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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. You're, perhaps deliberately, missing the point. This is about the rights of British nationals to live with their spouse and family in the UK.
  2. Some UK visas for Thai applications are issued in India, but all passport renewals are processed by HMPO in Liverpool.
  3. I predict that even this shameful, evil government will backtrack on this, or obfuscate so that it never actually goes through. It's just a shameless attempt to try and stop Farage and the Reform Party decimating the Tories at next year's election.
  4. What you say makes sense, but I've already bought the camera. RCC look professional. I wonder if they'll install the one I've already bought. I will check. Thanks for the advice.
  5. I installed a front only dashcam 6 years ago myself, but looking at my new front/rear dashcam it looks a lot more difficult, especially fitting the rear cam. What type of establishment can fit it for me? Do B-Quik do this type of job?
  6. Try visiting one of the many "karaoke bars" around soi Korpai affer 2am. You'd be surprised at the number of off-duty bar girls who happily buy boy drinks and barfine the cute young boys who work there.
  7. It's that time of year. Don't expect much improvement until around February.
  8. Except this particular thread is not about being invited! It's about British citizens and their foreign spouses.
  9. Unfortunately, this wasn't your "final comment"! Care to stop now? This useful, topical thread, affecting those who may want to get a Settlement visa for their partner, has already been taken off topic by your Islamophobic, racist comments.
  10. Unfortunately it's not so strange. Brexit/Boris/Farage/Tommy Robinson brought out a whole new type of bigot and they're not going away anytime soon. That said, once the Toris have been swept from power next year, at least we should have a less evil government, although I'm not holding out a lot of hope for Starmer!
  11. So you have no Muslim friends, colleagues, neighbours? Have you ever visited or lived in the south of Thailand or Malaysia/Indonesia? Perhaps you should leave your cloud cuckoo land and join the real world!
  12. There is no requirement to be retired to get an extension based on 'retirement', despite its name (the Thai translation does not mention retirement). It's available to anyone aged over 50 who meets the financial requirements.
  13. You can use money in the bank (savings) if you don't meet the salary the requirements. Currently it's £62,500 although this is likely to increase substantially.
  14. Unless they have savings that meet the requirements (currently £62,500 but likely to double) they can't get a Settlement visa for their foreign spouse.
  15. When Nigel Farage comes out of the jungle and re-launches the Reform Party for the election, he's likely to make significant inroads into the Tory base. I think (well, hope) this is just a sop to the extreme 'Sunella' right, rather than a serious policy that will go into law.
  16. And that is the question! I'm hoping this announcement is just to give the extreme right of the Tory party and Brexiters, if there any left, (e.g. Sunella and even Farage who is making waves with his new party) some red meat before the election.
  17. Fortunately, this horrible government will not be in power long enough to bring in this cruel and discriminatory changes.
  18. "Likely to be". Hopefully, this is just a sop to the Brexit/Right-wing Tories before the election, and won' actually be introduced in time. Of course, Starmer and Labour won't go ahead with this.....will they?
  19. There are a few other threads currently running on this, with many replies. https://aseannow.com/topic/1313388-uk-statement-to-the-house-net-migration-measures-did-i-hear-right-family-visa-financials-doubled-nhs-charge-up-66/
  20. There will certainly by a Thai option (probably Truevisions again) and it will include the 3pm kick-offs as well. Although most expats will watch via VPN and IPTV providers.
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