look for any motorbike tours as a fun way to gain more riding experience prior to hitting the road, tell her the bike she will get will depend on training and ability (can still buy whatever) do not skimp on the helmet buy her the best helmet she can find, one that she will want to wear.
  16. seems about right if running pumps all day if you are not at the property run the pool pumps AT NIGHT and turn them off in the day off peak electricity is half the cost 10pm-9am
  17. send by small packet at Thai post under 2kg, cannot seal package though string, staples are fine.
  18. everyone so quick to point the finger at the cause it is funny. 4.
  19. i would suggest you figure out exactly what you want before contacting any company the installation is expensive if they have experience with solar dont be sold a cheap system make sure you know what brands you want or will accept i imported my batteries as could not find decent here FYI, felicity solar the company i bought from now have a BKK office so shipping is quick, inveters and batteries how many units are you currently using, whats your monthly bill? when do you use electric the most? for hybrid you have 2 options, max out panels/inverter and spin back the grid meter as much as possible in day (not advised) or spend less on panels/inverter and add a battery you can add battery upto about 5-6x the PV i just added an extra battery to my setup, have 3 x 5kw inverters with 60kw battery but i am offgrid so you could put a 3kw inverter with upto a 15kw battery, which would likely be about ideal for battery longevity
  20. no it is not. call it what you want but it is not "meat"
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