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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. That is an awfully long diatribe to paper over the fact that Walz quit in the middle of his enlistment contract once he learned that his unit would be going overseas. And lied about his service after he quit. Lied repeatedly. Let others lie for him and didnt correct them. My father used to say that some people like to throw a lot of <deleted> against the wall until some of it sticks. Keep throwing, my friend.
  2. Ah, yet another xenophobe, bringing nothing but spittle and rage to the discussion. Again assuming others are similar to his own ill informed stances. But to give you just a little information... the fact is that what happens in the US has a huge impact on the rest of the world. So the rest of the world is curious and also has some skin in the game. What happens in Canada barely matters in Canada to be frank. So that is why topics on American politics, especially in an election year, attract attention from myriad places.
  3. You could tell the host was completely unprepared for the move by his stuttering and prevarication. Obviously he had a producer screaming in his ear, "go live, we are cutting the feed!!!!" Can't have the bad old man saying mean things about Saint Kamala of Berkeley now, can we....
  4. Ah yes, the usual xenophobic answer. Just because you are ignorant of other nations my friend, don't make the mistake of assuming that other people share your defect. Trump will surely destroy America, just like he did in 2016.... oh wait, never mind. Love how you sidestepped being wrong about Florida and went straight to ad hom attacks. Standard for the left these days. Well played.
  5. Her convention surge has brought her to basically dead even in the betting odds. You are getting high on your own supply if you think Florida is in play. Trump is up more than 6 points in a state he won in 2020. To give you an idea of how far wrong you are, at this point in 2020 Biden was up by 4 in Florida. Trump eventually won by 3. BTW, guess who is slated to be on the Sunday morning news shows? RFK and JD. Guess who isn't showing up? Kamala and shirker Tim.
  6. One who served his country, went to Iraq with his unit, and completed his enlistment. And one who didn't. One with private sector experience and one who is a lifelong "nose in the government trough" guy. I Know which I would choose.
  7. Impressive timing, stomping all over the DNC and the news cycle. Now the weekend has something interesting to discuss, rather than the tired old bromides from the Democrats. RFK gave a heartfelt and engaging speech, delineating exactly why he chose to leave the Democratic Party. It was similar to a lot of folks, who actually said that the Democratic Party had left THEM. Money quote, "who needs policy when you've got Trump to hate?". Summed up the Democrats in 9 words.
  8. Could have happened a LOT sooner if Biden hadnt spent money like a drunken sailor. Actually, worse than a drunken sailor. At least a drunken sailor is spending his own money. Biden was borrowing and expecting his grandkids and future generations to pay it off.
  9. True. A month ago, most conservatives I know were worried about who would replace Biden. The nightmare scenario was a charismatic moderate like Governor Shapiro or Wes Moore. We all breathed a sigh of relief that Kamala got the job. Once her honeymoon ends, she will go back to being a mediocrity.
  10. Yes, and it was a stupid thing to do. And then Biden made it worse by overspending on Covid relief that injected way too much money into the economy. Still havent recovered from that either.
  11. Enough of your fevered fairy tales. Back to the bogs with you. I AM worried about Canada, we have been saddled with Castro Junior for a decade and he has destroyed the country. Perhaps you could look to the north and see what your future holds if you elect Kamala and her evil brand of socialism. Oh, and if there is any damage, blame the Democrats. They have held the presidency for 12 of the past 16 years. And of Congress for most of the post-WW2 era.
  12. Also a lot to do with unnecessary government overspending and useless shut downs of the economy. Too much money flowing and not enough goods available equals catastrophic inflation. Which necessitated the rise in interest rates, and that in turn shat all over the housing market. Thanks, Joe/Kamala
  13. It is very clear that Kamala really really wants to be unburdened by the past. The past 3 plus years that she and Biden have mismanaged the country, that is. Listening to all the speeches at the convention, you wouldn't ever think that she was the INCUMBENT vice president with a record to defend. All sounded like that nasty Trump guy has been messing things up since 2020 and needs to be defeated.
  14. I think a better title would be "What created inflation? Bidenomics". The jumps in basic costs, especially housing and food, are hard for ordinary Americans to bear. And they have the Biden/Harris administration to thank for it.
  15. You keep posting national polling numbers. THose are meaningless. At the moment, the Electoral College polls are very very tight. Wait until after Labor Day when people get back from vacation and the shine is off of both candidates. Then things will have more meaning. And hopefully by then Harris will have had at least some actual media exposure and questioning.
  16. Yeah, it is typical sloppy government apparatchik thinking. Just throw money at a problem and it will go away. The housing crisis is a combination of lack of housing supply, increased costs of goods/labour, and especially the brutal mortgage rates now being charged. Giving a chunk of change won't change any of those problems. All it will do is add to the debt.
  17. ...and if Trump wins, they WILL be happy. Low inflation, interest rates coming down, fewer foreign entanglements, fewer illegals crossing the border. Much like the first Trump term.
  18. You think Trump is America's Dad? Wow...
  19. They do share a certain resemblance.... hopefully that is all they share.
  20. Great theory, except that the United Fruit Company had nothing to do with Mexico or Venezuela, where the majority of illegals come from. As for the others, they were doing well until taken over by mad socialist generalissimos. Oh, and their influence ended about 70 years ago. Other than that, great work.
  21. Yet more exaggeration and obfuscation from America's Dad.... hardly surprising given that he has a penchant for blowing his own horn a little too loud.
  22. I guess you missed the bit where I said, "good on the Obamas for enjoying the fruits of capitalism". No envy, just chuckling at their pretentious nature of mocking what they themselves have become. Michelle in particular, talking about her parents who taught her to be "suspicious of folks who took more than they needed". I guess the Obamas "need" four luxury mansions and 200 million bucks. You would think they could share at least two of the homes for the common good, and half the cash. IF they believed what they were saying.
  23. More like race to the poor house if the socialists win... ...which is probably why they refuse to air their views in public and let people freely decide in the marketplace of ideas. "Feelz" and "vibez" over substance.
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