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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. Thanks for confirming, was pretty sure but like I said, not a Brit so couldn't be 100% as not a page I've perused that often.
  2. Yes, but it was claimed earlier that this was only for the visa not extensions (similar to the initial 40/400K).
  3. Yes, still there under the general guidelines too. No doubt it will become clear in good Thai time 555
  4. It's the omission that is throwing me, I was pretty sure it specifically listed the 400/40K before. Might just be bad memory, as I mentioned the other countries I had a look at haven't mentioned any changes either.
  5. 555 just edited to say it's confusing; the site layout is shocking so it doesn't help. If anyone would know it would be you, didn't it state 400/40K for O-A before?
  6. Not being a Brit can't be 100% sure, but I think that only changed in the past few days on their site. They don't list the 400/40K anymore under O-A but it's still there for O-X. Edit: After trying to decipher the appalling typography/layout a bit more not sure what to make of it. It's a tadge confusing but didn't it list the 400/40 before?
  7. I know, but that's another strange part of it, looks like some insurance companies have already begun to run with it (mentioned by a BM). I checked a handful of Embassies earlier (LA, Washington, Berlin, Canberra, Ottawa, London) and only London (I think it was) seems to have dropped the 400/40K info and replaced it with US$100K to cover in/outpatient.
  8. Take it that was Covid kicking in that screwed the pooch for you? Guessing quite a few would have been in the same boat.
  9. Given the past couple of years I think everything could be on the table. I was leaning towards them upping the 800K to 1 million, been a while. With income/mix at least they have a certain amount of foreign currency coming in each month.
  10. I'm sure that as soon as O-A people drop 800K into a Thai bank O people will be happy to discuss the insurance issue.
  11. Thanks, due to your post I reread the other ... I misread initially and was about to call my realtor to sell a couple ????
  12. @Oxx Have you already booked flights, and if not, can you fly Emirates? They give free insurance and will cover the duration of your stay (one way only 31 days but could always get a return and take another trip when your extension is next due).
  13. From reports when a lot of people where getting caught out last year I'd say you might want to revise that figure: -- -- -- Bottom line, comes down to how lucky you feel whether to get a decent or basically a throwaway plan. Edit: Reports from, and searchable on, an ASQ FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/298606387906884
  14. Sorry, not seen any workarounds for people coming in on that. Has to cover your whole term then doesn't it?
  15. What visa are you coming in on?
  16. Is that the rules you guys have in place? If so, just international or domestic too?
  17. Yes/no/maybe/definitely/probably. No doubt the usual cluster but it wouldn't be Thailand otherwise ???? From a selfish point of view, I believe it's at least moving in the right direction. From a health point of view, not so convinced. Time will tell.
  18. Quite a few I think (not masses, but more than you would think). IMO it's just the usual dodgy translation riling up the populace and what is meant is off to a SHA+ hotel until results are back from test (similar to how the sandbox worked).
  19. You "might" still be able to given its now 20 October: "General Supot Malaniyom from the CCSA’s operations center revealed today to the press that the details of the plan to open the country to fully vaccinated tourists without mandatory quarantine, according to the Prime Minister’s policy, will be announced at a major CCSA meeting within 1-2 days from today, October 18th, 2021." Then again ...
  20. No worries, the main question is from 1 November, how will the single CPR test be handled (one of many questions we await the answer too with bated breath!).
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