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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Renowned movie director...lol Do you mean this Roger Stone, the one that also asked Putin to be a godfather for his daughter? Oliver Stone Criticizes “Mr. Putin’s Aggression In Ukraine” After Previously Saying There Was “No Proof” Russia Intended To Invade "Russia was wrong to invade. It has made too many mistakes — 1) underestimating Ukrainian resistance, 2) overestimating the military’s ability to achieve its objective, 3) underestimating Europe’s reaction, especially Germany upping its military contribution to NATO, which they’ve resisted for some 20 years; even Switzerland has joined the cause. Russia will be more isolated than ever from the West. 8 ) putting cluster and vacuum bombs into play, " https://deadline.com/2022/03/oliver-stone-criticizes-putin-ukraine-1234973037/
  2. PCR test positive cases, total of 23,015 official new infections. 106 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 15,059 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 38,074 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 11th April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  3. Great news “The Biden administration is poised to dramatically expand the scope of weapons it’s providing Ukraine, with the Pentagon looking to send helicopters that can be equipped to attack Russian vehicles, armored Humvees and a range of other arms.” Paywall but the above quote from the article is from their tweet. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/04/12/pentagon-ukraine-weapons/
  4. I'd appreciate it if you cease to misconstrue my posts. I gave the original twitter link from a Daily Mail article on an English fighter who was going to surrender. Nothing to do with the BBC link we are still waiting on claiming this. "BBC world reporting Ukrainian soldiers surrender no ammunition left not good hope there treated well." The only article I can find from yesterday on the BBC is: Ukrainian forces are holding out against Russia in the southern port city of Mariupol, officials say, despite some reports suggesting the battle was nearing its end.
  5. Ukraine conflict: 'Russian soldiers raped me and killed my husband' The Russians have withdrawn from areas around Kyiv, but they've left deeply wounded lives that might never recover from the trauma. The BBC has heard first-hand testimony and found evidence of Ukrainian women being raped by invading soldiers. Warning: This report contains graphic descriptions of sexual violence https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61071243?
  6. I saw this on twitter earlier. A brave and courageous soldier, just like the rest of them fighting against all odds in Mariupol. The were encircled by Russian forces and had been for weeks, yet they fought till their last bullet and ammo. Impossible to get them any help or supplies with Mariupol being besieged by Russia. If they run out of food then what's it like for the 100k civilians still left. Despicable. This is the original tweet where the Daily Mail got its story British #Ukraine Marine Aiden Aslin (AKA Cossack Gundî / Johnny) has had to surrender with his unit to Russian forces in Mariupol. They fought like hell for 48 days and have now run out of food and ammunition due to #Russia’s siege and destruction of the city. Aiden will become a Prisoner of War of the Russians. His family agrees that this information should be shared far and wide, so please share. He is a friend and fellow East Midlands lad. He previously fought against ISIS in Syria with the YPG.
  7. You remind me of Putin, completely lost the plot and living in his own little world. ????
  8. The same claim taken out of context again, would you like me to provide my previous posts when I've replied to you on this before? In the meantime, on topic and the here and now this is the OSCE meeting on the 5th April: Today at the #OSCE Special Permanent Council meeting on Russia's ongoing aggression against Ukraine @PLinOSCE invited to observe a minute of silence for the victims of #Bucha. Can you spot the one delegation that remained seated during the minute of silence? Yes, you are right Russia. OSCE Ambassadors, including @USAmbOSCE, walked out of today's Permanent Council meeting, as the Russian representative repeated lies that Russia was not responsible for the atrocities in #Bucha. We will hold those responsible accountable. #StandWithUkraine
  9. I had the sickening experience of viewing this video of him doing this on twitter before it got deleted, thank god he's been arrested. Russian soldier arrested ‘for raping baby’ in Ukraine A Russian soldier allegedly filmed himself raping a one-year-old baby in Ukraine and shared the horrific video on social media. Alexei Bychkov is accused of being the man behind the assault, with reports in the Russian media saying he was detained by local police. The arrest comes after Lyudmila Denisova, commissioner for human rights in the Ukrainian Parliament, alleged on Saturday that Russian troops have raped children during the war. https://metro.co.uk/2022/04/10/russian-soldier-arrested-for-raping-baby-in-ukraine-16439692/ Russian Soldier Arrested After Filming Himself Raping Baby In Ukraine The arrest comes after Lyudmila Denisova, commissioner for human rights in the Ukrainian Parliament, alleged on Saturday that Russian troops have raped children during the war. In another shocking incident, an 11-year-old boy in the same town was also raped in front of his mum, who was tied to a chair and forced to watch. https://saharareporters.com/2022/04/11/russian-soldier-arrested-after-filming-himself-raping-baby-ukraine Russians burned swastikas into victims’ bodies, raped girls as young as 10: reports Russian soldiers have raped girls as young as 10 and pulled out Ukrainians’ tongues — while also burning swastikas into their victims’ bodies, Ukrainian officials said Tuesday. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told the United Nations Security Council that the Russians had committed “the most terrible war crimes” since World War Two and terrorized civilians “just for their pleasure.” https://nypost.com/2022/04/05/russians-burned-swastikas-into-victims-bodies-report/
