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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. The problem for the democrats is the albatross known as Kamala. If Biden had an even moderately popular and competent VP, he would have been long gone.
  2. Well, can you tell me what countries have direct election for president/prime minister? I don't think any G7 country does that.
  3. And at every rally Biden.......oh wait, Biden NEVER goes to rallies. Only small events with carefully controlled speeches and guests. Never mind.
  4. All right. So how do you stop Putin then. Not to mention push him back to the original border. That will take manpower that Ukraine does not have. Which means NATO joining in. Which means WW3. Or is there a flaw in the logic somewhere?
  5. Possibly both. But also very pragmatic. Give him a 'win' and he will stop. Or are you in favor of WW3 to save Ukraine? Because that is the only other alternative that I can see. And Ukraine aint worth it.
  6. The rest of Europe is tied up with NATO and Putin isnt so dumb as to attack a NATO member. Plus there are some valid arguments to suggest that parts of Ukraine were once part of Russia. The same cant be said of Germany or France.
  7. Purely as an aside, why do lefty women always look like nasty harridans, with a face like a bulldog licking pi55 off a thornbush? No joy in these people at all.
  8. You're right, I do have an agenda. It is called 'peace'. Nothing about Trump, but about reality. Europe getting embroiled in a world war over something as insignificant as Crimea is the height of lunacy. Cut a deal and end it. The Russians aren't going to leave peacefully. History shows that the Russian military is especially tenacious in defense- last summer's failed counterattacks proved that. Cut a deal and move on.
  9. Crimea is gone. Russia will never surrender Sevastopol without a full scale war. Is that what you want? So, tell us then an acceptable outcome in Ukraine that doesn't require NATO soldiers fighting alongside the Ukranians. Or is a continent-wide war an acceptable price to keep a kleptocracy like Ukraine alive?
  10. At risk of wandering off topic, OF COURSE they should trade some land for peace. There really is no alternative. Well, no palatable alternative anyway. Other than NATO joining in with ground forces and risking a full scale war on the European continent. And sorry but a couple slices of Ukraine just aren't worth it. And yes Putin might start preparing for another incursion. But it would also give the moribund NATO members in Europe time to upgrade their militaries as well. They should have done a decade ago, but they have been coasting on Uncle Sugar's coat tails. If Europe can't raise itself from its torpor to defend itself, there is no reason for the US to spend blood and treasure to do so. Especially when Russia is a regional threat at best. The bigger problem is China, and the Ukraine conflict is distracting too many people from it.
  11. Trump can't surrender to Putin because the US and Russia are not at war. This is a common tactic of the left, to imply that there are only two possible positions on the Ukraine war- unquestioning and endless support of Ukraine, or being a pawn of Putin. The reality is far more nuanced. I would support anyone over the spectre of a Harris presidency. She projects weakness, insincerity, and insecurity. If and when Trump picks his VP candidate, the real race can begin.
  12. Not true. 2021 was the worst year, followed by 2020 and 2022. More deaths under Biden than under Trump.
  13. Given what is now coming to light about Covid- vaxxing, masks, social distancing, and so on, I don't think any world leader is exactly covered in glory. Looking back, the best thing to do would have been to isolate vulnerable people and then just carry on with life.
  14. Debatable and irrelevant. Nobody cares. What they DO care about are the numbers, wherever they came from. Not to mention that, even if that is true, the economy continued to boom under Trump until Covid fvcked the world. Low interest rates, low housing prices, etc. Where did the Dollar Menu at Taco Hell go? Why is gas not 1.79 a gallon any more? These are the things that move voters, not boring dissertations on fault and blame.
  15. That is the joy and pain of a federal system. You need to gain support from a lot of sources. Hillary found that out to her demise in 2016. Might also favor Trump since he is obviously a better campaigner and has more stamina to withstand the rigours of the road.
  16. Yeah, the chaos of low inflation, low mortgage rates, low unemployment..... who in their right mind would want all that? Especially when they get the gangbuster combination of Biden and Harris as a consolation prize! Biden can always run again in 2028 if he loses.
  17. I find it hard to "understand" deliberately trying to murder as many innocent civilians as possible. Especially when there are other forms of resistance available. The only reason I can see for such actions is pure race hatred.
  18. ...and that 'pressure' takes the form of firing rockets at civilian areas in Israel. Also takes the form of mass murder, gang rape, and kidnapping of innocent civilians within the state of Israel.
  19. Nice way to avoid the question. If you want to talk about apartheid, how about the apartheid that keeps 50% of the population in Arab nations as virtual prisoners? The gender apartheid as practised around the Middle East is the real crime. It is ironic that the richest and freest Arab populations in the region are the ones living in Israel.
  20. Really? You mean LGBT Palestinians in Israel are treated different than Jewish? Palestinian women in Israel are repressed and marginalized the way they are in every other country in the region? I never knew...
  21. The sole purpose that Hamas exists is to kill Jews and wipe out Israel. The sole purpose Israel exists is to save Jews from maniacs like Hamas. Now I understand if you have some trepidation over the actions that Israel has taken over the past several decades. Some quite reprehensible to be sure. But they pale in comparison to the evil done by their surrounding Arab and muslim neihbours. You need to remember that, as soon as Israel was formally granted statehood by the UN, it was attacked and invaded by every country around it. And not attacked to defeat it militarily- attacked to finish the job that Hitler started. So, their paranoia has roots in reality. And at present, for its faults, Israel is the only country in the region with human rights. Rights for women. Rights for LGBT. Rights for religious minorities. Civil society and rule of law. And so on. None of those who surround them are even close. So bear those things in mind when making judgements. You want Gaza to revert to Hamas control? Because that is the only option now if you are not in favor of total Israeli victory.
  22. Well, perhaps people are nostalgic about 2 dollar gas 1.5% inflation record low unemployment for minorities Middle East peace criminal justice reform the Abraham Accords low mortgage rates no new wars...
  23. A lot will depend on who Trump picks as his running mate. Chances of the Donald or ol' Joe stroking out and not being able to serve out the full 4 years is pretty damn high. We already know that if Joe wins, Kamala is in the on deck circle. A total disaster. If Trump picks someone moderately sane and palatable to the public it will do him a world of good.
  24. Ah, you have no idea how low I can go, my friend... Now instead of getting your panties all in a twist and feigning outrage, perhaps you could add something a little more interesting to the discussion?
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