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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. This could be replayed endlessly.... Trump also said for them to protest peacefully. And most did. A few idiots in the crowd went too far. Amazing though that most of them forgot to bring their guns with them. Especially if they were planning the violent overthrow of the Republic, don't you think? I can't think of any other revolutions or insurrections that did not involve firearms.
  2. I was responding to another poster who said "Trump killed 5 people", which is a libelous untruth. Never said anything about the injured police. Any of the rioters who attacked and injured cops should be punished, goes without saying. Same should hold true at any riot.
  3. Well, if the Lebanese Army won't kill or drive out the Hezbollah terrorists, that leaves it up to the IDF.
  4. If you want silly, look at the requirements to get a simple tourist visa from a consulate in Japan! Bank statements, certificate of employment, family register document, Thai ID card of a person you rent a condo from, personal history form, itinerary in Thailand including where you will visit, why, etc. God knows what they will want for a non-imm. O visa....
  5. Now Hezbollah can also learn the valuable lesson of FAFO, that Hamas has been studying for the past months. Fire rockets into Israel, they will fire back.
  6. Yeah, in a way. I for some reason have never listened to Rogan, don't like his voice. But I do like long form interview podcasts as a rule. It is a refreshing change from the 7 minute segments that are on the broadcast tv networks. Bill Maher's can be pretty good if he has the right guest.
  7. I love reading people spouting off "who is Joe Rogan?" "never heard of him..." If you look at the numbers, he gets 10 million plus listeners every day. That is more than any of the nightly news broadcasts of the big 3 major networks. He has 16 million Youtube subscribers and 3 billion total views. THAT is who Joe Rogan is. You may not like him, but ignore him at your peril.
  8. Really? I thought one unarmed protestor wasshot and killed by a police officer on Jan 6. Other than that, a couple fat dudes had strokes/heart attacks, probably well deserved. One police officer had a stroke and died (found to be unrelated) another took his own life. These are 'killed by Trump'?!?
  9. Really? I liked the part of his speech where he said; We can see each other not as adversaries but as neighbors. We can treat each other with dignity and respect. We can join forces, stop the shouting and lower the temperature. Oh sorry, wrong speech. That was his Inaugural Address in 2021. I meant to post: This is the first national election since January sixth insurrection placed a dagger at the throat of American democracy… Yep, all about the economy...
  10. It is an obvious shift of strategy. "Bidenomics" was a big zero. They can't talk of any foreign policy victories. The border crisis is reaching epic proportions, along with record death from drugs. So, they are left with "b-b-but TRUMP!" as a last ditch message. Easy to do, requires no evidence, and eagerly parroted by their friends in the media.
  11. Is there any particular reason the Civil War is being relitigated 160 years later? I cannot possibly see any reason for anyone to be asking about this. There are enough relevant and current issues to worry about.
  12. Breathe. It's good for the health. Not sure what enemies Joe brought to their knees. The rest is fluff. And the American people ain't buying it.
  13. Just watch him walk. … the President’s gait appears to be perceptibly stiffer and less fluid than it has been in the past… the differential diagnosis for a gait disturbance can include a variety of neurologic pathologies which would be important to assess for” https://rockymountainbrainandspineinstitute.com/gait-analysis/
  14. I disagree. The Democrat PR machine is talented. They spun abortion rights into almost a victory in 2022. But the American people just aren't buying what they are selling. Now that may not last, as interest rates start to fall over the course of the year, but for now it is an albatross around the President's neck.
  15. Nothing to do with Trump, the topic is Biden. And he is most definitely physically infirm. I mean it isnt surprising- the guy is 80 after all. But to ignore it and instead focus on 'the other guy' is foolish.
  16. Calling Biden "fit" is a bit of a stretch. He can't even walk up the regular stairs into an airplane. Now uses the shorter steps. Walks like he has a full diaper. Uses a CPAP machine at night. Both have "interesting" speech patterns.
  17. And by comparison,both are slothful old f4rts. What is your point?
  18. And that hyperbole will re-elect Trump in a heartbeat if he is the candidate. Those are mostly things that the pundit class like to blather on about, but matter little to most people. As a side note, it is hard to declare your party on the side of "democracy" when you refuse to even have a primary campaign for party leadership. "It's the economy, stupid. "
  19. You may be right. The abortion issue sank the GOP in 2022. Might do so again. As for the rest, we shall see. Remains to be seen if Trump is even the nominee- personally I hope he isn't. In that case, 80% of your argument disappears and Biden is left facing a fresh face on the Republican side.
  20. Nice list of talking points from a Democratic Party website. No need to debate all of them, or even some of them. The fact remains that the people simply ain't feelin' it. You can put this down to poor messaging, people being stupid, whatever. But the polling is unequivocal. The counter argument is ruthless in its simplicity and ease to deliver; 1. Inflation 2. Open borders 3. Housing prices 4. Chaos in the world (as if foreign policy really mattered in most presidential elections) The Democrats are losing at the kitchen table. That is where decisions get made. Nobody is voting on Biden calling a moratorium on federal executions.
  21. Clint throwing off some serious "Terminator" vibes in this photo.
  22. This is a good point. If the Democrats had accomplishments to burnish Biden's reputation, they would use them. Democratic strategists are not stupid, they are skilled at the game. But apparently there aren't. They tried "Bidenomics", but it didn't work at all- a large majority of Americans don't approve of how Biden is handling the economy. So the next step is scaremongering, as we can see in Biden's latest diatribe.
  23. Something else interesting from this speech was how Biden is 'handled'. Jill now comes on stage to take him by the hand and show him where to exit. So he can totter off without looking lost and confused. Also that the uber serious mantra of "beware January 6" is becoming an accepted part of the leftist catechism. It is becoming a yearly event, marked by furrowed brows and serious head nodding. I must say though, it does show the strength of America's institutions that it could survive both a Trump AND a Biden presidency and stay intact. Bravo my cousins!
  24. Ah yes, "b-b-b-but TRUMP" manages to shoehorn its way into yet another discussion. If Trump is your gold standard for presidential hard work, then we are all in trouble, my friend. In any case, you must be happy to know that old Joe is on vacation again, left Friday evening for yet another trip to Delaware. He needs time to recover from his time in the Virgin Islands, sunning himself at the home of one of his billionaire donors. Oh, and his three day workweek in which exactly one event (2 hours long) was scheduled.
  25. Clinton did better than most, blessed with strong economic tailwinds and some good policy. Yet he did not pay down the actual national debt very much. He did have a surplus from finally eliminating the year on year deficit, and deserves credit for that. But the spectre of the national debt still loomed.
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