Ok..i was quite specific and mentioned Tinnitus only. Case by case. In my case i suffered both at the same time from a non-consentual neck manipulation causing Tinnitus not in my ears but in and around my head, i suffered 70% hearing loss in one ear. The Cilia in my (R) ear have flattened and will never stand up again. Best of luck with your prognosis.
i think all long time Tinnitus sufferers have seen, read a plethora of cures and nothing to date has done anything to alleviate this chronic curse.
OP If you find a cure or treatment that quietens it, please reveal.
Good luck with your plight.
well to be fair..recently a government clerk was sentenced to 50 years imprisonment for using a government vehicle on three occasions for his private use; so you would expect this guy will get fned at least 20 THB per person.
..rice paddy near me, crop cut two weeks ago..still water-logged, farmer spot burning some dry stubble..why not just plough it in seeing as the ground is sodden.
will the Agriculture Minister have any control over the dispersement the funds, i wonder as forest/rice stubble burning and PM2.5 levels would be a priority