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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. They allegedly have CCTV from the Chinese Embassy and two other cameras. They where never in a police station, that has been incorrectly carried on from people misreading the initial "report".
  2. It's been included in the descent video on flights for years. It's been publicised in various media for years - including the extortionate high payouts to the BiB. IMO, no vaper can honestly pull the "I didn't know" card nor is ignorance of the law a get out of jail card. The above in no way justifies the corruption alleged in the story in question, purely answering the question posed. Edit: fun fact, at check-in there are signs telling you ecigs have to be in your carryon luggage ????‍♂️
  3. Not sure why all the scepticism on this thread. Used them for years and an exceptionally handy tool to have, especially the models with usb out (power your devices on a picnic etc.) and flash light/warning light. Just don't use when half asleep and helping a neighbour ... on the plus side, connecting the wrong way will have you fully awake in no time
  4. Who are you hosted with?
  5. Scrapped unless you come from a country that requires a negative test prior to flying back.
  6. 45 days if enter by 31 March (current status, noises being made to extend it to the end of the year but nothing official as yet).
  7. I know, so gullible, next they'll be expecting us to believe a 16 year old (by the time she finished) female circumnavigated the world single handedly in a 40 ft boat!
  8. As mentioned in the other thread Emirates will know it's 45 days. If you really want to you can download this PDF: https://image.mfa.go.th/mfa/0/zE6021nSnu/เอกสาร/VOA.pdf Usual poor standard document, so if queried the link to get to the PDF is from the official Thai Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, specifically this page: https://consular.mfa.go.th/th/page/ตรวจลงตรา-และเอกสารเดินทางคนต่างด้าว?menu=5ddcb3cdfdf21041a1150b88
  9. Nope, the "under consideration" supersedes your previous visa.
  10. Not just a bar owner, he is quite successfully diversifying, you might also be unaware there are other outlets in the "news" stable such as The Phuket Express and TPN National News.
  11. Yes, can be a pain in the proverbial. Luckily (depending on how you look at it) the vast majority of the time it hasn't been an issue for me due to limited time off work so I have return flight booked. I've only personally run into it on a couple of occasions, most notably when I took three months long service leave. If you are sure you will be asked and still want to maintain flexibility perhaps you can find a fully refundable flight out and book just before going to the airport (cancel after immigration) or buy one of the "fake" tickets for around $10-19, can also just have it setup and purchase there and then at check-in if pushed. https://onward.flights/ https://bestonwardticket.com/ https://onwardticket.com/ https://onewayfly.com/
  12. The visa exempt stamp is irrelevant in that you won't have it prior to check-in in France - Emirates will obviously know you will get stamped in for 45 days though (assuming you are flying prior to 31 March as it stands). If you have already booked your flight to Bali, and Emirates asks on check-in to your flight to Thailand, your flight to Bali will suffice. If you haven't already booked flight to Bali might be an idea to do so before heading to the airport.
  13. Simple, look where it came from - a "news" organisation launched by a bar owner/bar manager targeted at expats, not locals.
  14. Can grab a fillable pdf from this forum https://aseannow.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=533895 Take photocopies of relevant passport pages (e.g. main page, latest entry stamp) if anything missing they'll do copies.
  15. Oh, it's you again, I found your bitching about "...usually because the mother that gets custody poisons them against him." humorous, the kind of thing a lot of "men" say while totally dismissing any thought that they may have contributed to the situation or that the allegation may just as accurately be reversed. As for my reactions, I've already explained to you how I peruse this site ... strange you don't mention when I support your posts, are you that thin skinned?
  16. https://library.siam-legal.com/?keyword-type=course_length&s=The+Land+Development+Act
  17. Salerno

    Visa Agent

    183/22 soi.post office 13/2, Pattaya, Thailand, Chon Buri +66 81 863 0320 [email protected]
  18. Or they could save time and just read the article to know he is in police custody and save themselves some embarrassment
  19. It's not. As I said before, you can register as the possessor but you still need copies of the owners docs.
  20. You can register as possessor and do the TM30 yourself - but, the issue you have remains, getting copies of owners ID, blue book etc.
  21. Totally different thing. This thread is about https://ltr.boi.go.th/index.html
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