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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. Too early to tell, although grim at the moment. I very much doubt the polls will be like this in 2028/2029.
  2. Why would ABC or the BBC want to do anything that the current, short-term, occupant of the White House does?
  3. Couldn't have happened to a "nicer" party! RIP the Tories.
  4. Strange that suddenly they need it. Here is the link for getting any UK issued document legalised. It has to be done by the Legalisation Office in Milton Keynes. If you ask them, they will then forward it on to the Thai Embassy in London for their stamp. Can be done through an agent if you're in Thailand, or by a family member/friend in the UK. Ours took around 3 weeks to get done. https://www.gov.uk/get-document-legalised/apply-for-legalisation
  5. Mine was accepted back in November, but in Bangkok, as it has been for the previous 9 years. Was your certificate legalised in the UK and certified by the Thai Embassy in London? We had to do this before we could use it, but that was 9 years ago!
  6. That's interesting. I thought that the passport holder had to be present. Was this in Phuket? Can you let me have the agent's details (PM if necessary). Thanks
  7. Correct. In fact, the advice is not to do so.
  8. I haven't tried Rayong yet, as need to take my son out of school for a morning (2 days if we need to go to CW!). I will be using Section N2 at CW, which I fear will be more congested than L!
  9. Thanks for the report. I can't answer your question as my Extension is based on working not retirement. But, as I will need to do this soon, could you let me know how long the wait was from getting your queue number to being seen by the officer? I understand that you can't make an appointment for this service, which is annoying!
  10. Exactly. How anyone drinks it is beyond me! Putting sugar in coffee or tea is disgusting.
  11. Always wait until after the visa has been granted, unless you can buy fully-refundable tickets.
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 72 seconds  
  13. https://aseannow.com/topic/1320979-perfectplayer-tv-used-to-be-pulsetv/
  14. It's a wonder how people survived at all in the last few decades when the air was just as bad, but nobody knew about it. It's only the AQI sites and social media which now mean we all panic about "the air"! Just wear a proper mask and get on with it! 😷
  15. Indeed, I missed that too! 80 baht for a cup of instant coffee is crazy!
  16. I didn't mean to be unhelpful, but it took me a while to be persuaded to buy one, however now I don't know how I managed without it. I guarantee you won't regret getting one.
  17. Understandably - you're Elvis!
  18. Try getting one, and you'll see.
  19. Well said. 80 baht for a decent cup of coffee is a great price. I sometimes wonder if people think they're living in a 3rd world country!
  20. Surely everyone has an air fryer these days? If not, why not?
  21. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 71 seconds  
  22. It's much like the early 1980s (pre-Falklands) when Thatcher was the most unpopular PM in history and the newly formed SDP were leading all the parties in the polls! Many felt Labour should merge with the SDP, and if they had, history might have been different. Will the Tories merge with Reform before the next election? Will Starmer get into a war and get a 'war-bounce' like Thatcher did? Interesting times!
  23. Is that official? I know the Tories planned to raise the salary requirement, but I was hoping Labour might not push it through and keep it at £19,800.
  24. It doesn't bother me even though I've worked here for nearly 20 years. It does bother me that my kid, should he decide to live in Thailand, will have to cope with visas/Extensions all his life unless he meets the requirements for PR when he's odler.
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