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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. If their policies prove to be carnage they will be voted out at the next election. That's how it works. However, the short-term pain being felt by some now will hopefully be in the dim & distant past, if they successfully turn the economy around. I seem to remember Thatcher was hugely unpopular in her first few years (rightly so) but she managed to win two more terms. Hopefully, Starmer won't need a Falklands war though...
  2. And I'm sure the huge Labour majority in parliament will respond accordingly!
  3. Not at all. Many people expressed their dissatisfaction with the Tories, as was their right. Protest and campaign all you like, and win the next election! However, a petition is rather silly.
  4. And the current government has at least 4 more years in office.
  5. I'm a Labour supporter, but regrettably I see very little sign of this.
  6. People seem to forget we recently had a buffoon like Boris Johnson and then a 'lettuce' running the country! The people will get a chance to vote out Labour in 2028/9. I'm willing to bet, they'll get another term.
  7. Indeed. Just like this silly petition, which will rightly be ignored.
  8. The petition to revoke Article 50 and rejoin the EU got over 6 million signatures.
  9. I believe a General Election was held earlier this year, or am I missing something. I wonder how many of those signing, were also part of the over 6 million people who signed the petition to Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU?
  10. Fort Nite has been working fine on my Switch Lite until a recent update. Now I just get this Error Message. I've tried turning off/on and it's not the internet connection. Any ideas?
  11. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 76 seconds  
  12. Indeed. The corruption in Laos is even worse than in Thailand!
  13. He'll probably get Rubio's Senate job. That will be fun!
  14. Yes, most death sentences are commuted to life.
  15. Available OTC in Thailand?
  16. Yes, a little annoying. Much better when it went to the first, unread, post in the thread.
  17. Me too. It's astonishing how they can disappear in a flash.
  18. Sorry to hear you're sick, but pleased you didn't carry out your threat to leave the Forum. Get well soon.
  19. And thank you. I was right.
  20. They might be circulating on fringe websites and by conspiracy theorists, but true or not, they could well be prejudicial to the forthcoming trial of the person accused of the Southport murders.
  21. Maybe you should read up on the Rwanda genocide. Even if it's true that Starmer was the killer's father's asylum lawyer, how is that relevant to the Southport murders? In any case, trying to make political capital like Farage et al are doing is sick and disrespectful to the families of the girls who died.
  22. There is none - just the idiot Farage stirring things up on X !
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