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Everything posted by patman30

  1. Hence the LINK for a 12VDC 16" fan.....................🙃 nobody was suggesting you try to run an AC fan on DC as i first stated "do as others suggest" undervolt your current fans with a volt adjuster
  2. undervolt the fan you could do as others suggest another option (same same but different) use a 12vdc fan like this one https://www.lazada.co.th/products/nnc-12-15-fan-12voltt-18w-16-bfe-40-dc-12-i4096882497 with an adjustable dc power supply, which there are many to choose from like this one for 90 baht i do similar on PCs with standard 120mm case fans if no controller but i want the fans to run at low speed i simply switch the molex connector around and force it in so the 12v fans are powered by 5v
  3. Again, as we have both clearly pointed out, The current rate is Nothing New.
  4. i had shingles about 30 years ago (yes the pain/irritation is bad) by the time the doctor got meds for me, i was already on the road to recovery after 3 weeks since then up until recently i have never heard of anyone else getting shingles but now in the past few years it seems apparently to be very common and a concern for everyone.......
  5. obviously i do not check rates everyday, but whenever i have looked, it has been 40 something but as you can see from the image i posted above for the majority of the past 10 years the price has been in the mid 40s The OP is posting like this is something new something we have both clearly shown, the rate right now is nothing new and most certainly is not a dip that is suddenly hurting peoples wallets anyone been here a while have seen much better and a little worse but 43 is not the sky falling
  6. that graph shows the rate getting better overall..... you can tell because where it ends up is higher than where it started *just in case you need help to understand the graph🙃
  7. have you test driven both? looks like the RS will giuve better performance and mileage but if concerned about it being hybrid for any reason why not get the Civic Type-R?
  8. did i miss something? exchange rate has been in the mid 40s for many years now yes i did miss something this is another dumb engagement post another one on the ignore list
  9. you can buy a key for 100 baht on lazada also the key is stored in a chip on the motherboard i frequently swap out OS drives and reinstall windows without any issues, as the key is stored on the mobo
  10. i used to use cheapair as could pay with crypto seems travala may be my new go to
  11. buy a decent cordless leaf blower
  12. The Bathtub would still be small if you could fit only 1 person in it yours....... cannot even do that must be this chithole country
  13. Got absolutely no idea what you are talking about we are not the same.
  14. imagine thinking you cannot buy a bathtub easily here also imagine thinking Thailand is 3rd world lol it is very easy to buy many appliances here and can definitely buy a decent sized bathtub that you can fit your legs in this is old man yells at cloud, energy man calls an entire country a 3rd world chithole because he can only afford to rent cheap places with small bath tubs am i missing something?
  15. Thailand, the hub of soon to become hubs
  16. Imagine abandoning a friend in their time of need and then go on to criticize the people that actually did help them and to try and imply they use some form of mental torture
  17. this is the problem, short term thinking the same happens on the next village to us, they lay gravel then rainy season it washes away they will raise money, lay gravel as the quick fix but then they do not raise any more money as the problem is fixed, until it isn't again.
  18. smart lady better to not be on any list.
  19. One thing to note, do not use those PVC valves outside if exposed to sun, they just break after a while with any half decent pressure
  20. they are not keys from a pirate keygen i could explain what they do, and how they provide legitimate keys for cheap but you are already so sure of everything cracked counterfeit windows are still available hence why the OPs win10 key did not work when he upgraded to win11 you cannot just make your own windows keygen it does not work like that
  21. You mean Pay 4700 baht for something i can buy on lazada for 99 baht?
  22. you clearly missed the point being made.
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