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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. ...and here we go! "b-b-but Trump...." makes an appearance. Lose your TDS, friend.
  2. Actually, that's not true. Best research says that about 40% of ag workers in Florida are 'non citizen immigrants', but that includes both legal and illegal in one group.
  3. ...or they would have stayed in their jobs if the morons in Washington hadn't shut the country down. Once the whole COVID paranoia ended, people would have gone back to work naturally. The overstimulus of the economy with too much free money is what led to the inflation crisis that is so hard to tackle now. In any case, the people aren't feeling it. Biden's approval on the economy is rather low.
  4. You can tell they are a bunch of losers when they specify 'no coffee'. How about just close the entire campus. Block all roads in and out. Put a barrier around their 'camp' and let them stew in their own juice for a few days. No supplies allowed in. No vegan snacks. And worst of all, no attention. Just let them sit until they get over their tantrum. Then arrest them as they leave.
  5. How many of those "created" jobs were actually just people going back to work after being laid off due to COVID? Reminds me of the bogus "jobs created and saved" number used by others.
  6. Good question. "Free speech" is NOT the issue at universities. Students can demonstrate, wave signs, and protest to their hearts' content. They can NOT block buildings, block roads, prevent the normal operations of the university (classes etc) from happening. They most certainly cannot commit break and enter, burglary, vandalism, property destruction. This is what caused the Columbia president to finally take action.
  7. All completely wrong and irrelevant. This particular confilct has "the jooos", and a convenient Marxist settler/colonial narrative built in for those of low intelligence to exploit. Kind of a 'twofer' for the bigoted and uninformed. They can be anti-Jewish while claiming to be for 'justice' for the oppressed. This narrative doesn't fit as nicely into other conflicts, even though the other conflicts are far more terrible in human terms.
  8. Yeah. Gaza, but without the hotels and cafes and beach. Sure. No. The idea is to remove what the smooth brained kids want so desperately, which is attention. It is a standard parenting technique when dealing with bratty kids. Isolate and ignore. It also has the bonus that they can't disrupt the campus for the rest of the people who may want to (gasp) get an education.
  9. I dunno, in a contest of credibility in which the contestants are the IDF and Hamas, I kinda lean IDF. Hamas has a well practised and clever propaganda machine, and they have the added benefit that a credulous media usually swallows what they say. The IDF is always questioned- and rightly so. If only the same level of scrutiny was used more evenly...
  10. I seem to remember the news saying that they were in imminent danger of starving since about the second day of the conflict.
  11. Exactly. Which is why the question of whether the Bad Orange Man actually did 'the deed' with these two is irrelevant. As to whether the jury will decide whether or not he is a liar, that ship has sailed. He is. Welcome to New York.
  12. Possibly. Although what evidence is there actually? The whole Stormy Affair was in what, 2006? Could just become a 'he said, she said'. Same for McDougal. Personally, I'm sure he actually did the deed. He's the kind of guy who thinks with the little head for sure. But in the end it really isn't important to the case. Consensual sex between adults and all that. He wasn't paying them off to cover up a crime, just to cover up the possible embarrassment.
  13. True. The faculty are supposed to be the adults who know better. Although I wonder how many are actual teaching faculty and how many are staff/admin. Too many of the latter on campus these days. And any who are on visas need to be deported tout suite.
  14. Yeah, no. Your ignorance is showing. Japanese quite like foreigners, especially hard working ones who contribute to society. Cohesion is a big concept here, and it seems to work. As to becoming a citizen, you are right that dual citizenship is not allowed. Not a big deal, I don't want to give up my original citizenship anyway. I can do everything here except vote.
  15. Love the victim blaming here. You can't face the reality that Jews in Arab countries were vilified, robbed, and ejected by the thousand. It wasn't "encouragement" from the newly formed state of Israel. It was bitter jealousy and extreme anti semitism. Or don't you believe that Arabs and Muslims are capable of being rational and decent?
  16. You mean the 20% who vote in elections, are members of parliament, who are judges, etc. THAT 20%? Cool. Now tell me the treatment of Jews who lived in Arab countries for generations. How were there lives? How are THEY doing today? It is a valid comparison if you are trying to assert that Israel is the bad guy in a region of innocents.
  17. No, I mean THESE head hackers... https://www.nationthailand.com/world/middle-east-africa/40032287
  18. Oh, are we going to play "Count the Jews"? Lets count the number of Jews who are even ALIVE in any of the 22 Arab countries in the world. If you want to talk religion, ask youself where they all went, and why. Now compare that to the number of Arabs in Israel. I'll wait for your answer.
  19. Because I DO live here. Thankfully I have most of my investments elsewhere.
  20. Israel is literally the only democratic state in the region. Supporting it is by definition supporting democracy. Or would you rather the head hackers and rapists get more support?
  21. Yes. If you can't even keep your immediate surroundings neat and tidy, what right do you expect to have to voice concerns over larger and more important issues? Nobody will listen to you, and why should they. People have been dying in Gaza since October. Yet the 'protesters' waited until the balmy days of spring to start protesting.
  22. Shocked to be agreeing with Gamma here. Japan is indeed a great place to live. Clean streets, great food, beautiful nature, interesting history, people with a sense of social responsibility, etc. Unfortunately the recent plunge in value of the currency is not great, but hopefully it is also temporary.
  23. I agree 100%, as do most sensible people. Protest away, as long as you don't damage property or infringe on the rights of other people to go about their lives, work, study, etc. At that point, you lose your legitimacy and drift into criminality. As an aside, it is strange to me that all these 'protesters' would probably consider themselves staunch environmentalists too. Yet they leave behind the most disgusting messes when they lose interest in their 'cause' or are expelled.
  24. Chances are that half the smooth brained idiots at these protests couldn't find Gaza on a map, nevermind articulate any sensible position on the subject. There are more than 100 conflicts currently going on in the world, yet somehow this one particular conflict gains their attention. Wonder why...
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