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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. If that's possible, it's the perfect solution. But I wasn't aware that it was possible to switch from a tourist visa or visa exempt to a Non-B in country. Our school has always sent prospective teachers to Laos/Malaysia for a non-B, or the teacher has had to get it from their home country.
  2. Another Daily Torygraph article! 🤧
  3. Islamophobia is a fear or hatred of the muslim religion. To claim the these family councils are somehow overriding UK law and that we're heading for a UK caliphate is Islamophobic in the extreme. I'm not blaming you particularly although you're the main person backing this premise. I do call out the extreme right such as many Reform members (Tommy R and Farage being the names most know) who know exactly what they're doing to stir up hatred, just like after the Southport stabbings. Loathsome creatures.
  4. You misunderstood my point. Of course I don't think the treatment of women, gays or sharia punishments carried out in countries like Afghanistan, Iran and even Saudi Arabia is acceptable. But to somehow imply that that is where the UK is heading is ridiculous and only promoted by Islamophobes like Tommy R, Farage and many on this thread.
  5. As I said, they're sharia councils not "courts". They only apply to family matters and cannot overrule UK courts. I'm not Muslim so they don't concern me, nor most of my muslim friends and colleagues. But I'm not Islamophobic.
  6. No more so than other popular resorts with loads of bars!
  7. I did. I couldn't find the links you were referring to.
  8. Apologies if I missed them, but can you repost the Times and Sunday Times links about Sharia courts.
  9. There can be no justification for the death penalty. Trump's record on this is abysmal as the Central Park 5 link posted earlier shows.
  10. Yes, I'm denying them because they are not 'facts'. You should try to get factual information from reputable sources not extreme websites.
  11. Accidents happen. Did Putin mean to take out MH17?
  12. I stand with the facts. There are no Sharia courts in the UK, other than in the fantasies of the Islamophobes. Sharia councils can issue informal rulings on family/marriage matters but cannot overrule UK courts. Hope this helps.
  13. Some speculation that the Azerbaijan Airlines crash was due to a Russian missile/drone.
  14. Sad to see the Islamophobia on this thread continuing unabated. 🙄
  15. It has validity for those Muslims who adhere to it. No one else, except Islamophobes.
  16. I disagree. It has no effect on your life, does on no way supersede UK law and is mainly used for settling family quarrels within the community, and only a limited to a small number of Muslims at that.
  17. Hmm. The Labour government is so unpopular it is leading in the latest polls! Opinium Con 23% (-2) Lab 29% (nc) LD 11% (+1) Grn 10% (+1) Ref 22% (+1) Lab lead 6% 18-20/12 GB Techne 26% (+1) 27% (nc) 12% (+1) 7% (nc) 21% (-1) 1% 18-19/12 GB https://www.markpack.org.uk/155623/voting-intention-opinion-poll-scorecard/ Funny, how we don't hear much about that petition either any more!! 😅
  18. FGM, like male circumcision, is not exclusively a Muslim practice and has nothing to do with Sharia.
  19. It took 14 years to get a break from the Tories! Let's see how the UK feels at the next General Election.
  20. True, there's a dire need for substance and backbone in British politics. Starmer and his government are by no means perfect, and I find it very frustrating that he/they don't have the backbone to get back into the single EU market, but what else is there?
  21. Shock horror, the Daily Mail isn't happy with a Labour PM 🤣! Surely it's just a relief to be shot of the Tories.
  22. They touched mine up with a black marker when I had my car checked for the annual tax. So, no, I'm sure it's not illegal.
  23. Assuming you want to be a TEFL teacher, teaching English to adults of mixed nationalities, just doing a CELTA (or equivalent) is sufficient. There are plenty of TEFL jobs all over the world. But don't expect to earn much.
  24. I think it's allowed on site, at official venues like horse racing, boxing and cock fighting.
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