  10. Very graphic but detailed investigative piece here by the New York Times published on the 11th April. I've put a link to it from the wayback machine with no paywall. We visited Bucha, documented dozens of killings of civilians, interviewed scores of witnesses and followed local investigators to uncover the scale of Russian atrocities. Then, in a cellar under the garden shed, his nephew discovered the body of a woman. Slumped sitting down, bare legs akimbo, she wore a fur coat and nothing else. She had been shot in the head, and he found two bullet casings on the ground. When the police pulled her out and conducted a search, they found torn condom wrappers and one used condom upstairs in the house. The abuse of the woman was one case of many, said Ukraine’s official ombudswoman for human rights, Lyudmyla Denisova. She said she had recorded horrific cases of sexual violence by Russian troops in Bucha and other places, including one in which a group of women and girls were kept in a basement of a house for 25 days. Nine of them are now pregnant, she said. https://web.archive.org/web/20220411234729/https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/04/11/world/europe/bucha-terror.html https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/04/11/world/europe/bucha-terror.html
  11. PCR test positive cases, total of 19,982 official new infections. 101 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 10,997 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 30,979 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 10th April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  12. How the Russian propaganda fake fact check news sites can't even get do the most basic research. With the multiple war crimes revealed in Bucha the first uncovered was the civilian bodies in the roads some with their hands tied behind their backs. Russian fact checkers are claiming that the satellite imagery company Maxar didn't have satellites in that area at the time so the photos are fake. To back up their claims they said that Maxar's archive at https://discover.digitalglobe.com/ has no trace for the 19th March in that area as claimed. And they're right, on first glance it doesn't show March 19 imagery there. Why? Because they have failed to select the filter option of the range of nadir to show all available imagery. One clear look at the source site of @Maxar's archive (where they got their screenshot) shows that there is indeed March 19 imagery. Full twitter thread with screenshot and links here
  13. TBH Ukraine doesn't care about Russia's annual victory day celebrations on 9th May and has no intention of being defeated in any way before then. Besides which I hear the Ukraine farmers now have one of the worlds largest tank regiments so there won't be much left for the Russians to display in red square apart from a few of its generals that have not been killed yet.
  14. Pathetic response. His security and life are always in danger. 25th March The British government has reported that the Russian mercenary company, the Wagner Group, has been hired by Russia to assassinate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky following Putin’s stalled invasion of Ukraine. It can be remembered that the Russians had targeted Zelensky during the onset of the invasion, where Chechen special forces were released into Ukraine to hunt down Zelensky, his family, and their two children. Russian mercenaries rarely give interviews. Little wonder. The secretive Wagner Group, an elite private army carrying out Vladimir Putin’s dirty work abroad, have murdered their way through missions in Syria, Libya, Mali and elsewhere before apparently being sent into Ukraine. These brutal special-forces veterans are now reported to have a “kill list” of assassination targets including Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelensky, and the Kyiv mayor, Vitali Klitschko.
  15. Also known as the butcher of Syria “Captain General Aleksandr Dvornikov has been dubbed as the 'Butcher of Syria'” Was in command in Syria when chemical weapons were used and cities were destroyed He is also believed to be behind the recent rail station strike that killed and wounded a number of civilians
  16. PCR test positive cases, total of 22,387 official new infections. 105 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 15,187 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 37,574 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 9th April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  17. Zelensky and the people of Ukraine will be looking forward to it far more I'm sure. Not sure about Putin though.......????
  18. Oh she had more than a notepad.................... Ursula von der Leyen fastracks Kyiv’s EU membership Ms von der Leyen indicated Ukraine was being given preferential treatment as she admitted this process is usually “a matter of years” but on this occasion was “I think a matter of weeks”. She also indicated Ukrainian EU membership was a formality and confidently predicted Russia will face economic ruin.
  19. Yes I believe he does believe in conspiracy theories: Mr Orban stands accused of eroding Hungary’s democracy and has previously expressed islamophobic and antisemitic views - including conspiracy theories about Hungarian-born billionaire George Soros. And his stances on the major issues of the day, including the Russia-Ukraine war, have also come under fire. Mr Orban was one of the last foreign leaders Putin met before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began, Mr Orban traded jokes with Putin and celebrated the pair’s longevity in office. https://www.nationalworld.com/news/world/hungary-russia-eu-nato-vladimir-putins-invasion-ukraine-3640564
  20. That was reported on the 23rd March that he wanted unfriendly countries to pay in rubles by 1st April. Europe rejected those demands. He already backed down on that and has given more time. No word from him yet since..................
  21. PCR test positive cases, total of 25,139 official new infections. 108 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 23,199 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 48,338 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 8th April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  22. No facts are what matter, always have been and always will be. The facts we have here are that in the midst of fighting for their country, Ukrainians are suffering the worst possible atrocities imaginable. Civilians, women, children and elderly are being slaughtered by deliberate executions and shelling. The facts are that Putin and the Russian military are carrying out war crimes in his illegal invasion of Ukraine. Nobody on the Ukraine side cares about being a hero, they care about their lives, their homes and their country.
  23. Bodies of 132 civilians shot by Russian troops found in Makariv, Kyiv region "We have seen their [Russian troops’] atrocities in the liberated territories. As of yesterday, we found 132 civilians who had been shot dead by Russian orcs, I can't call them people," Makariv village head Vadym Tokar said during the nationwide telethon, an Ukrinform correspondent reports. He said that houses in the village were bombed, a hospital, kindergartens and almost all infrastructure were destroyed.
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