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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. No, easy access to guns is never a dead issue, that's denial talking. Where there is a will there is a way and the majority of Americans have that will and want tighter controls. I'm very happy that I side with that majority and despise those who think nothing can be done about such a catastrophic home grown problem.
  2. Some truth in that but also some truth in those people not being able to shoot that school up had it not been so easy to get guns in the first place.
  3. Its a pity the politicians don't listen to the American people a little more, the majority want tighter controls on guns. Unfortunately that does not filter through to policy and law. Hopefully things will change.
  4. The phone calls to police from the students inside the locked room with the gunman are heartbreaking: Student calls to 911: 12:03—whispered she's in room 112 12:10—said multiple dead 12:13—called again 12:16—says 8-9 students alive 12:19—student calls from room 111 12:21—3 shots heard on call 12:36—another call 12:43—asks for police 12:47—asks for police
  5. Quite right, finally now the US is reported to be sending long range missiles. Hopefully this will now pave the way for other countries to do the same and get the much needed weaponry to Ukraine. There are no excuses not too! Getting Ukraine what it needs is the only way to defeat the genocidal scorched earth barbarity that Russia is inflicting. "WASHINGTON — The Biden administration has approved sending long-range multiple launch rocket systems to Ukraine, a significant transfer that could hugely aid Ukraine’s defense of its territory in the Donbas region, U.S. officials said on Friday." wayback machine no paywall link nytimes paywall link As Liz Truss said UK's Truss: Completely legitimate to support Ukraine with tanks and planes
  6. Nice, from separate drone footage the tank was destroyed. Great work going on here by this team Son of British MP fighting in Ukraine destroys Russian armoured vehicle alongside team of volunteer soldiers i has verified footage that shows the squad of Western volunteers, made up of former special forces, preparing to mount their attack on a BTR – a Russian armoured vehicle – from a forest on the frontline in the north-east of the country. Mr Grant, who spent more than five years as a commando in the Royal Marines, is heard shouting “shoot it now” and “mind the back blast”, before the missile is launched. Another fighter is heard shouting: “It’s facing towards us” and to “pull back” as a fierce gun battle erupts. https://inews.co.uk/news/ukraine-son-british-mp-destroys-russian-tank-volunteer-soldiers-1654382 Here's the follow up drone footage video: https://twitter.com/Blue_Sauron/status/1530094769078210560
  7. You can work that one out yourself without my help or just refer back to my previous post
  8. Tactics.....lol logic would tell you to hide from incoming fire after you've carried out a hit and run ambush and shown the enemy exactly where you are. Perhaps you disagree, so be it.
  9. No words to this.................... Texas Police Lieutenant Says Cops Were Reluctant to Engage Gunman Because ‘They Could’ve Been Shot’ https://www.mediaite.com/tv/texas-police-lieutenant-says-cops-were-reluctant-to-engage-gunman-because-they-couldve-been-shot/
  10. Isn't that what all trained soldiers do when you've just unleashed a missile at a tank just a few hundred meters away and revealed your positions?
  11. Great action footage here of UK and USA foreign legion volunteer fighters taking on the Russians up close
  12. Well that really is a question of whether you believe the study carried out by pro-gun Crime Prevention Research Center headed by a discredited John Lott who also wrote the book "More Guns Less Crime" is factual and non bias and contains all relevant data. Taking into consideration it differs in its results from all other "real life" statistics that are published. His previous studies have also been equally debunked by academics and peer reviews. In the American Journal of Public Health, Daniel Webster et al. also raised concerns about other flaws in the study, such as misclassification of laws and endogeneity of predictor variables, which they said rendered the study's conclusions "insupportable".
  13. I'm not seeing that data about France anywhere else and keep in mind that CPRC study did not distinguish the terror related attacks that have happened in France which have been many and nothing to do with gun laws. From the same website more accurate data is available: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country
  14. US preparing to approve advanced long-range rocket system for Ukraine Washington (CNN)The Biden administration is preparing to step up the kind of weaponry it is offering Ukraine by sending advanced, long-range rocket systems that are now the top request from Ukrainian officials, multiple officials say. The administration is leaning toward sending the systems as part of a larger package of military and security assistance to Ukraine, which could be announced as soon as next week.
  15. In a study carried out by the pro-gun nonprofit Crime Prevention Research Center. If you read further down you will discover that the stats and use of them were fact checked and a more appropriate method was conducted with the better alternative to the CPRC mass shooter report. The result of that one was USA at #1 From your own link
  16. Russian Parliament Scraps Age Limit for Army Recruits (Reuters) -Russia's parliament approved a law on Wednesday in double-quick time removing the upper age limit for contractual service in the military, amid heavy casualties in Ukraine. Lawmakers in the State Duma lower house approved the bill in three readings in a single session, with the upper house, the Federation Council, giving its assent shortly after. https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2022-05-25/russian-lawmakers-vote-to-scrap-upper-age-limit-for-military
  17. They mined all the ports did they? Seems the thieving Russian ships loading up with grain don't seem to worry too much. It also seems the Kremlin would allow ships carrying food to leave Ukrainian ports in exchange for the lifting of sanctions. Through the "safe corridor"
  18. You're easily amused. Yes read it thanks and stand corrected, the US is 2nd only to Brazil in total deaths. Being 10th per capita to the countries above is certainly not something to be amused about however: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country
  19. Thats why you use gun deaths per capita and the US has the enviable position of being second in the world only to Brazil. Quite something eh https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country
  20. That red dot also produces 10% of the worlds wheat which is being systemically strangled by Russia who is stealing it, blowing up the fields and blockading exports
  21. Have you ever heard of trying, then trying again until you succeed?. There is a solution to this but it will take time, dedication and perseverance through appropriate laws as in other countries.
  22. Your able to post links and images as demonstrated in other posts you've made, perhaps its a selective tech amnesia when the post contains no relevance to the post you were replying to
  23. Yes thanks, read it some time ago and it has no relevance to the context in which he replied to the post in question.
  24. 82% of Ukrainians oppose territorial concessions - poll Some 82% of Ukrainians believe that Ukraine should not give away any territory as part of a peace deal with Russia, according to a new survey by one of the country's top pollsters. The huge majority said they did not support territorial concessions, even if it prolonged the war and increased the threat to Ukraine's independence, according to the poll conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology. The War Won’t End Until Putin Loses Offering the Russian president a face-saving compromise will only enable future aggression. Russian troops’ behavior in this war demonstrates that there is no international agreement that Putin can be counted on to respect. Regardless of what he might promise during peace negotiations, Western officials would have to assume that any Ukrainian populations handed over to Russia would be subject to arrests, terror, mass theft, and rape on an unprecedented scale; that Ukrainian cities would be incorporated into Russia against the will of the public; and that, as in 2014, when Russian proxies in the Donbas agreed to a truce, any cease-fire would be temporary, lasting only as long as it would take for the Russian army to regroup, rearm, and start again.
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